3. 中国科学院过程工程研究所,介科学与工程全国重点实验室,绿色过程与工程国家重点实验室,离子液体清洁过程北京市重点实验室, 北京 100190
4. 惠州市绿色能源与新材料研究院,广东 惠州 516083
1 前 言
2 实 验
2.1 材料与试剂
2.2 实验设备与分析仪器
2.3 实验方法
3 结果与讨论
3.1 催化性能评价
3.2 催化剂表征
3.3 催化反应机理探究
4 结 论
Surface modification and catalytic performance study of Cu-based carbon dioxide to methanol hydrogenation catalyst
2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
3. State Key Laboratory of Mesoscience and Engineering, CAS Key Laboratory of Green Process and Engineering, Beijing Key Laboratory of Ionic Liquids Clean Process, Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China
4. Huizhou Institute of Green Energy and Advanced Materials, Huizhou, Guangdong 516083, China