沙特阿美注资 40 亿美元,扩大全球风险投资规模

财富   2024-03-11 17:23   意大利  



公司为风险投资机构“沙特阿美风险投资公司” 增拨一倍以上的资金 



沙特阿拉伯达兰, 2024年1月17日 世界领先的能源与化工企业沙特阿美宣布为旗下风险投资机构“沙特阿美风险投资公司”增拨40亿美元。这将使业已分配给该投资机构的资金增加一倍以上,使其规模从 30 亿美元增加到 70 亿美元。 

至此,沙特阿美的总体风险投资规模已达到 75 亿美元,其中包括 5 亿美元的风险投资基金 Wa'ed Ventures,该基金专注于打造王国内的创业生态系统。 

这一决定反映了沙特阿美风险投资项目在多方面起到了日益重要的作用, 如促进颠覆性新技术开发、为公司创造多元化机会以及为与创新型初创企业合作铺平道路;此外该决定还将助推公司长期战略,包括重点发展新能源、化学品与过渡材料、多元化工业业务以及数字技术。 







可持续发展专项基金规模为15亿美元,专注于对初创企业的投资,这些企业将助力沙特阿美在2050年实现其全资经营资产的范围 1和范围 2 温室气体净零排放的宏伟目标。 

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Aramco expands global venture capital program with $4bn funds injection 

Company more than doubles funding for its venture capital arm, Aramco Ventures 

Decision supports Aramco’s long-term strategy through investments in strategic areas of business development 

Intention to finance game-changing innovations across a variety of industries 

Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, January 17, 2024 — Aramco (“the Company”), one of the world’s leading integrated energy and chemicals companies, has allocated an additional $4 billion to its global venture capital arm, Aramco Ventures. It will more than double the capital allotted to Aramco Ventures, increasing its total investment allocation from $3 billion to $7 billion

It will take Aramco’s overall venture capital allocation to $7.5bn, which also includes the $500 million venture capital fund Wa’ed Ventures that focuses on the start-up ecosystem in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 

The decision reflects the growing significance of Aramco’s venture capital program in enabling the development of disruptive new technologies, creating diversification opportunities for Aramco, and paving the way for collaborations with innovative start-ups. In doing so, it aims to help advance the Company’s long-term strategy, which includes a focus on new energies, chemicals and transition materials, diversified industrial businesses, and digital technologies. 

Ahmad Al Khowaiter

Aramco Executive Vice President of Technology & Innovation

Innovation is key to addressing some of the fundamental challenges facing the world today, including the energy transition. Through Aramco Ventures, we aim to support pioneers with big ambitions, and ultimately help bring their ideas to life. By injecting an additional $4 billion in funding over the next four years, we intend to provide the financial backing required to take game-changing solutions to the next level. This will provide crucial impetus to businesses at various stages of development around the world, while also contributing to Aramco’s own long-term objectives.

Prior to the new capital allocation, Aramco Ventures managed three funds. These are: 

a Digital/Industrial Fund, which stood at $500 million, investing in technologies of strategic importance to Aramco;

the Prosperity7 Fund (with offices in Beijing and Shanghai) with $1 billion, investing in disruptive technology ventures beyond the energy sector;

and the Sustainability Fund, which stood at $1.5 billion and invests in start-ups with the potential to support Aramco’s ambition to achieve net-zero Scope 1 and Scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions across its wholly-owned and operated assets by 2050. 



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