平行公社 | 十里芳菲

生活   2023-12-04 17:30   湖北  

We redefined the idle building through gentle renovation
and witnessed the vitality of this city park in half a year.

激 活

The intensive residential environment catalyzed by the real estate economy has made people's demand for public landscapes more clear. Urban parks, as valuable urban landscape planning, provide the best place for the daily life, entertainment, and leisure of surrounding residents.


For the renovation of old buildings in urban parks, our design always maintains a people-oriented stance, carrying out gentle renovation with the minimum cost, beautifying the urban public environment, and giving new vitality to the space.

我们的新项目芳菲里,是由位于墨水湖公园的一座闲置老建筑改造而成。我们以婚礼堂的设计改造,激活人们对公共空间的美好想象 。

Our new project, Fangfeili, is a renovation of an abandoned old building located in Ink Lake Park.Through our design and renovation of the wedding hall,Activate people's beautiful imagination of public spaces.

环 境


Ink Lake, composed of more than ten lakes of various sizes such as Longyang Lake and Taizi Lake, flows into the Yangtze River as an Ancient Han River. Ink Lake Park starts from Guobo Avenue in the east, Yangsigang Expressway in the south, Longyang Avenue in the west, and Ink Hubei Road and Maying Road in the north. It is the largest lake park in the central urban area of Wuhan and also a rare natural wetland park in Wuhan.

The construction of Ink Lake Park provides a rare public leisure center for many residents in the surrounding communities.

Fangfeili was originally an abandoned building located in the center of Ink Lake Park. Everytime we enter the park and come to the project site, we pass through a vibrant green jungle, This building, however, has been left unused for a long time due to lack of clear planning, making it very dull. This sense of desolation is out of place with the park's environment.
Very few tourists staying here, and only the cleaners occasionally place debris.

更 新


Entrusted by the owner, we will redefine this building with the beautiful imagination of the wedding hall and give it new vitality.



We believe that maximizing its natural advantages and incorporating new functions and interactive spaces while preserving the original architectural form is more suitable for the brand new identity of Fangfei Li.


The original building has a symmetrical structure, with the entrance in the middle, and the exterior wall material is made of real stone paint. The wall segmentation is complex, and the visual sense lacks beauty.


We have reorganized the overall layout of the building, changing the entrance position to allow guests to enter more smoothly. At the same time, we have designed an eaves along the entrance streamline, extending the first step of the foyer, and changing the original rigid symmetrical structure of the building.


The building itself is a fan-shaped structure, with structural columns densely distributed in a fan-shaped shape. We need a large open space, and during the design process, we found that no matter how the space is divided, it is impossible to bypass the columns. Therefore, we made a circle with a column at the entrance as the center, placed several surrounding columns outside the circle, and opened a few more openings, forming a relatively independent and open hall space visually.



In order to maximize the borrowing of scenery from the outside, we deliberately blurred the boundaries between indoor and outdoor.The second floor was originally a row of small rooms, and we expanded one side of the room to connect to the terrace, creating a more leisurely movement line.

We added a cornice based on the width of the platform, with a sloping semicircular arc to better distribute the light indoors. 


The glass rooms of each room can be accessed on both sides, forming a small terrace that can view the garden on the back mountain.

呈 现

Light and shadow constantly change with the passage of time, and the sunlight passes through the leaves, interweaving brilliant patterns on the clear water wall. The angle and intensity of the light are constantly adjusted, giving the clear water concrete different color perception. The ripples of water and the mottled shadows of trees are nature's silent response to space.


Walking all the way from the park, there are beautiful scenery, And then passing through the lawn and entering the lobby, the entire process was relaxed and enjoyable.


The view inside and outside the hall is wide, and sitting inside the hall can also feel the sunshine, see the scenery outside, and feel the romantic and warm atmosphere.



The pillars and tabletop in the hall are crisscrossed, and we implant the holy impression of the church into the space, bringing a sense of ceremony to the wedding here.

On both sides of the desktop, like the hour and minute hands pointing towards a certain moment. The disk surrounded by the clear water wall is like the dial of a clock, with traces of hands on the ground, taking people into the imagination of time passing by.


In order to meet the needs of different scenes, we have set up a movable structure around the original pillars, allowing the long table to rotate freely like a clock.


 The curved bench and strip shaped table are both artistic installations and a simple interactive place for people to rest. As a wedding hall, it creates an imaginative space for longing for a better life.


The other side of sunshine and warmth is not darkness, but stillness and contemplation.We create a contrast between light and dark through the relationship between the wall structure itself, rendering changes in spatial emotions, which provides more possibility for the future use of places.


Under the changing times, there is another scene in the Fangfeili at night, which makes people imagine it endlessly.


Wedding is the most important stop on the journey of life,When we look back on the past, there may be some regrets and some nostalgia, but more importantly, there are expectations and aspirations for the future.Because time and space are never within our control, the only thing we can do is cherish the present and feel every moment with our heart.

现 状


The project was completed in early 2023,Time will tell us what the result is.


In the year after the completion of Fangfei Village, there was an endless stream of residents who came here for walks and leisure breaks. Many tourists even come here specifically to take photos, experiencing the beauty of the ten mile beauty of Ink Lake Park. Fangfeili has also been rated as the most beautiful wedding hall in Wuhan by netizens.


Wedding, gatherings, performances...
This place carries all the beautiful moments of family, friendship, and love.

Ten miles of fragrant flowers in Ink Lake,Belonging to everyone who lives and travels here.


 项 目 信 息 



参与设计|田祥 田锦润 张玉婷 蒋宇 
文案编辑 | 张然




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