讲座信息 | Conceptual Engineering and Philosophical Pluralism

文摘   2024-11-05 17:16   北京  



主题:Conceptual Engineering and Philosophical Pluralism

主讲人:Prof. Herman Cappelen, Chair Professor of Philosophy, The University of Hong Kong

时间:2024.11.6(周三)   15:00—17:00




Conceptual engineers advocate for a form of philosophical pluralism. The properties that philosophers investigate (e.g., goodness, knowledge, evidence, beauty, justice, consciousness, truth, action, meaning, intelligence, empathy, or understanding) belong to clusters or vicinities. As philosophers, our task is to describe the members of these clusters and their interrelationships. We should abandon the project of describing the precise meanings of the words we happen to have inherited (e.g., the meanings of “goodness”, “knowledge”, “beauty”, “justice”, “consciousness”, “action”, “meaning”, “intelligence”, “empathy”, or “understanding”). To pursue that latter project is to engage in a pointless form of semantic fetishism.


Herman Cappelen

Professor Cappelen is a Chair Professor of Philosophy at the University of Hong Kong. He is the Director of the AI & Humanity Lab at HKU, the Director of IDEAS (part of the Institute of Data Science at HKU), and the Director of the MA programme in AI, Ethics, and Society. He is the author or co-author of eleven influential monographs and more than 50 highly cited papers. His research spans many areas of philosophy, with much of his recent work focusing on issues in the philosophy of AI. He has written about the linguistic and cognitive capacities of AI, existential risks from AI, and the possibility of explainable and interpretable AI.

供稿 | Sebastian Sunday Greve

排版 | 刘枫林

审核 | 王彦晶

发布 | 刘枫林
