11月4日,英国枢密院顾问、上议院议员,前大学科学和创新事务的国务大臣Rt Hon Jo Johnson(乔·约翰逊阁下)一行莅临我校,并与我校学子进行深入交流。BANZ全球化校区总校长柏萍、BANZ全球化校区执行校长贺伟、BANZ全球化校区行政副校长高汝强等代表学校出席,对乔·约翰逊阁下一行表示热烈的欢迎。
Rt Hon Jo Johnson(乔·约翰逊阁下)是英国枢密院顾问和上议院议员,之前曾担任过许多政府要职,包括唐宁街10号政策组负责人,以及负责大学、科学和创新事务的国务大臣,并出席内阁会议。他是戴森工程与技术学院理事会成员和董事会董事,也是伦敦国王学院的客座教授。Lord Johnson是伦敦大学伯贝克学院的院士,也是欧洲对外关系理事会的成员。
Welcoming remarks by Professor Nancy Ping Bai
Discussing the Vision for Future Education Together
活动伊始,我校师生代表齐聚Achieve Hall,对Rt Hon Jo Johnson阁下的到来翘首以盼。随着重量级嘉宾的入场,会议厅内掌声雷动。
BANZ全球化校区总校长柏萍女士代表BANZ全体师生向Jo Johnson阁下一行的到来表示热切欢迎,并分享了我校的教育模式、学校优势、荣誉成果、教育理念以及未来的发展愿景。
BANZ与英国Abbotsholme School合作,于2018年正式设立Abbotsholme上海学校,开创A-Level课程中外合作办学新模式。在我们与阿博茨霍尔姆学校合作的第7个年头,学校的各项评估指标和综合排名都得到大幅度跃升,从“BANZ速度”到“BANZ质量”,再到“BANZ模式”,不断迭代升级。作为Abbotsholme School在中国的旗舰学校,我们将继续为AC联盟和中外合作办学贡献“上海方案”。
Jo Johnson阁下一行的到访,不仅是对BANZ教育事业的肯定,也让我们对未来的携手合作与共同发展充满期待。
Lord Jo Johnson, colleagues from the Achieve Group, teachers, and students:
On behalf of the 1,800 students and teachers from BANZ education group,I extend a warm welcome to Lord Jo Johnson and all the distinguished guests.
The pathway part of BANZ Education Group, namely the School of International Education, Shanghai Normal University Tianhua College, has established credit recognition cooperation projects with numerous world-renowned universities, such as Monash University in Australia, The Northern Consortium UK, which includes the University of Manchester, the University of Bristol, the University of Leeds,. With the support of Chinese Service Center for Scholarly Exchange, we are offering the highest level of pathway programs currently available in China.
The high school part of BANZ Education Group, namely BANZ Global Campus, is a leading provider of A-levels, VCE, and AP courses, with 1,500 students across three continents, four countries, and five campuses. Our UK campus is located in Birmingham, in collaboration with the prestigious Abbotsholme School. The other four campuses are in Shanghai, Singapore, and Melbourne Australia. We are also an authorized IELTS test center and a global partner school of the British Council. Each year, over 300 graduates are admitted to Ivy League universities, Oxford, Cambridge, and IC. They also have the opportunity to enter our Pathway programs.
The British education system, renowned for its "elite education," has become a mainstream educational system globally due to its rich history, profound heritage, and the outstanding talents it has nurtured. In 2018, BANZ Education Group collaborated with Abbotsholme School, a paradigm of British elite education, to officially establish Abbotsholme Shanghai School, initiating a new model of Sino-foreign cooperative education for A-Level courses. By refining the essence of both Chinese and British education and drawing inspiration from Abbotsholme School's century-old philosophy of "An Education for Life," the school aims to promote the development of students' strengths and individual needs. Its curriculum is implemented through a "specialized course selection" and "stratified class teaching" model, offering seven specialized curriculum plans to cater to the learning needs of diverse students. It creates an educational environment where "everyone can succeed and have their own stage," ensuring that every student has the experience of success.
Now, in the seventh year of our collaboration with Abbotsholme School, the school has achieved significant jumps in various evaluation indicators and comprehensive rankings, marking an iterative upgrade from "BANZ Speed" to "BANZ Quality" and finally to the "BANZ Model." As Abbotsholme School's flagship school in China, we will continue to contribute the "Shanghai Solution" to the AC Alliance and Sino-foreign cooperative education. I believe that Lord Jo Johnson's visit today not only affirms BANZ's educational endeavors but also elevates BANZ's educational standards to a new height, making it an important force in China's international education.
While honors and titles are important references and indicators of a school's success, what truly determines the height of a school's life is, and will always be, the quality of talent cultivation. Today's children are a generation grown up in the internet environment, with broad knowledge and strong personalities. Pseudo-adulthood, loose-circle ideology, and passionate experiences are notable characteristics of post-2005 high school students. How to seriously learn, live, and work with these future forces will be a topic for each educator to carefully consider. Because grades are temporary, success is lifelong, and children's growth spans their entire lives.
In this new era where new technologies, industries, and platforms are constantly emerging, when we ponder the essence of education, we discover that only values that transcend time and space accompany us as we continuously move from history into the future. These values become firmer and more evident through various tests, and that is love. Education starts with love, Loving hearts educate loving souls. Of course, all of this requires our joint efforts, borrowing the flag signal sent by Admiral Horatio Nelson in the naval battle that established the position of the British Navy: "England expects that every man will do his duty."
