New local rules:
1. Out of bounds (Rule 18.2)
The walls, fences, or areas outside the white dots sprayed on the outer edge of the golf lane used to mark the boundaries of the stadium.
Note: When using fences or other markers to mark boundaries, the line connecting the horizontal plane on the side of the court shall be used as the boundary line of the court; When the white dot on the outer edge of the golf lane marks the boundary, use the outer edge of the golf lane near the white dot as the boundary.
2. Penalty Area (Rule 17)
All penalty areas on the court are red penalty areas, and their boundaries are determined by their natural sidelines.
3. Embed ball (Rule 16.3)
Balls caught on the ground in ordinary areas can be remedied without a penalty kick (both on long grass and fairways), but balls caught in sand in ordinary areas cannot be remedied without a penalty kick.
4. Abnormal ground conditions (including nurseries, flower beds, tree pits, and immovable obstacles on the stadium) (Rule 16)
If a player's ball position, stance, or attempted swing area is obstructed by immovable obstacles, the player may throw the ball within the nearest remedial point range without penalty (immovable obstacles include but are not limited to: nozzles, drain covers, field signs, lane, etc.).
5. Lamp post (Rule 16)
The lighting columns on the court are immovable obstacles and should be remedied according to Rule 16. But if a player hits a lamp post with a ball, the player must cancel the hit and can hit the ball in place without a penalty stick.
6. Alternative handling methods for ball out of bounds or lossed
If it is known or certain that a player's two balls are out of bounds or lost at the serving table, the following handling method can be used to replace the option of one stroke plus distance: two strokes are added as a penalty, and a ball (initial ball or substitute ball) is thrown within the remedial zone (Rule 14.3) (remedial zone: a normal area within two strokes of the ball reference point or fairway reference point) to play the sixth stroke.
7. Pace of play
The hitting time for 18 holes is 4 hours and 18 minutes, and players are obligated to complete a round of 18 hole shots within the specified time. Players are not allowed to play more balls as long as the first ball is safe. If there is a break or meal during a round of hitting, priority will be lost. Please accept the arrangement and start again.
8. Ballsmanship etiquette
You must wear a polo shirt with a collar when hitting the ball in the next game, and not jeans.