《Journal of Risk and Uncertainty》为双月刊,每年6期,每期发表文章4篇左右。2022-2023年影响影子为4.7,JCR分区为Q1,是风险与保险领域的顶级权威学术期刊。该期刊以研究不确定性下的风险承担行为和决策分析的理论或实证文章为特色,涵盖的主题包括:决策理论和不确定性经济学、不确定性下的选择心理模型、风险和公共政策、不确定性下的行为实证分析,以及对现实世界风险承担行为的实证研究。
※ 2024年68卷第3期目录
●Conditional independence in a binary choice experiment
●Revealing risky mistakes through revisions
●Consciously stochastic in preference reversals
●Learning from natural disasters: Evidence from enterprise property insurance take-up in China
※ 2024年69卷第1期目录
●Are economic preferences shaped by the family context? The relation of birth order and siblings’ gender composition to economic preferences
●The gambler’s fallacy prevails in lottery play
● Reference-dependent discounting
●Randomization advice and ambiguity aversion
Conditional independence in a binary choice experiment
Nathaniel T. Wilcox(阿巴拉契亚州立大学)
摘要:Experimental and behavioral economists, as well as psychologists, commonly assume conditional independence of choices when constructing likelihood functions for structural estimation of choice functions. I test this assumption using data from a new experiment designed for this purpose. Within the limits of the experiment’s identifying restriction and designed power to detect deviations from conditional independence, conditional independence is not rejected. In naturally occurring data, concerns about violations of conditional independence are certainly proper and well-taken (for well-known reasons). However, when an experimenter employs the particular experimental mechanisms and designs used here, the findings suggest that conditional independence is an acceptable assumption for analyzing data so generated.
Revealing risky mistakes through revisions
Zachary Breig(昆士兰大学),Paul Feldman(德州农工大学)
摘要:We argue that a choice that is modified, absent any informational change, is revealed to have been a mistake. In an experiment, we allow subjects to choose from budgets over binary lotteries. To identify mistakes, which we interpret as deviations from an underlying “true” preference, we allow subjects to revise a subset of their initial choices. The set of revised decisions improves under several standard definitions of optimality. These mistakes are prevalent: subjects modify over 75% of their initial choices when given the chance. Subjects make larger mistakes when inexperienced and when choosing over lotteries with small probabilities of winning.
Consciously stochastic in preference reversals
Liu Shi(拉德堡德大学),Jianying Qiu(拉德堡德大学), Jiangyan Li(东北财经大学),Frank Bohn(瑞士苏黎世联邦理工学院)
摘要:Stochastic choice, the act of choosing differently in repeated decisions, can be a conscious decision made by individuals who are aware of their inability to make a definitive choice. To examine the prevalence and implications of conscious stochastic choice, we developed a novel method and implemented it in a preference reversal experiment: In each valuation choice between the bet and a varying reference option, subjects could either pay a small cost to select a specific option or opt for a free randomization choice where a computer randomly selects an option. Our findings revealed that the majority of subjects exhibited conscious stochastic choice, and further that their choices were significantly affected by the elicitation procedures.
Learning from natural disasters: Evidence from enterprise property insurance take-up in China
Yugang Ding (广东外语外贸大学), Peiyun Deng(上海外国语大学)
摘要:This paper examines the causal impact of natural disasters on property insurance take-up of firms. Using the data of industrial firms in China, we find that a one-standard-deviation increase in typhoon damage leads to a 2.6% increase in the purchase of property insurance the following year. This increase gradually declines and returns to the previous level three years later. Our results demonstrate that this impact is driven not by changes in risk preferences or supply-side variation but by the updated risk beliefs learned from the typhoon experience. Unlike household insurance decisions, the learning effect of firms demonstrates an indirect but positive effect of typhoons on the firm’s insurance decisions from its related firms in the upstream or downstream sectors, but not from competitors.
Are economic preferences shaped by the family context? The relation of birth order and siblings’ gender composition to economic preferences
Lena Detlefsen(基尔世界经济研究所), Andreas Friedl(基尔世界经济研究所), Katharina Lima de Miranda(基尔世界经济研究所), Ulrich Schmidt(约翰内斯堡大学), Matthias Sutter(马克斯·普朗克集体商品研究所,因斯布鲁克大学,科隆大学)
摘要:The formation of economic preferences in childhood and adolescence has long-term consequences for life outcomes. We study in an experiment how both birth order and siblings’ gender composition are related to risk, time, and social preferences. We find that second-born children are typically less patient, more risk-tolerant, and more trusting. However, siblings’ gender composition interacts importantly with birth order effects. Second-born children are more risk-taking only with same-gender siblings. In mixed-gender environments, children seem to identify with the gender stereotype that boys are much more willing to take risks than girls, irrespective of birth order. For trust and trustworthiness, birth order effects are larger with mixed-gender siblings. Only for patience, siblings’ gender composition does not matter.
The gambler’s fallacy prevails in lottery play
Brian Dillon(康奈尔大学),Travis J. Lybbert(加州大学戴维斯分校)
摘要:We use natural experiments in Haiti and Denmark to test recent theoretical predictions about how agents react to random events. Using player-level administrative data, we find that the average lottery player avoids numbers that recently won (the gambler’s fallacy). A small subset of players in each country exhibit the hot hand fallacy, and bet recent winners. We find no evidence of ‘streak switching,’ in which beliefs switch from the gambler’s fallacy to the hot hand fallacy as winning streaks grow. Follow-up survey data in Haiti indicate that almost all lottery players believe that some numbers are more likely to win than others, and that recent winning history is an important factor in subjective beliefs about numbers’ win probabilities.
Reference-dependent discounting
Arthur E. Attema(伊拉斯谟大学), Zhihua Li(广东省重点实验室IRADS, 北京师范大学—香港浸会大学联合国际学院)
摘要:Reference-dependence has become a widely established phenomenon in decision making under risk, not only for monetary outcomes but also for other outcomes, e.g., related to health. However, when the prospects involve risk about timing (the time of receipt of outcomes), rather than the outcomes themselves, much less is known about reference-dependence. This study extends discounted utility to incorporate reference-dependence and is the first to test it in timing prospects. We are also the first to estimate the probability weighting function for timing prospects. For both timing and outcome risk tasks, we replicate the typical fourfold pattern of risk attitudes: risk seeking for low-probability gains, risk aversion for high-probability gains, risk aversion for low-probability losses and risk seeking for high-probability losses. In other words, we find substantial pessimism with regard to high probabilities in the gain domain and low probabilities in the loss domain, and probabilistic optimism for low probabilities in the gain domain and high probabilities in the loss domain. Furthermore, we report loss aversion for outcome risks, while for timing risks, we find the opposite result, which we term earliness seeking. In sum, we find substantial empirical support for reference-dependent discounting. Our results show that psychological biases are also important when timing is risky, although the direction of bias may differ.
Randomization advice and ambiguity aversion
Christoph Kuzmics(奥地利格拉茨大学), Brian W. Rogers(华盛顿大学) & Xiannong Zhang(谷歌公司)
摘要:We design and implement lab experiments to evaluate the normative appeal of behavior arising from models of ambiguity-averse preferences. We report two main empirical findings. First, we demonstrate that behavior reflects an incomplete understanding of the problem, providing evidence that subjects do not act on the basis of preferences alone. Second, additional clarification of the decision making environment pushes subjects’ choices in the direction of ambiguity aversion models, regardless of whether or not the choices are also consistent with subjective expected utility, supporting the position that subjects find such behavior normatively appealing.
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