活动介绍:Chi Lau,本次大师班主持人。
其本人拥有Eco Luu可再生能源咨询公司,在半导体和照明行业拥有超过30年的工作经验,并曾在飞利浦和贺利氏等多家大型集团担任高管。
Keynote speech, Machiel Mulder, Professor of Energy Economics at University of Groningen
Machiel Mulder is a specialist in the field of economics of energy transition which appears from his numerous publications on that topic, his various advisory roles to governmental energy-transition policies, his activities in educational programmes on BSc and (executive) MSc level and his appearance in the media to comment on topical developments in the field of energy markets and policy. He has published several books including the book” Energietransitie, eerst snappen, dan doen” (Energy transition, first understand, then act).