“IPMA推动项目专业发展:全球趋势、发展和机遇”——IPMA主席Mladen Vukomanović2024大连演讲精要

文摘   2024-11-01 17:45   陕西  


本文分享IPMA主席Mladen Vukomanović的演讲精要,其演讲题目是“IPMA推动项目专业发展:全球趋势、发展和机遇”(IPMA driving the Project Profession, Global Trends, Developments and Opportunities)。 

到 2030 年,全球将有约1亿人从事项目管理工作,以项目为导向的经济活动将占全球GDP的40%。然而,最新研究表明,在全球范围内开展的高度复杂的大型项目中,只有不到35%取得了成功,这意味着项目执行效率低下,收效甚微。尽管如此,社会从未像现在这样发达,项目活动也从未像现在这样多。全球企业的年度预算中也有一半以上用于项目工作。


本次演讲将讨论项目专业的最新趋势和发展及其发展方式,进一步解释项目专业如何成为一门规范的学科,并展示 IPMA 生态系统如何帮助组织走向卓越,特别强调个人、项目和组织在项目管理方面的能力。

By 2030, some 100 million people around the world are likely to be working in project management, and the percentage of project-oriented economic activity will have reached 40% of the global GDP. However, the latest research shows that less than 35% of highly complex and large projects undertaken worldwide are successful—which means that projects are executed inefficiently and with little result. Still, society has never been more developed or with larger volume of project activity. Global corporations are also reporting more than half of their annual budgets spent on project work. 

Therefore, project management has become a necessity and a critical vehicle of development. To take advantage of this new project economy,organizations need a new approach to project management and improve their performance. They need to run the project-driven organizational structures, develop competences of their project professionals, set project management standards and include project officers in their decision-making bodies. 

The lecture will discuss the latest trends and developments of project profession and how it develops. It will further explain how project profession emerges into a regulated discipline and show how IPMA Ecosystem can aid organizations on their way to excellence. Special emphasis will be put on individual, project and organizational competence in project management. 


Mladen Vukomanović 教授,在各行各业担任不同的领导职务长达20年之久,其中包括AEC、石油和天然气以及第三产业。作为一名项目专家致力于促进可持续的社会变革,发展项目专业,并在现实生活中应用项目管理。Mladen是建筑和土木工程专业的全职教授,目前在萨格勒布大学任教。

在20年的职业生涯中,他为多个非政府组织和慈善机构提供志愿服务,包括克罗地亚项目管理协会(IPMA Croatia)以及国际项目管理协会(IPMA),并担任过一系列不同的领导职务(包括主席、副主席等)。

他在项目管理领域广受尊重,获得了多项著名认证和奖项,包括IPMA A 级认证。他参与了科学和教育部的科学项目以及欧洲复兴开发银行、世界银行、欧盟委员会、IPMA等国际机构资助的研究项目。Mladen Vukomanović在思想领导力、发展专业社区和专业协会方面有着丰富的经验。
