
文化   2024-04-11 18:06   上海  


Artist|LI Shan


Solo Exhibition | Outside the Window

Nicholas Metivier 画廊,加拿大多伦多

Nicholas Metivier Gallery, Toronto

2024年 4月 6日 – 2024年 5月 4日

6 April 2024 – 4 May 2024

东画廊荣幸宣布艺术家李珊个展 "窗外"(Outside the Window)在Nicholas Metivier画廊举办,这亦标志着李珊的作品首次亮相加拿大和北美地区。展览于 4 月 6 日开幕,持续至 2024 年 5 月 4 日。

李珊14岁时画第一张写生作品,15岁结识无名画会的艺术家们。这一活跃于1970-80年代的中国前卫艺术团体坚持 "为艺术而艺术"的理念,摒弃了时代的宏大叙事,对当代性呈现的可能提出了全新的诉求。尽管画会的大多数成员都没有接受过专业的学院派绘画训练,但李珊却并不担心这一点,她更喜欢自发地描绘她所观察到的场景和静物。在这一时期,她形成了一个特定的小幅创作习惯,并经常使用旅行画箱。伴随着中国在20 世纪 70 年代末进行的现代化改革浪潮,李珊和其他无名画会成员纷纷转入其他领域。直到2005 年,48 岁的李珊重新发现了自己对绘画的热爱,"被遗忘已久的绘画记忆已经融入了自己的身体,形成了一种新的绘画风格"。现在的李珊作为一名独立的创作者,感到更加自由和自在。绘画之余,李珊还热衷于户外活动,如海外旅行、徒步和单板滑雪运动等。她曾到加拿大、英国、北欧、瑞士和尼泊尔等地旅行,并将绘画作为记录旅程的日记
在其最新的个展《窗外》中,呈现了李珊自 2014 年至今的一系列风景画,其中多数都取材于她曾经到访过的地方。李珊坦言,她享受创作时的专注和宁静,与她在日常生活中表现出的外向和冒险性格形成了鲜明对比。令人惊讶的是,李珊的作品与米尔顿-艾弗里(Milton Avery)的作品有着不谋而合的相似之处——对自然景观的和谐描绘,色调柔和。无论是荒原郊野还是海边小路,李珊描绘自然风光的魅力让观众可以想象艺术家直接面对她的创作对象,我们甚至可以通过她在纸上飞舞的画笔追寻她的手部动作。李珊将她对美和生活的热爱倾注在画布上,为它们注入了明亮的色彩和温暖。

Don Gallery is pleased to announce artist LI Shan's first exhibition, Outside the Window, at the Nicholas Metivier Gallery, marking the debut of her work in Canada and North America. The exhibition opens on 6 April and runs until 4 May 2024.

LI Shan drew her first sketch work when she was 14 years old, and met the artists of the No Name Group when she was 15 years old, which is an artist collective which operated in China between the 1950s and early 1980s. The No Name Group believed in the idea of ‘art for art’s sake,’ at a time when art was a tool of ideological propaganda, intertwined with official political discourse. The group defied the conventions of academic painting, and LI Shan preferred to paint spontaneously, depicting scenes and objects en-plein- air. She developed a practice of working on a small scale and often used a travelling painting box. In the late 1970s, when China embraced modernization and reform, members of the No Name Group, including LI Shan, moved into other fields. Then in 2005, at the age of 48, LI Shan rediscovered her love of painting and found that, "the long-forgotten elements of painting had been integrated into [her] body, and formed a new style of painting". Now, as an independent creator, LI Shan feels more at ease and liberated.

Outside of painting, LI Shan is passionate about outdoor activities such as overseas travelling, hiking, and snowboarding, and has travelled to Canada, England, Scandinavia, Switzerland, and Nepal, using her paintings as a journal to record her journeys. In Outside the Window, LI Shan presents a series of landscapes from 2014 to the present, many of which are based on the places she has visited. LI Shan admits that the concentration and serenity she enjoys when creating her artwork directly contrasts the outgoing and adventurous personality she displays in her daily life. LI Shan’s work bears similarity with the work of Milton Avery in its harmonious portrayal of the natural landscape and soft colour palette. Whether it is the wilderness or a beachside road, the charm with which LI Shan depicts her idyllic vistas allow viewers to imagine the artist directly in front of her subjects; we can trace the movements of her hand on paper through her use of oil sticks. LI Shan pours her love for beauty and life onto the canvas, imbuing them with a brightness and warmth.

