灵枢·口问 Miraculous Pivot · Oral Inquiries
黄帝闲居,辟左右而问于岐伯曰:余已闻九针之经,论阴阳逆顺,六经已毕,愿得口问。The Yellow Emperor was staying at leisure. He dismissed his attendants on both sides and asked Qi Bo, "I have already heard about the theory of the Nine Needles, which discusses the order of yin and yang, reverse and compliance, and I have also learned about the Six Meridians. Now I would like to hear about the knowledge passed down orally."
岐伯避席再拜曰:善乎哉问也!此先师之所口传也。Qi Bo rose from his seat, bowed twice, and said, "What a wonderful question! This is what our predecessors passed down by word of mouth."
黄帝曰:愿闻口传。The Yellow Emperor said, "I would like to hear about what was passed down orally."
岐伯答曰:“夫百病之始生也,皆生于风雨寒暑,阴阳喜怒,饮食居处,大惊卒恐。Qi Bo replied, "The onset of all diseases is caused by wind, rain, cold, heat, imbalance between yin and yang, emotions such as joy and anger, diet, living environment, and sudden frights and terrors.
则血气分离,阴阳破败,经络厥绝,脉道不通,阴阳相逆,卫气稽留,经脉虚空,血气不次,乃失其常。论不在经者,请道其方。”Then the blood and qi will be separated, yin and yang will be disrupted, the meridians and collaterals will be blocked, the channels of the vessels will be obstructed, yin and yang will be in reverse order, the defensive qi will be retained, the meridians will become empty, and the blood and qi will be disordered, thus losing their normal state. Regarding what is not mentioned in the classics, please explain the methods."
黄帝曰:人之欠者,何气使然?The Yellow Emperor asked, "What causes a person to yawn?"
岐伯答曰:“卫气昼日行于阳,夜半则行于阴。阴者主夜,夜者卧。阳者主上,阴者主下。Qi Bo replied, "The defensive qi travels in the yang during the day and in the yin at midnight. The yin is in charge of the night, and at night one should lie down. The yang is in charge of the upper part, and the yin is in charge of the lower part.
故阴气积于下,阳气未尽,阳引而上,阴引而下,阴阳相引,故数欠。So when the yin qi accumulates in the lower part and the yang qi has not yet been exhausted, the yang qi will be drawn upward and the yin qi will be drawn downward. The mutual attraction between yin and yang causes frequent yawning.
阳气尽,阴气盛,则目瞑;阴气尽而阳气盛,则寤矣。泻足少阴,补足太阳。”When the yang qi is exhausted and the yin qi prevails, the eyes will close; when the yin qi is exhausted and the yang qi prevails, one will wake up. Drain the Foot-Shaoyin Meridian and tonify the Foot-Taiyang Meridian."
黄帝曰:人之哕者,何气使然?The Yellow Emperor asked, "What causes a person to hiccup?"
岐伯曰:谷入于胃,胃气上注于肺。今有故寒气与新谷气,俱还入于胃,新故相乱,真邪相攻,气并相逆,复出于胃,故为哕。补手太阴,泻足少阴。Qi Bo said, "Food enters the stomach, and the stomach qi ascends and is infused into the lung. Now, if there is old cold qi and new food qi, both return to the stomach. The old and new get mixed up, the genuine qi and the pathogenic qi attack each other, the qi combines and goes in reverse, and then emerges from the stomach again, thus causing hiccups. Tonify the Hand-Taiyin Meridian and drain the Foot-Shaoyin Meridian."
黄帝曰:人之唏者,何气使然?The Yellow Emperor asked, "What causes a person to sob (xi)?"
岐伯曰:此阴气盛而阳气虚,阴气疾而阳气徐,阴气盛而阳气绝,故为唏。补足太阳,泻足少阴。Qi Bo replied, "This is because the yin qi is excessive and the yang qi is deficient, the yin qi moves quickly while the yang qi moves slowly, and the yin qi is so excessive that the yang qi is cut off, thus causing sobbing. Tonify the Foot-Taiyang Meridian and drain the Foot-Shaoyin Meridian."
黄帝曰:人之振寒者,何气使然?The Yellow Emperor asked, "What causes a person to shiver with cold?"
岐伯曰:寒气客于皮肤,阴气盛,阳气虚,故为振寒寒栗,补诸阳。Qi Bo replied, "Cold qi invades the skin, the yin qi prevails, and the yang qi is deficient, thus causing shivering and trembling with cold. Tonify all the yang meridians."
