灵枢·厥病 Miraculous Pivot・Reversal Diseases
厥头痛,面若肿起而烦心,取之足阳明、太阴。For reversal headache with the face seeming to be swollen and the heart feeling vexed, the points on the Foot-Yangming and Foot-Taiyin Meridians should be selected for treatment.
厥头痛,头脉痛,心悲,善泣,视头动脉反盛者,刺尽去血,后调足厥阴。For reversal headache with pain in the head vessels, a feeling of sadness in the heart, and a tendency to weep easily, and when observing that the head arteries are overly full, prick to let out all the blood, and then regulate the Foot-Jueyin Meridian.
厥头痛,贞贞头重而痛,泻头上五行,行五,先取手少阴,后取足少阴。For reversal headache with a persistent heavy and painful feeling in the head, reduce the five lines on the head, with five points in each line. First select the Hand-Shaoyin Meridian, and then the Foot-Shaoyin Meridian.
厥头痛,意善忘,按之不得,取头面左右动脉,后取足太阴。For reversal headache with a tendency to forget easily and when the pain cannot be located by pressing, select the left and right arteries on the head and face, and then the Foot-Taiyin Meridian.
厥头痛,项先痛,腰脊为应,先取天柱,后取足太阳。For reversal headache with pain in the neck first and then a corresponding pain in the lumbar spine and back, first select the Tianzhu point, and then the Foot-Taiyang Meridian.
厥头痛,头痛甚,耳前后脉涌有热,泻出其血,后取足少阳。For reversal headache with severe headache and a surging and hot feeling in the arteries in front of and behind the ears, let out the blood by reducing, and then select the Foot-Shaoyang Meridian.
真头痛,头痛甚,脑尽痛,手足寒至节,死不治。For true headache with extremely severe headache, pain throughout the brain, and coldness reaching the joints of the hands and feet, it is incurable and will lead to death.
头痛不可取于腧者,有所击堕,恶血在于内,若肉伤,痛未已,可则(侧的通假字)刺,不可远取也。For headache where acupoints cannot be selected for treatment, if there has been a fall or impact and there is stagnant blood inside, or if there is a muscle injury and the pain has not subsided, lateral needling can be done, but distant needling is not advisable.
头痛不可刺者,大痹为恶,日作者,可令少愈,不可已。For headache that cannot be needled, if it is caused by severe arthralgia and it occurs daily, it can be made a little better, but it cannot be completely cured.
头半寒痛,先取手少阳、阳明,后取足少阳、阳明。For headache with coldness and pain on one side of the head, first select the Hand-Shaoyang and Hand-Yangming Meridians, and then the Foot-Shaoyang and Foot-Yangming Meridians.
厥心痛,与背相控,善瘈,如从后触其心,伛偻者,肾心痛也,先取京骨、昆仑;发狂不已,取然谷。For reversal heart pain that is related to the back, with a tendency to have convulsions, as if something is touching the heart from behind, and with a hunched posture, it is kidney heart pain. First select the Jinggu and Kunlun points; if the mania does not stop, select the Ran-gu point.
厥心痛,腹胀胸满,心尤痛甚,胃心痛也,取之大都、大(别本作太)白。For reversal heart pain with abdominal distension and fullness of the chest, and especially severe pain in the heart, it is stomach heart pain. Select the Dadu and Taibai points.
厥心痛,痛如以锥针刺其心,心痛甚者,脾心痛也,取之然谷、太溪。For reversal heart pain with pain as if being stabbed in the heart by a awl, and especially severe pain in the heart, it is spleen heart pain. Select the Ran-gu and Taixi points.
厥心痛,色苍苍如死状,终日不得太息,肝心痛也,取之行间、太冲。For reversal heart pain with a pale complexion like a dying state, unable to take a deep breath all day long, it is liver heart pain. Select the Xingjian and Taichong points.
厥心痛,卧若徒居,心痛间,动作痛益甚,色不变,肺心痛也,取之鱼际、太渊。For reversal heart pain where the pain is intermittent when lying down as if just resting, but the pain gets worse when moving, and the complexion does not change, it is lung heart pain. Select the Yuji and Taiyuan points.
真心痛,手足清至节,心痛甚,旦发夕死,夕发旦死。For true heart pain with coldness reaching the joints of the hands and feet and extremely severe pain in the heart, death will occur in the morning if it occurs in the evening, and death will occur in the evening if it occurs in the morning.
心痛不可刺者,中有盛聚,不可取于腧。For heart pain that cannot be needled, if there is a mass or congestion inside, acupoints cannot be selected for treatment.
肠中有虫瘕及蛟蛕,皆不可取以小针。For the presence of intestinal parasites such as ascariasis and oxyuriasis, small needles should not be used for treatment.
心肠痛,憹作痛,肿聚,往来上下行,痛有休止,腹热喜渴,涎出者,是蛟蛕也。For intestinal and heart pain with a burning pain, swelling and mass formation, pain that moves up and down, with intermittent pain, abdominal heat, a tendency to thirst, and salivation, it is likely to be oxyuriasis.
以手聚按而坚持之,无令得移,以大针刺之,久持之,虫不动,乃出针也。㤣腹憹痛,形中上者。Press firmly with the hand to hold the area without allowing it to move, and then needle with a large needle. Hold the needle for a long time until the parasite does not move, and then withdraw the needle. For abdominal pain that is burning and painful and seems to be moving upward, it is also of this type.
耳聋无闻,取耳中。耳鸣,取耳前动脉。For deafness with no hearing, select the point in the ear. For tinnitus, select the artery in front of the ear.
耳痛不可刺者,耳中有脓。若有干耵聍,耳无闻也。For ear pain that cannot be needled, there is pus in the ear. If there is dry earwax, there will also be no hearing.
耳聋取手小指、次指爪甲上与肉交者,先取手,后取足。For deafness, select the area where the fingernail and the flesh meet on the little finger and the second finger of the hand. First select the hand, and then the foot.
耳鸣取手中指爪甲上,左取右,右取左,先取手,后取足。For tinnitus, select the area where the fingernail of the middle finger of the hand meets the flesh. For the left side, select the right side, and for the right side, select the left side. First select the hand, and then the foot.
足髀不可举,侧而取之,在枢合中,以员利针,大针不可刺。For inability to lift the thigh, select the point on the side, in the area of the joint. Use a yuanli needle. A large needle should not be used for needling.
病注下血,取曲泉。For a disease with bloody stools, select the Ququan point.
风痹淫砾(别本作泺),病不可已者,足如履冰,时如入汤中。For wind arthralgia that cannot be cured, with the feet feeling as if walking on ice at times and as if stepping into hot water at times.
股胫淫砾(别本作泺),烦心,头痛,时呕,时悗,眩已汗出,久则目眩,悲以喜恐,短气,不乐,不出三年死也。With pain in the thighs and shins, a feeling of vexation, headache, occasional vomiting, occasional restlessness, dizziness followed by sweating, long-term dizziness, a feeling of sadness, joy, fear, shortness of breath, and unhappiness, death will occur within three years.