据《柯林斯词典》所述,“brat”一词含义多元,它既可以是一种尖锐的态度展现,也被部分人视为“过于花哨”的审美,甚至还曾作为竞选口号“Kamala IS Brat(卡马拉是个Brat)”迅速在政治圈走红(尽管它的含义仍然有点难以确定)。
Brat is different things to different people; a spiky attitude, a garish aesthetic, even a campaign slogan (the phrase "Kamala IS Brat" proved snappy enough to go politically viral, even as its meaning remained a little hard to pin down).
Channelling self-acceptance as well as rebelliousness, it’s a fitting word for 2024, a year when hedonism and anxiety have combined to form an intoxicating brew.
Brainrot" is a term formed from "brain" and "rot" that refers to "an inability to think clearly caused by excessive consumption of low-quality online content.“brainrot”是由brain(大脑)和rot(腐烂)组合而成,指由于过度沉迷于低质量的在线内容,而对人的心理和认知产生的负面影响,导致批判性思维或认知能力明显下降。小九怎么感觉在说我,由于整天刷短视频,感觉自己的智商都下降了。“Delulu” describes someone whose thoughts or expectations are completely unrealistic, meaning they are “utterly mistaken or unrealistic in one’s ideas or expectations.用来形容某人的想法或期待完全错误或不切实际,是“delusional”一词的缩写。这个词曾在TikTok上爆火。一开始的用法是出自于KPOP圈。有些粉丝们妄想自己跟喜欢的偶像在交往等等,这些人就被形容为“delulu”。这个单词感觉翻译为中文可以是“梦女”或者“梦男”"Romantasy" is "a literary genre that combines romantic fiction with fantasy," often set in magical worlds filled with fairies, dragons, and other fantastical elements, alongside classic romantic tropes like enemies-to-lovers, soulmates, and love triangles.从构词法看,romantasy是由romance 和fantasy合并而成。指一种结合了浪漫小说和幻想元素的虚构类作品类型,通常以浪漫爱情为故事主线,掺入魔幻、超自然、冒险的主题。比如年轻人喜欢看的各种古偶仙侠剧,可以称作“romantasy”"Era" is defined as "a period of one's life or career that is of a distinctive character." The term gained popularity from Taylor Swift's Eras Tour, which highlights the unique phases of her career.“Era”指的是“某人生命或职业中具有独特特点的时期”,这个词的流行主要得益于泰勒·斯威夫特耗资10亿美元的“时代”巡回演唱会,该演唱会将于2024年底结束。"Looksmaxxing" can be divided into "softmaxxing" and "hardmaxxing," both aimed at maximizing the attractiveness of one’s physical appearance.looksmaxxing”是指外貌吸引力最大化,侧重指男性改变自己外貌的过程,分为“softmaxxing(通过护肤、健身等方法柔和改变)”和“hardmaxxing(通过整容和类固醇等硬核改变)”,两者都旨在“最大限度地提高一个人的外表吸引力”。这个词让小九想起前段时间小红书上很火的“求改造”的话题,其中有个因为听劝而火的“小艾同学”因为听劝再加上自律,成功从油腻中年人化身清爽男大,还找到摄影师女友,结婚生子了。"Rawdogging" is a TikTok trend where people, while on a plane, do nothing but stare at the seat in front of them or the flight path map — essentially, "undertaking an activity without preparation, support, or equipment."“rawdogging”是TikTok上一种流行趋势,指的是在飞机上只盯着前方座位或航迹图,什么都不做,包括不看手机、不看电影、不听音乐,甚至不吃饭喝水……本质上是指“在没有准备、支持或设备的情况下进行一项活动”。"Anti-tourism" refers to "opposition to or action against large-scale tourism," a movement expressed in many European countries in response to the overcrowding caused by mass tourism.“anti-tourism”指的是反对大规模旅游,尤其是在旅游人潮过剩的情况下,欧洲不少国家的民众都表达了反对的声音。"supermajority"refers to "a large majority in a legislative assembly that enables a government to pass laws without effective scrutiny."“supermajority”指的是绝大多数,通常是三分之二以上,如立法议会中的多数席位。这可能与今年各国陆续进行的选举相关。"Yapping" refers to "talking at length, especially about inconsequential matters".“yapping”指的是长篇大论、喋喋不休,尤其是谈论无关紧要的事情。例如:“She keeps yapping at me about Joe.” (她没完没了和我叨叨关于乔的事。)关注9分达人