
文摘   2024-11-17 10:12   重庆  

灵枢·癫狂 Miraculous Pivot・Mania and Epilepsy

目眦外决于面者,为锐眦;在内近鼻者,为内眦;上为外眦,下为内眦。The outer canthus that is separated from the face is called the outer canthus; the one near the nose on the inside is called the inner canthus; the upper one is the outer canthus, and the lower one is the inner canthus.


癫疾始生,先不乐,头重痛,视举目赤;甚作极,已而烦心,候之于颜,取手太阳、阳明、太阴,血变为止。When epilepsy first occurs, there is initially a lack of pleasure, a feeling of heaviness and pain in the head, upward staring with red eyes; when it becomes severe, there will be subsequent annoyance in the heart. Examine the complexion and select the points on the Hand-Taiyang, Hand-Yangming, and Hand-Taiyin meridians. Stop the needling when the blood changes.


癫疾始作,而引口啼呼喘悸者,候之手阳明、太阳。左强者,攻其右;右强者,攻其左,血变为止。When epilepsy first begins and there is stretching of the mouth accompanied by crying, shouting, panting, and palpitations, examine the Hand-Yangming and Hand-Taiyang meridians. If the left side is stronger, treat the right side; if the right side is stronger, treat the left side. Stop the needling when the blood changes.


癫疾始作先反僵,因而脊痛,候之足太阳、阳明、太阴、手太阳,血变为止。When epilepsy first begins with initial opisthotonos and subsequent pain in the spine, examine the Foot-Taiyang, Foot-Yangming, Foot-Taiyin, and Hand-Taiyang meridians. Stop the needling when the blood changes.


治癫疾者,常与之居,察其所当取之处。病至,视之有过者泻之,置其血于瓠壶之中,至其发时,血独动矣。不动,灸穷骨二十壮。穷骨者,骶骨也。When treating epilepsy, one should often stay with the patient and observe the appropriate points to be needled. When the disease occurs, if there is an excess condition upon examination, perform the reducing method and place the blood in a gourd pot. When the epilepsy attacks again, only the blood in the pot will move. If it does not move, moxibust 20 cones on the sacrum. The sacrum is also called the coccyx.


骨癫疾者,顑、齿诸腧、分肉皆满而骨居,汗出、烦悗,呕多沃沫,气下泄,不治。In cases of bone epilepsy, the points on the cheeks, teeth, and various acupoints, as well as the intermuscular spaces, are all full, and there is a sense of heaviness in the bones, sweating, restlessness, excessive vomiting of frothy saliva, and downward leakage of qi. It is incurable.


筋癫疾者,身倦、挛急、脉大,刺项大经之大杼脉;呕多沃沫,气下泄,不治。In cases of sinew epilepsy, there is body fatigue, muscle spasms, and a large pulse. Needle the Dazhu point on the large meridian of the neck. If there is excessive vomiting of frothy saliva and downward leakage of qi, it is incurable.


脉癫疾者,暴仆,四肢之脉皆胀而纵,脉满,尽刺之出血;In cases of vessel epilepsy, there is sudden fainting, swelling and relaxation of the vessels in all four limbs, and fullness of the vessels. If the vessels are full, prick them all to let out blood;


不满,灸之挟项太阳,灸带脉于腰相去三寸,诸分肉本输;呕吐沃沫,气下泄,不治。癫疾者,疾发如狂者,死不治。If not full, moxibust the points on both sides of the nape of the neck along the Taiyang meridian, moxibust the Dai Mai three inches away from the waist, and the original points of all the intermuscular spaces. If there is vomiting of frothy saliva and downward leakage of qi, it is incurable. In cases of epilepsy with attacks resembling mania, it is incurable and will lead to death.


狂始生,先自悲也,喜忘、苦怒、善恐者,得之忧饥,治之取手太阳、阳明,血变而止,及取足太阴、阳明。When mania first occurs, there is initially self-pity, forgetfulness, irritability, and susceptibility to fear. It is caused by worry and hunger. Treat by selecting the points on the Hand-Taiyang, Hand-Yangming meridians. Stop needling when the blood changes, and also select the points on the Foot-Taiyin and Foot-Yangming meridians.


狂始发,少卧不饥,自高贤也,自辩智也,自尊贵也,善骂詈,日夜不休,治之取手阳明、太阳、太阴、舌下少阴,视之盛者,皆取之;不盛,释之也。When mania first begins, there is little sleep and no hunger, a sense of self-importance, self-justification of intelligence, self-esteem, and a tendency to curse and scold continuously day and night. Treat by selecting the points on the Hand-Yangming, Hand-Taiyang, Hand-Taiyin, and Sublingual-Shaoyin meridians. If the condition is severe, take all the relevant points; if not severe, do not take them.