The three-year pandemic has given us a more intuitive understanding of the community of a shared future for mankind and a deeper recognition of the role of international education in talent cultivation. Today, we gather here from around the world, witnessed by Lord Jo Johnson, to embark on a new chapter of China's international education with Abbotsholme School, this century-old British institution. I believe that our future collaboration will undoubtedly become the most touching Chinese story on this land! Let's dream together, let's work together to make our future happen. Our consolidated effort will be paid off.
Once again, thank you all for your presence.
Lord Jo Johnson delivered a speech
About the Advantages of British Higher Education
对于未来的教育之路选择,Jo Johnson阁下给全场学子阐述了英国高等教育的五大优势,并欢迎学子们在完成高中学业后选择前往英国的高校就读。
第五,英国为国际学生提供了非常慷慨的毕业后工作机会,提供的Graduate Route可以让学生在毕业后两年内寻找工作,并有机会在英国或欧洲经济中寻找更长期的工作许可。
▼上下滑动查看Lord Jo Johnson致辞全文
When you think about your future educational journey, I think I can boil it down to five principal reasons.
The first reason is that we have a very large number of highly ranked institutions in the UK. The UK. Okay, here's a question. What percent of the world's population is the UK? Hands up. Anybody? 1% of the world's population lives in the UK. Come on, give me a guess. Someone? Okay, right. You said one. That's correct. Good one. Very good. Absolutely right. We are just 1% of the world's population, but the UK has a very large share of the world's most highly ranked universities. So if you can tell me, how many universities does the UK have in the world's top 10 as ranked by us or Times Higher? How many does the UK have in the world's top 10? Anybody? Three or four? Depending on the ranking, depending on the year. Okay, you can tell me what those universities are. Cambridge, Oxford. Oxford, I know. Principal Nancy, by you've got to know. Hahaha, I need to sue. Cambridge, Oxford. I see. UCL, Imperial. Okay, you got Cambridge, Oxford, Imperial, UCL. But it's not just those four which are globally renowned in the UK. Also, it has 18 in the top 100 and about 40 in the top 200 universities in the world. So there's really a large, a wide range of good institutions, highly ranked institutions to choose from. And that really matters because employers take notice and it helps you secure good jobs and good career outcomes. So that's reason one. We have a large number of globally regarded institutions in the UK.
Reason No. 2, it's an English - speaking environment. That's also important. Businesses welcome people who have high degrees of fluency in English. Not because English is the only language or the most important language. There are lots of important languages in the world. But it is still a major language for international business. And fluency in English can be a real asset to you in your working lives.
Reason No. 3, degrees in the UK don't take very long, right? Three years for an undergrad compared to four years in the US. And generally a master's degree, if you go on to master's study, takes a year rather than typically two years in most other systems. So that represents time efficiency for you. It means you can get into the workforce faster. And it also means for your parents or anybody paying for these courses, value for money because you get a high quality education more rapidly and at less expense. So that all makes sense.
Reason No. 4, the UK is incredibly international. One of the strengths of our system in the UK is the internationalization of it. We have, after Australia, the system which has the highest proportion of international students on campus. So roughly 25% of our student body is international and a very significant number of students from China are part of that story. In fact, China is in many ways an indispensable partner for the UK. When you look at our student body, our international student body, students from China represent 23% of international students on campus. That may sound a lot, but it's actually far less than it was five years ago. In 2019, students from China represented 40% of all international students on campus. China's share has come down not because there are fewer Chinese students going to the UK. Roughly the same number is going every year, 160,000 or so. But because students from other countries are going in far greater numbers, particularly from India.
So those are some good reasons to think about going to university in the UK. But the last reason, No. 5, is because of the work opportunities after you graduate. The UK has a very generous post - study work offer for international students. We have something called the Graduate Route, which enables you to look for work or work at any skill level, at any salary level for two years after you graduate. Now, during that two - year period, you have a chance to find a job with an employer. He pays you enough to enable you to apply for a more permanent work permit, which is for the skilled worker permit, which lasts for 5 years and is itself renewable. So for those of you who are interested in pursuing opportunities in the UK or European economy, remember the UK is on the edge of the European Union. That graduate route gives you a chance to do so.
Those five reasons I think are pretty compelling as to why you should consider the UK as an option after you finish your high school studies. The UK is a wonderful place. We have globally famous cities that are well known not just for their football teams, but for their art and culture and general fun environment. London, Manchester, Liverpool, Newcastle, Leeds, Birmingham, Bristol. I can go on and on. These are great cities to live in and to study in and eventually to work in. So that's enough for me, I think. You know, enjoy the rest of your studies and remember that you have a warm welcome if you choose to come to the UK.
Student Q&A
School representatives presented souvenirs
整场交流干货满满,同学们热情高涨。在问答环节,我校学子踊跃举手发言,Jo Johnson阁下非常亲切耐心地回答了学子的提问。
活动最后,柏校代表学校,赠与Jo Johnson阁下非常具有中国特色与上海风情的纪念品,校领导和嘉宾以及学生代表们共同合影留念。
会后,柏校及校方管理团队带领Jo Johnson阁下一行进行参观校园,Jo Johnson阁下对我校完备的办学条件给予高度认可。
我们对Rt Hon Jo Johnson阁下一行表达了最诚挚与最热烈的欢迎,他们的到来为我校增添了无限光彩。
Aspire · Achieve