今日情诗 | 爱你仅次于生命,一点点
2024-11-11 09:01
Loving you less than life, a little lessLoving you less than life, a little lessThan bitter-sweet upon a broken wallOr brush-wood smoke in autumn, I confessI cannot swear I love you not at all.For there is that about you in this light—A yellow darkness, sinister of rain—Which sturdily recalls my stubborn sightTo dwell on you, and dwell on you again.And I am made aware of many a weekI shall consume, remembering in what wayYour brown hair grows about your brow and cheekAnd what divine absurdities you say:Till all the world, and I, and surely you,Will know I love you, whether or not I do.1971年11月11日, 著名瑞典导演伯格曼与伯爵英格莉·冯·罗森结为夫妻。此前有四段婚史的花心大导,这一次结合却意外延续了二十年之久,直至妻子胃癌去世,独自鳏居。