
教育   2024-11-15 09:54   广东  

传统职场观念是年轻人从底层沿 “职业阶梯” 逐步晋升,但一项新调查显示,52% 的年轻员工不想成为中层管理者,约七成年轻人觉得中层管理者工作压力大且薪资不足,不过他们仍有抱负,近四分之三希望通过 “个人路线” 取得成功(比如自主创业或做自由职业者),这可能使公司改变结构,进行调查的罗伯特・沃尔特斯公司称未来公司或许需更注重团队合作,减少对传统上下级管理结构的依赖。


Many Young Workers Don't Want to Become Managers
Many Young Workers Don't Want to Become ManagersThe traditional way of thinking about the workplace is that when you're young you start at the bottom and slowly move up the "career ladder."
That's the name given to the steps people often take through a company: each promotion is another step on the ladder — a little more money, a little more responsibility.
But according to a new survey, many young workers don't dream of moving up that ladder — they have different ideas about their careers.
Research by a recruitment company called Robert Walters found that 52% of young workers don't want to become middle managers.
Middle managers are leaders with a number of responsibilities, although they still have bosses above them.
About seven out of 10 young adults said they feel the job of a middle manager would bring too much stress and not enough money.
But these young workers are still ambitious — they just have ideas about what they want from their working lives.
Almost three-quarters would like to succeed by taking an "individual route." That may mean they work for themselves, perhaps as an entrepreneur or freelancer.
This would let them succeed outside of the traditional "career ladder" structure.
It's hard to say what effect this could have on the world of work. If young workers don't want to take jobs as managers, companies may find they have to change their structures.
Robert Walters — the company that did the survey — said that in the future companies may need to focus more on teamwork, and less on the traditional structure of bosses and managers.
