交易台 | 外资怎么看这次的放水 (9月25日)

文摘   2024-09-25 08:10   中国香港  

昨天的 “放水 / “反攻” / “”火箭炮” / “组合拳” 已经从我们本土市场,向华尔街传导

从昨晚到今天,整个市场的大部分注意力(不论是研报,交易台,还是吃饭时候隔壁桌聊的话题),都集中在 PBoC的刺激上面。 


1. 聊聊目前的市场情绪 (看看交易台数据反应的一些投资者行为);

2. 聊聊一些数字(这些已经出台的放水,相对于市场,规模几何);


  1.  目前的市场情绪


昨天晚上出来的 - 亚太交易时段的总结

瑞银亚太部门主管Jamie Briggs 今天与许多客户进行了会谈,可以明显感觉到当前中国市场情绪有所改善的情况;但这主要集中在资本市场,即流动性和回购措施,对实体经济复苏仍缺乏信心

Jamie Briggs (UBS APAC head of KNET) has been meeting lots of clients today so can indeed share improving sentiment on China… but it’s very capital markets focused, ie liquidity and buy back measures, still no faith of an actual economy turnaround from these lower rates.


Focus is on Buying China Internet & Buying China Banks


Looking at the drivers of the HSCEI which keeps making new day highs, suggests the current rally is led by covering.

中国投资者 - 他们总体上加码/买入多头头寸。有少量卖出集中在一些他们想退出的行业(主要集中在制药行业),但总的来说这个群体在多个其他行业都有买入。

CHINA SPECIALISTS - they're generally grossing up / going long. There are small pockets of selling focused on sectors they just want to get out of (mostly focused on pharma for some reason) - but desk saw buying across a number of other sectors for this cohort.

外资 - 在政策演讲结束后,机构投资者的抛售有所增加。我们发现对冲基金在的做空回补是昨天下午一个非常明显的主题

FOREIGN INVESTORS - selling from LO picked up after the policy speech. We have been able to find buyers from the HF crowd who are covering shorts. This has been a very consistent theme this PM.

衍生品: 可观察到看涨期权和看涨价差的上行兴趣有所增加,体现出一定的防守性

Derivatives: Noticeable uptick in upside interest via defensive upside calls and call spreads

在High touch的交易台上,也能观察到这一现象。随着交易时间的推移,香港交易的交叉数据显示出一种非常明显统一的模式(尤其是在外资中国资金之间

The business that was printed on the high touch desk also reflected this observation. As the day went on, the crosses on the HK pad showed a very consistent pattern - especially between Foreign funds vs China funds.


Foreign LO were largely skewed to SELL, while Foreign HFs were largely skewed to BUY (covering)


China funds were largely skewed to BUY, grossing up across their portfolio names Bought across Consumer, EV, Semiconductor names Notable that China Internet nor Financials were bought


This is a very material difference between what we saw today, versus what we saw in late April / early May this year. That time, the rally was largely driven by Foreign LO - where they bought China Internet and China Banks.


The makeup of today's rally was materially different. Another interesting datapoint is Shortsell Turnover as % of Total Turnover in HK. Back in April/May, that number dipped to ~15%... Today, that stood at 19.8%... Which also shows that there are plenty of bears that that were betting against the rally.

今天早上出来的 - 美股交易时段的总结


The moves are largely mirroring the earlier sessions in Asia with Hong Kong leading and having its best day since March 2022.


The desk is seeing a dramatic improvement in volume vs recent averages with most sectors/single names pushing to new monthly highs. Ecommerce, Streamers, and EVs are seeming to benefit the most intraday from the news. Stocks are starting to bounce back towards the highs of the session with some notable moves in XPEV, TME, BZ, FUTU, and PDD.

Long only 参与仍然较少。交易桌上今日的买入比为2:1,尽管早盘有一些抛售,我认为这是获利回吐,短期做空的情况较少主要以做多为主

Long only participation remains light. The desk is 2:1 better to buy on the day with some selling in Ecommerce early, I think profit taking with limited shorts/mostly long selling.

2. 聊聊一些数字

这里引用大摩团队的一个initial thoughts;

如何量化市场支持措施 - 占 A 股自由流通市场总市值约 3%:
对比自由流通和日成交量 - 作为第一阶段,承诺投入的 8000 亿人民币大致相当于当前 A 股市场总自由流通市值的 2.9%,约为 A 股市场今年以来日均成交量 7740 亿人民币的 1.03 倍。
与历史 A 股回购相比 - 增持/回购专项再贷款计划初期承诺的 3000 亿人民币资金,大约是 2023 年全年 A 股回购总额 1227 亿人民币(按 2023 年 6 月 30 日人民币兑美元汇率 7.3 计算为 169 亿美元)的 2.5 倍。
与"国家队"买入相比 - 我们粗略估计,今年以来国家队买入总额可能高达 900 亿美元。第一阶段的 8000 亿人民币(约 1130 亿美元)大约是这个数字的 1.3 倍。


潜在的市场反应 - 短期内情绪反弹,但需要更多才能实现可持续复苏;我们预计,在岸 A 股市场和离岸市场都会对此有积极反应,可能会导致短期内的战术性反弹行情,甚至相对新兴市场有所outperform
目前,我们预计在岸和离岸市场的反应/表现大致相当,因为:1) 目前的措施主要针对 A 股市场;2) 但香港市场流动性可能会随着最新的美联储降息而有更大的上行弹性;3) 人民币兑美元汇率正在稳定/略有升值,尽管有降息消息。
贴一个 JPM 的;


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