Journal of Strategic Information Systems期刊级别
细分领域Platform Partnerships and Emerging TechnologiesThe role of AI/machine learning and predictive analytics in managing platform partnershipsThe impact of AI platforms' unique characteristics, such as learning abilities and non-deterministic behaviors, on platform partnershipsThe role of IoT in real-time coordination and dynamic management of platform partnershipsEffects of distributed ledger technologies on platform partnershipsImpact of low-code/no-code platforms on the role of complementors within these platformsPlatform Partnerships, Platform Power, and the Regulatory EnvironmentStrategies for complementors to manage power asymmetries within platform partnershipsThe role of regulatory interventions in addressing the increasing power of platform ownersStrategies for complementors and platform owners to adapt to regulatory changes, such as new laws and antitrust decisionsManaging regulatory trade-offs between restricting powerful platform owners and fostering innovationGovernance of Platform PartnershipsImpact of emerging technologies on managing tensions in platform governance, such as control versus autonomyThe impact of changes in the platform core on platform partnershipsThe heterogeneity of complementors in digital platform ecosystems and its implications for governanceThe impact of scaling platforms/ecosystems on platform partnershipsPlatform Partnerships and the Evolution of Sourcing ArrangementsThe role of AI, real-time analytics, and DLTs in shaping sourcing strategies, decisions, and governanceThe influence of platforms in managing evolving sourcing relationships重要时间
Submission Deadline: 15 September 2025官网链接