2024年1月24日,Harry T. Dickinson(哈里·狄金森)病逝于英国爱丁堡,享年85岁。
闻此消息,寰球同侪为之叹惋。怀着极其悲痛的心情,天健文史社拟推出狄金森教授与中国青年学子的两次互动,并附Harry T. Dickinson(哈里·狄金森)教授论文一篇,以飨学界,来表达我们深挚的悼念。
Harry T. Dickinson
英国爱丁堡大学荣休教授哈里•狄金森(Harry T. Dickinso)是蜚声国际的知名史家。他担任一系列重要的学术和社会职务,曾担任爱丁堡大学历史学系主任、研究生委员会主席,英国高等教育学会成员;两次担任英国皇家历史学会主席;2002-2005年担任英国历史学会主席,是《牛津国家人物传记词典》副主编,《历史》杂志编辑,英国教学质量评估委员会、资格与课程委员会、大学研究评估委员会、历史标杆管理小组、马歇尔援助纪念委员会等机构的资深顾问,档案和公共记录的大法官顾问委员会成员,艺术和人文研究委员会历史研究组主席等。他的学术研究享有杰出的国际声誉,在18世纪英国政治史的研究上有深厚的造诣,其代表作有:《沃尔波尔与辉格党的优势》(Walpole and the Whig Supremacy, London, 1973) ,《财产与自由》 (Liberty and Property: Political Ideology in Eighteenth-Century Britain, London and New York, 1979),《漫画与宪政, 1760-1832》 (Caricatures and the Constitution, 1760-1832, Cambridge, 1986) 等。
Pro. Dickinson's MESSAGE
Dear Students,
I am sending this message of greeting and good will from the university of Edinburg to the students of Sichuan University in Chengdu.
I have been a serious student of history for 60 years, and I have been connected with China for nearly forty years. And so I am taking this opportunity to communicate my love of history to you and to hope you will continue your studies with great success and enjoyment. I want to make a number of points about the studies of history.
Firstly, I want to stress that the study of history does not just teach you about the past. It also helps you to understand the present and helps you to face the future. It can inform you about human actions, thoughts, believes, motives, aims, fears and so on. In every society, in every part of the globe, history in a way is like an archive or a library, or even a laboratory to appreciate how different societies have developed and to face the problems created by the environment. There were internal relations and external relations. Every society on earth is a product of the past, every individual is a product of their past. You are your past much more than you are your future in fact. So only by understanding the past, can you hope to manage the future, to understand where you are today and where you might be in the future.
Secondly, just think of being someone without a memory.if you woke up tomorrow and have no understanding of what you have done up to that moment. You will be confused, unhappy, incapable of operating. In a way, societies are like that with their past, it fiddly important that the memory of the past, however should be accurate, fair, rational and judicious. One should be aware and afraid of myths, legends, lies, propaganda what today is called fake news, because that would produce a memory which is inaccurate and dangerous. And so all societies need serious historians, China needs people like you to understand the past of the China and the past of the rest of the world that China has to deal with.
The third point is that too often I meet Chinese students, who think the only career they can follow is to be a teacher at their school, college or university of history. I have taught now thousands of university students of their history, and they have gone into very wide range of careers and professions in national and local government, in finance, in accountancy, in law, in industry, in commerce. I have taught a Prime Minister, I have taught a home secretary in the present government. And that’s because history teaches you a wide range of what we call transferrable skills, that is the ability to operate in any kind of employment.
-Firstly, you learn to analyze a problem, what are the questions you need to pursue in order to understand.
-Secondly, you learn how to find information, where do you find the evidence you need.
-Thirdly, you learn how to assess information, its accuracy, its logic, its truthfulness, its fairness, its importance for what you are doing.
-Fourthly, you learn to construct an argument and interpretation which tries to produce a solution to the problem that is facing you. You learn how to weigh up different arguments to select which are more important than others, so relevance and significance is somewhat historians learn.
And fifthly and finally, you learn how to produce an interpretation, an analysis, an understanding which is well written, it should be clear, judicious, fluent, accessible to a wide range of people, not just narrow specialists, but almost any educated citizen of the world. I find historians often write much better than people trained for example in English literature, they might be better of writing novels, or poetry, or plays, but in presenting a clear argument about say a social issue or a political issue, a historian can often do it better.
My next problem that I want to suggest to you is that the serious study of history should teach you qualities that make you better and wiser human beings. Study of history tells you how and why human beings act, think, believe in different societies and in different periods of time. It should teach you to understand a range of people to be fair-minded, tolerant, judicious, what I would call wise. And I hope that history teaches you wisdom above other things, a wisdom to understand human beings, their virtues, their vices, their successes, their mistakes, their believes, their fares, their hopes, no person in society is perfect, no society is perfect. On the other hand, you should not be too pessimistic, because people are also capable of a vary great things. And history should teach you to judge the differences in human beings the range of talents and abilities that they have.
Next, I think history is a collaborative venture, no one person can know all the facts about all societies and every part of the world over all periods of time. We have to learn from each other, you will find specialists working in different fields of history may teach you how to find new kinds of evidence, to pose new kinds of questions, think of new kinds of methodologies, new kinds of interpretation. So you don’t just learn from specialists in your fields, but specialists in adjacent fields or even adjacent subjects, like sociology, anthropology, archaeology, for example.
And finally, history is the largest field of study open to human beings. It is the study of all recorded past, of all human beings in every part of the world. You can therefore study a huge range of histories, political history, military history, economic history, social history, intellectual history, cultural history, religious history, you can do the history of the individual, the family, history of the young and history of the old, the history of work, the history of leisure, the history of crime, the history of disorder and so on. Historians need never be bored, more over where some specialists in say philosophy or mathematics do their best work in their early career, historians can grow wiser over their whole career, and you can study like I how for more than 60 years, and benefit from it and enjoy it. So, I wish you luck with your studies, I would encourage you to think the study of history is very important, it will teach you I think to understand the world better and to understand yourself better, not just the past, but the present and your future, so good luck and thank you for listening.
