【观澜湖幼儿园】MHIS Communication Event “交通工具”单元总结活动

文摘   2024-11-18 18:26   海南  



MHIS Transportation 

Unit Communication Event 


Over the past two months, our kindergarten classes—K1, K2, and K3—have been on an exciting journey exploring the world of transportation! From understanding the evolution of transport to discussing its various types and importance, our students have engaged in hands-on learning that has sparked their curiosity and creativity.  


K1 Highlights


In K1, our young learners discovered the different types of transportation. They explored the unique shapes and functions of various vehicles. The learned a lot about the different shapes and types of transport, and showed which ones they liked best. To showcase their learning during the communication event, K1 performed a lively helicopter dance to a transport-themed song and acted out a scene demonstrating road safety. Their enthusiasm was infectious! 

K2 Highlights


K2 students delved into both past and present modes of transportation. They asked insightful questions, such as why old trains emitted smoke and why early cars lacked windows. During the communication phase, they let their imaginations soar by designing future modes of transportation!

Some creative ideas included

Airplanes with Shower Facilities: Because who wouldn’t want to freshen up mid-flight?


Aerial Parking Lots: Allowing multiple airplanes to park together.


Rocket-Powered Cars: For those wishing to travel far and fast.


Amphibious Vehicles: Cars with wings that can fly or planes with wheels for land travel.


K3 Highlights


In K3, students built various types of transportation, focusing on their favorites. They crafted boats using wine corks tied together as the body and decorated cotton cloth as sails, creating floating vessels! They also collaborated to make a creative fire truck from an egg tray, painting it red and adding ladders made from paper. Each child brought their unique ideas to life, resulting in an adorable fire truck!


Together with K2, K3 created a Transportation Museum to showcase all their projects and what they learned throughout this unit  

International Division Inquiry Learning Update 


Our new unit, “My Wardrobe,” officially kicks off this week! Stay tuned for exciting updates and discoveries!