展览现场|Installation View

Old Ships (Beidaihe River) 旧船(北戴河), LI Shan 李珊, 2014. Oil on paper 纸上油画, 19.5 × 25 cm

The Whistle (Edinburg) 汽笛(爱丁堡), LI Shan 李珊, 2019. Oil on paper 纸上油画, 29 × 21.7 cm

“窗外”展览现场,Nicholas Metivier 画廊,加拿大多伦多,2024. 图片致谢艺术家和Nicholas Metivier 画廊 Installation view of “Outside the Window” at Nicholas Metivier Gallery, Toronto, 2024. Image courtesy the artist and Nicholas Metivier Gallery, Toronto



李珊现工作生活于北京,个展包括“菲菲红素”(东画廊,上海,2023年)、“外出写生 埋头画画 李珊与九九双个展”(东画廊,上海,2021年)、“李珊的清单”(星空间,北京,2021年)、“李珊个人项目”(巴塞尔艺术展展会东画廊展位,香港,2019年)、“复 | 兴”(东画廊,上海,2017年)、“李珊:新作和七十年代精选作品”(科恩画廊,上海,2015年)、“从1970年代到现在”(科恩画廊,上海,2014年)、“流动”(La Case艺术空间,北京,2007年)及“回望自醒”(TRA画廊,北京,2006年)。其作品被香港M+视觉文化博物馆纳入永久收藏,并进入中国、澳大利亚、加拿大、欧洲及美国的多个重要私人收藏。

LI Shan (b. 1957) is a self-taught artist whose diverse practice shaped the early avant-grade movement in China. Without official endorsement, LI practiced art as a member of the Yuyuantan Lake School of painting in the 1970s, and later joined the No Name (Wuming) Art Group. During this period, the artist focused on subject matter that she would revisit throughout her practice: courtyards, pagodas, city streets, country roads, and architecture.
LI Shan currently lives and works in Beijing. Her solo exhibitions include “A Red, Red Blossom” (Don Gallery, Shanghai, 2023), "Drawing and Drawing: Heading Out and Bending Down" (Don Gallery, Shanghai, 2021), "Li Shan's List" (STAR Gallery, Beijing, 2021), "Li Shan" (Art Basel HongKong Don Gallery Stand, Hongkong, 2019), "Fuxing Renaissance" (Don Gallery, Shanghai, 2017), "Li Shan: New and Selected Works" (James Cohan Gallery, Shanghai, 2015), "Works from the 1970s" (James Cohan Gallery, Shanghai, 2014), "Flow" (La Case, Beijing, 2007) and "Li Shan’s Solo Exhibition" (TRA Gallery, Beijing, 2006). Her works are in distinguished museums collections such as the M+ Museum, Hong Kong, Zendai, and Guangdong, and as well as numerous private collections of note in China, Australia, Canada, the United States, and Europe.

关于 Nicholas Metivier 画廊

About Nicholas Metivier Gallery

Nicholas Metivier 画廊成立于 2004 年。如今,它已成为加拿大最大的当代画廊之一。自成立以来,这家多伦多艺术画廊的工作重点一直是代理和推广加拿大和国际上不同年代的艺术家,这些艺术家在所有媒介领域都展现出了卓越的品质和原创性,重点是当代绘画和摄影。

Nicholas Metivier 画廊在指导艺术家和他们的事业发展方面享有盛誉。画廊的作品多被加拿大和国外的主要私人收藏和博物馆收藏。画廊积极参与各种国际博览会,包括多伦多艺术博览会(Art Toronto)、芝加哥博览会(Expo Chicago)、迈阿密Pulse博览会(Pulse Miami)、马德里阿尔科博览会(Arco Madrid)和巴黎摄影博览会(Paris Photo)。Nicholas Metivier 画廊是加拿大艺术品经销商协会(ADAC)的成员。

The Nicholas Metivier Gallery was founded in 2004. Today, it is one of the largest contemporary galleries in Canada. The focus of the Toronto art gallery since its inception has been to represent and promote Canadian and international artists from different generations that demonstrate exceptional quality and originality in all media, with a focus on contemporary painting and photography.

Nicholas Metivier Gallery has a reputation for and is committed to guiding artists and developing their careers. The gallery has placed works in major private collections and museums in both Canada and abroad. The gallery actively participates in an international circuit of fairs including Art Toronto, Expo Chicago, Pulse Miami, Arco Madrid and Paris Photo. Nicholas Metivier Gallery is a member of the Art Dealer's Association of Canada (ADAC).

東画廊 Don Gallery
東画廊(Don Gallery)成立于2007年,专注于中国当代艺术生态共生,支持一代重要的中国艺术家,推动全球和区域性对话的可能。