黄帝曰:人之噫者,何气使然?The Yellow Emperor asked, "What causes a person to belch (yi)?"
岐伯曰:寒气客于胃,厥逆从下上散,复出于胃,故为噫。补足太阴、阳明,一曰补眉本也。Qi Bo replied, "Cold qi invades the stomach, the reverse qi ascends from the lower part and disperses, and then emerges from the stomach again, thus causing belching. Tonify the Foot-Taiyin and Foot-Yangming Meridians. Another way is to tonify the area above the eyebrows."
黄帝曰:人之嚏者,何气使然?The Yellow Emperor asked, "What causes a person to sneeze?"
岐伯曰:阳气和利,满于心,出于鼻,故为嚏。补足太阳荣(为荥之误)眉本,一曰眉上也。Qi Bo replied, "When the yang qi is harmonious and smooth, it fills the heart and exits through the nose, thus causing sneezing. Tonify the Foot-Taiyang Xing (should be the correct form instead of Rong) acupoint above the eyebrows. Another way is to tonify the area above the eyebrows."
黄帝曰:人之亸者,何气使然?The Yellow Emperor asked, "What causes a person to droop (duo), that is, to have a weak and limp body?"
岐伯曰:胃不实则诸脉虚,诸脉虚则筋脉懈惰,筋脉懈惰则行阴用力,气不能复,故为亸。因其所在,补分肉间。Qi Bo replied, "If the stomach is not full, all the meridians will be empty. When all the meridians are empty, the tendons and meridians will be slack. When the tendons and meridians are slack, if one exerts force during sexual activities, the qi cannot recover, thus causing a weak and limp body. Tonify the area between the muscles according to the specific location."
黄帝曰:人之哀而泣涕出者,何气使然?The Yellow Emperor asked, "What causes a person to weep with tears when sad?"
岐伯曰:“心者,五脏六腑之主也。目者,宗脉之所聚也,上液之道也。口鼻者,气之门户也。Qi Bo replied, "The heart is the master of the five zang-organs and six fu-organs. The eyes are the gathering place of the ancestral meridians and the passage of the upper fluids. The mouth and nose are the portals of qi.
故悲哀愁忧则心动,心动则五脏六腑皆摇,摇则宗脉感,宗脉感则液道开,液道开故泣涕出焉。So when one is sad, worried, or melancholy, the heart will be stirred. When the heart is stirred, all the five zang-organs and six fu-organs will be shaken. When they are shaken, the ancestral meridians will be affected. When the ancestral meridians are affected, the passage of the upper fluids will be opened. When the passage of the upper fluids is opened, tears will flow out.
液者,所以灌精濡空窍者也。故上液之道开则泣,泣不止则液竭,液竭则精不灌,精不灌则目无所见矣,故命曰夺精。补天柱经侠颈。”The fluids are used to nourish the essence and moisten the orifices. So when the passage of the upper fluids is opened, one will weep. If weeping does not stop, the fluids will be exhausted. When the fluids are exhausted, the essence will not be nourished. When the essence will not be nourished, the eyes will not be able to see. So it is called essence depletion. Tonify the Tianzhu Meridian beside the neck. The area beside the neck is the middle part of the head."
黄帝曰:人之太息者,何气使然?The Yellow Emperor asked, "What causes a person to sigh deeply?"
岐伯曰:忧思则心系急,心系急则气道约,约则不利,故太息以伸出之,补手少阴、心主、足少阳,留之也。Qi Bo replied, "Worry and contemplation will make the heart system tense. When the heart system is tense, the air passage will be constricted. When it is constricted, it will be unfavorable, so one will sigh deeply to relieve it. Tonify the Hand-Shaoyin, Heart Master, and Foot-Shaoyang Meridians and retain the needles."
黄帝曰:人之涎下者,何气使然?The Yellow Emperor asked, "What causes a person to salivate?"
黄帝说:人流口水, 是什么气造成的呢?
岐伯曰:饮食者,皆入于胃,胃中有热则虫动,虫动则胃缓,胃缓则廉泉开,故涎下。补足少阴。Qi Bo replied, "All food enters the stomach. If there is heat in the stomach, worms will move. When worms move, the stomach will be relaxed. When the stomach is relaxed, the Lianquan acupoint will be opened, thus causing salivation. Tonify the Foot-Shaoyin Meridian."
