[ComfyUI] 中秋特制Flux工作流:月影婆娑月饼小丸子。

文摘   2024-09-12 00:01   江苏  




今天介绍一款笔者训练的Flux LORA模型:Flux-月影婆娑-中秋月饼小丸子。马上中秋佳节降到,借此实际笔者训练这款关于中国特色的月饼LORA模型。因为在Flux模型的底层对中国元素月饼缺失知识记忆,容易理解为cake蛋糕。因此笔者精心准备了图集训练,这也是笔者Flux的初期探索成功。最终测试效果,在LORA模型中深化了月饼中国元素的知识,同时也具有很好的泛化,例如虎、猪等其他生肖动物是训练数据中没有的。基础触发词:plmooncakechibi;推荐LORA权重:0.8~1

Flux-月影婆娑-中秋月饼小丸子 ComfyUI体验



  • • FLUX.1哩布在线可运行-黑暗森林工作室:https://www.liblib.art/modelinfo/488cd9d58cd4421b9e8000373d7da123

  • • Flux-月影婆娑-中秋月饼小丸子:https://www.liblib.art/modelinfo/4549d50c1e284bbd925d4e992533ebdb

  • • 工作流-Flux文|图生图+LORA+CN+提示反推一键切换工作流:https://www.liblib.art/modelinfo/782aacd70f604da39e83368c696a02a8



plmooncakechibi, 1girl, mooncake, [更多描述]

01. 月饼小丸子

plmooncakechibi, A small figurine of a girl and a bunny is sitting on top of a mooncake. The girl is wearing a white dress and holding a flower in her hand. The bunny is small and white. The mooncake is orange and round. There are paper lanterns hanging around the mooncake. There is a large white circle behind the girl and bunny. 

02. 烛光之夜

plmooncakechibi, A little girl is sitting on top of a mooncake. She is wearing a dress and has flowers in her hair. There is a small white rabbit sitting next to her. The mooncake is round and has candles on it. 

03. 月圆佳节

plmooncakechibi, A little girl is sitting on top of a mooncake. She is wearing a blue dress and has bunny ears on her head. There are small white rabbits around her. There is a large moon behind her. 

04. 小丸子祝福(泛化 )

plmooncakechibi, 1girl, mooncake, red text with "Happy Mid-Autumn Festival"

05. 生肖虎祝福(泛化 )

plmooncakechibi, 1tiger, mooncake,text with "Happy Mid-Autumn Festival"

06. 生肖牛祝福(泛化 )

plmooncakechibi, 1cow, mooncake,text with "Happy Mid-Autumn Festival"

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