狂言、惊、善笑、好歌乐、妄行不休者,得之大恐,治之取手阳明、太阳、太阴。In cases of raving, being startled, excessive laughing, fondness for singing and music, and continuous erratic behavior, it is caused by great fear. Treat by selecting the points on the Hand-Yangming, Hand-Taiyang, Hand-Taiyin meridians.


狂,目妄见、耳妄闻、善呼者,少气之所生也,治之取手太阳、太阴、阳明、足太阴、头、两顑。In cases of mania with visual hallucinations, auditory hallucinations, and excessive shouting, it is caused by deficiency of qi. Treat by selecting the points on the Hand-Taiyang, Hand-Taiyin, Hand-Yangming, Foot-Taiyin, the head, and both cheeks.


狂者多食,善见鬼神,善笑而不发于外者,得之有所大喜,治之取足太阴、太阳、阳明,后取手太阴、太阳、阳明。In cases of mania with excessive eating, seeing ghosts and spirits, and internal laughing without showing it externally, it is caused by excessive joy. Treat by selecting the points on the Foot-Taiyin, Foot-Taiyang, Foot-Yangming, and then on the Hand-Taiyin, Hand-Taiyang, Hand-Yangming meridians.


狂而新发,未应如此者,先取曲泉左右动脉,及盛者见血,有顷已;不已,以法取之,灸骨骶二十壮。When mania is newly onset and does not present as expected, first select the arterial points on both sides of Ququan. If the condition is severe and there is bleeding upon seeing the blood, it will subside soon; if not, treat according to the appropriate methods and moxibust the sacrum 20 cones.


风逆,暴四肢肿,身漯漯,唏然时寒,饥则烦,饱则善变,取手太表里,足少阴、阳明之径,肉清取荥,骨清取井、经也。In cases of wind reversal, there is sudden swelling of the four limbs, a sense of dampness on the body, shivering and occasional chills, annoyance when hungry, and easy changes when full. Select the meridians of the Hand-Tai and Yang and Yin, Foot-Shaoyin, and Foot-Yangming. If the muscles are cold, select the Ying points; if the bones are cold, select the Jing and Well points.


厥逆为病也,足暴清,胸若将裂,肠若将以刀切之,烦而不能食,脉大小皆涩。In the case of the disease of reversal of qi, the feet suddenly become cold, the chest feels as if it is going to split open, the intestines seem as if they are going to be cut by a knife. There is restlessness and inability to eat, and the pulse, whether large or small, is unsmooth.


暖取足少阴,清取足阳明,清则补之,温则泻之。When the feet are warm, select the points on the Foot-Shaoyin Meridian for treatment; when the feet are cold, select the points on the Foot-Yangming Meridian. When the feet are cold, the tonifying method should be applied; when the feet are warm, the reducing method should be applied.


厥逆腹胀满,肠鸣,胸满不得息,取之下胸二胁,咳而动手者,与背输,以手按之立快者是也。In cases of reversal of qi with abdominal distension and fullness, borborygmus, and fullness of the chest with difficulty in breathing, select the points under the lower chest and on both sides of the ribs. If coughing causes movement, combine with the back acupoints. The points that can relieve the discomfort immediately when pressed by hand are the ones to be selected.


内闭不得溲,刺足少阴、太阳与抵(别本作骶)上以长针。In cases of internal blockage with inability to urinate, needle the Foot-Shaoyin, Foot-Taiyang, and the points on the sacrum (in some versions, it is the coccyx) with long needles.


气逆,则取其太阴、阳明、厥阴,甚取少阴、阳明,动者之经也。In cases of qi reversal, select the Taiyin, Yangming, and Jueyin meridians. If the condition is severe, select the Shaoyin and Yangming meridians, which are the meridians of the moving qi.


少气,身漯漯也,言吸吸也,骨酸体重,懈惰不能动,补足少阴。In cases of deficiency of qi, the body feels damp, the speech is weak, there is bone soreness and heaviness of the body, and lethargy and inability to move. Tonify the Foot-Shaoyin meridian.


短气,息短不属,动作气索,补足少阴,去血络也。In cases of shortness of breath with discontinuous breathing and weakness of qi during movement, tonify the Foot-Shaoyin meridian and remove the blood vessels.

