It's critical to nip this in the bud right at the beginning, and address it before it comes through to the recipient.关键是要在一开始就把它扼杀在萌芽状态,并在它传到运动员之前解决它。
▼nip sth. in the bud 将...扼杀在萌芽内
The IOC dipping their toes in the water to provide guidance and support and stronger systems for athletes.国际奥委会等机构正在尝试为运动员提供指导和支持,并为运动员提供更强大的系统(保护他们免受网暴)。
▼dip a toe in the water 尝试
dip a toe in the water包含探索的意味。它意味着对某事物的一种初步接触,而非全身心地投入。尝试也是暂时的,可以在觉得不合适或不喜欢时随时停止。