
文摘   2024-11-13 20:40   重庆  

诗曰:“衣锦尚絅”,恶其文之著也。The Book of Songs says, "When wearing brocade, one still puts on an outer garment," disliking the ostentation of the pattern.


故君子之道,暗然而日章;小人之道,的然而日亡。Therefore, the way of a gentleman is unobtrusive yet becomes more and more conspicuous day by day; while the way of a petty person is showy yet fades away day by day.


君子之道,淡而不厌、简而文、温而理。The way of a gentleman is plain yet never tiresome, simple yet refined, gentle yet reasonable.


知远之近,知风之自,知微之显。可与入德矣。He knows the near from the far, the origin of the trend, and the manifest from the subtle. Thus one can enter into the realm of virtue with him.


诗云:“潜虽伏矣,亦孔之昭。”故君子内省不疚,无恶于志。The Book of Songs says, "Though hidden and submerged, it is still very evident." Therefore, a gentleman examines himself inwardly without any sense of guilt and has no evil in his heart.


君子之所不可及者,其唯人之所不见乎。What makes a gentleman beyond the reach of others is perhaps what others cannot see.


诗云:“相在尔室,尚不愧于屋漏。”故君子不动而敬,不言而信。The Book of Songs says, "Even when you are in your room, you should still not feel ashamed in the presence of the spirits of the house." Therefore, a gentleman commands respect even when he is still, and is trusted even when he is silent.


诗曰:“奏假无言,时靡有争。”是故君子不赏而民劝,不怒而民威于鈇钺。The Book of Songs says, "When presenting offerings in silence, there is no contention at that time." Therefore, a gentleman can encourage the people without giving rewards, and the people fear him more than they fear the executioner's axe.


诗曰:“不显惟德,百辟其刑之。”是故君子笃恭而天下平。The Book of Songs says, "Only virtue is not ostentatious, and all the princes should follow it as an example." Therefore, a gentleman is sincere and respectful, and the world is at peace.


诗云:“予怀明德,不大声以色。”The Book of Songs says, "I cherish the bright virtue, not by being loud or using a stern countenance."


子曰:“声色之于以化民,末也。”Confucius said, "Using loud voice and stern countenance to transform the people is of little significance."


诗曰:“德輶如毛。”毛犹有伦。The Book of Songs says, "Virtue is as light as a hair." But a hair still has something to compare with.


“上天之载,无声无臭。”至矣。 "What Heaven undertakes is soundless and scentless." That is the supreme state.