Harry T. Dickinson
Emeritus Professor of British History and Honorary Professional Fellow
首先,我要强调历史学习教给你的不仅仅是过去,学习历史可以帮助你了解现在并面对未来。它可以揭示人的行为、思想、信念、动机、目标、恐惧等等。某种程度上,在每一个人类社会,在全球各个地方,历史学就像档案馆、图书馆甚至是实验室, 带你领悟不同的人类社会是如何应对他们所处境遇面对的那些问题的。所有人类社会都是过去的产物,每个个体都是过去的产物。实际上相比于未来,是过去决定了你。因此,唯有理解过去,你才有希望掌控未来,知悉今天所处何处才知明天欲往何方。
哈里·狄金森(Harry T.Dickinson)教授现为英国爱丁堡大学荣休教授。他于1966年入职爱丁堡大学迄今已达半世纪,历任助教、讲师、副教授,于1980年担任理查德·洛奇历史学讲席教授(Richard Lodge Professor of British History),掌爱大史学之舵达二十六年之久。此外,他还两次出任英国皇家历史学会副主席,以及担任英国历史学会主席,英国教学质量评估委员会、艺术和人文研究委员会历史研究组主席,马歇尔援助纪念委员会等机构的资深顾问,档案和公共记录大法官顾问委员会委员等一系列重要的社会工作。因其贡献卓著,狄金森教授个人简历与生平被收入《英国当代名人录》;《英国教育名人录》,《苏格兰VIP,国际影响名人录》,《当代欧洲名人录》等一系列名人录,并于1997年受到表彰,肖像进入苏格兰国家肖像馆被永久收藏。
狄金森教授的研究领域是18世纪英国政治史、军事和海军史,其学术研究享有杰出的国际声誉,代表作有:《沃尔波尔与辉格党的优势》(Walpole and the Whig Supremacy, London, 1973)、《财产与自由》(Liberty and Property: Political Ideology in Eighteenth-Century Britain, London and New York, 1979)、《漫画与宪政,1760-1832》(Caricatures and the Constitution, 1760-1832, Cambridge, 1986) 等。他受邀在美国、日本、法国、德国、波兰等多个国家访问、讲学或担任客座教授。他也是中国学术界的老朋友,在中国的世界史学界、特别是英国史学界拥有崇高威望。
哈里·狄金森教授在其长达六十年的史学职业生涯中,一直致力于将政治精英与中等阶层与社会下层政治结合,政治行动与政治理念、信仰结合,这一研究取向令他在十八世纪英国历史、英国宪政史、英国政治思想史等领域取得了丰厚的成果。他把这种研究路径称为“人民政治”(Politics of the People)研究——因为中下阶层民众的政治理念与政治行动才是这一路径所关注的重点和关键。值得一提的是,他也是较早采用漫画、讽刺画来阐述政治史的学者之一。
历经波折,1980年,狄金森教授第一次来到中国,在缺乏资料和无法获取信息的状况下,为南京大学英国史研究生开课五周,每天授课时长六小时。此后许多年,狄金森教授一直以这种高强度的工作状态与中国英国史学界保持密切学术联系。1985年,狄金森教授在南京讲学时与王觉非教授计划在中国召开一次英国史国际会议。之后两年,狄金森教授各处募款、游说,最终获得英国CB通讯(Cable and Wireless)公司大笔经费,承担会议以及来自世界各地学者的全部费用。1987年,来自英国、美国、法国、加拿大、波兰等国学者与中国学人一起在南京召开“国际英国史学术会议”,平等对话,砥砺切磋。直到今天,高岱教授等许多参加过当年会议的学者仍对当时“盛况”印象深刻。
2013年10月25至28日,哈里·狄金森教授与夫人伊丽莎白·狄金森女士第一次到访川大,在四天行程中,教授分别以《英国政治讽刺画和法国大革命》(British Caricature and the French Revolution)、《英国政治讽刺画与拿破仑·波拿巴》(British Caricatures and Napoleon Bonaprte)、《英伦诸岛与法国威胁 1792-1802》(The British Isles and the French Threat 1792-1802)为题做了三场报告。
2015年7月4日至20日,狄金森教授再次来到本校,在为期两周的“实践及国际课程周”(UIP)中,为学生开设了课程“不列颠与法国大革1789—1815" (Britain and the French Revolution 1789-1815),系统讲授法国大革命前夕英国人对法国所发生事件的反应,以及英国思想界对英国独有政治体系的思考。每周一、二、三、四上午,从清晨8点到晚上9点,讲课、讨论、回答提问、自由交流占据了教授全部行程,所有的时间段都被安排得满满当当。
狄金森教授以学术为天下公器的热忱感染着大家。趁他访问期间,四川大学天健文史社抓住机会,开展了形式多样的活动,如举办主题为“My Life of Learning”的讲座,聆听教授讲述他个人的学思历程。在此基础上,文史社还对狄金森教授进行了访谈,希望以口述史的形式,更深入地了解教授作为一个历史学家的成长历程与所思所想,探求中西史学的差异及共通之处。
2018年7月,狄金森教授第三次来到四川大学,也是他人生中第二十八次踏上中国内陆土地。这一次,教授受邀参加为期两周的国际课程周,在开幕式上致辞,并为川大学生开设"Britain and the American Revolution"(英国与美国革命)课程。
审核:辛旭老师 沈冠瑜