黄帝曰:人之耳中鸣者,何气使然?The Yellow Emperor asked, "What causes a person to have tinnitus?"
岐伯曰:耳者,宗脉之所聚也,故胃中空则宗脉虚,虚则下溜,脉有所竭者,故耳鸣。补客主人,手大指爪甲上与肉交者也。Qi Bo replied, "The ear is the gathering place of the ancestral meridians. So when the stomach is empty, the ancestral meridians will be empty. When they are empty, they will flow downward. When the vessels are depleted in some places, tinnitus will occur. Tonify the Guest Host acupoint and the area on the thumbnail of the thumb where it meets the flesh."
黄帝曰:人之自啮舌者,何气使然?The Yellow Emperor asked, "What causes a person to bite his own tongue?"
岐伯曰:“此厥逆走上,脉气辈至也。少阴气至则啮舌,少阳气至则啮颊,阳明气至则啮唇矣。视主病者,则补之。Qi Bo replied, "This is because of the reverse qi ascending. The qi of the meridians arrives in succession. When the qi of the Foot-Shaoyin arrives, one will bite his tongue. When the qi of the Foot-Shaoyang arrives, one will bite his cheek. When the qi of the Foot-Yangming arrives, one will bite his lip. Identify the main diseased meridian and tonify it."
凡此十二邪者,皆奇邪之走空窍者也。故邪之所在,皆为不足。故上气不足,脑为之不满,耳为之苦鸣,头为之苦倾,目为之眩。All these twelve types of pathogenic qi are the strange pathogenic qi that invade the orifices. So wherever the pathogenic qi is located, there is a deficiency. So if the upper qi is deficient, the brain will not be full, the ears will suffer from tinnitus, the head will feel dizzy and tilted, and the eyes will be dazzled.
中气不足,溲便为之变,肠为之苦鸣。下气不足,则乃为痿厥心悗。补足外踝下留之。”If the middle qi is deficient, the urination and defecation will changed, the intestines will suffer from gurgling sounds. If the lower qi is deficient, there will be flaccidity, reversal, and a sense of tightness in the heart. Tonify the area below the outer ankle and retain the needles.
黄帝曰:治之奈何?The Yellow Emperor asked, "How should they be treated?"
岐伯曰:“肾主为欠,取足少阴。肺主为哕,取手太阴、足少阴。Qi Bo replied, "The kidney is mainly responsible for yawning, so take the Foot-Shaoyin Meridian. The lung is mainly responsible for hiccups, so take the Hand-Taiyin and Foot-Shaoyin Meridians.
唏者,阴与(别本作盛)阳绝,故补足太阳,泻足少阴。For sobbing, because the yin and yang are cut off, tonify the Foot-Taiyang Meridian and drain the Foot-Shaoyin Meridian.
振寒者,补诸阳。噫者,补足太阴、阳明。嚏者,补足太阳、眉本。For shivering with cold, tonify all the yang meridians. For belching, tonify the Foot-Taiyin and Foot-Yangming Meridians. For sneezing, tonify the Foot-Taiyang and the area above the eyebrows.
亸,因其所在,补分肉间。泣出,补天柱经侠颈,侠颈者,头中分也。For drooping, tonify the area between the muscles according to the specific location. For weeping with tears, tonify the Tianzhu Meridian beside the neck. The area beside the neck is the middle part of the head.
太息,补手少阴、心主、足少阳,留之。涎下,补足少阴。For sighing deeply, tonify the Hand-Shaoyin, Heart Master, and Foot-Shaoyang Meridian and retain the needles. For salivation, tonify the Foot-Shaoyin Meridian.
耳鸣,补客主人,手大指爪甲上与肉交者。自啮舌,视主病者,则补之。For tinnitus, tonify the Guest Host acupoint and the area on the thumbnail of the thumb where it meets the flesh. For biting one's own tongue, identify the main diseased meridian and tonify it.
目眩头倾,补足外踝下留之。痿厥心悗,刺足大趾间上二寸留之,一曰足外踝下留之。”For dizziness and head tilting, tonify the area below the outer ankle and retain the needles. For flaccidity, reversal, and a sense of tightness in the the heart, needle the area two inches above the big toe of the foot and retain the needles. Another way is to needle the area below the outer ankle and retain the needles."