A fugitive former official in Northeast China’s Heilongjiang province accused of embezzling over $400 million will have his illegal gains — including over 1,000 properties and 38 vehicles — confiscated by local prosecutors, as China strengthens its efforts to recover the ill-gotten assets of criminals who flee abroad.Li Chuanliang, who is still at large, allegedly took advantage of his positions in the cities of Jixi and Hegang to pocket public assets worth more than 2.9 billion yuan ($407 million) and accepted nearly 49 million yuan in bribes for helping others “seek improper benefits,” according to a court notice published Friday in People’s Court Daily, a newspaper managed by the Supreme People’s Court.逃至境外的黑龙江鸡西原副市长李传良一案又有新进展,近日,黑龙江省牡丹江市中院公告称,李传良涉嫌贪污、受贿、挪用公款、滥用职权罪,涉案总金额超过31.56亿元,案发后扣押、冻结资金共计14.09亿余元,查封1021处房产,查封土地、滩涂27宗,查封林地8宗,扣押汽车38辆、扣押机械设备10台(套),冻结18家公司股权。经黑龙江省高级法院、黑龙江省检察院指定,将没收犯罪嫌疑人李传良违法所得申请一案交由牡丹江市检察院申请,牡丹江中院审判。牡丹江中院已于9月29日立案受理。
Prosecutors also accused him of misappropriating another 110 million yuan in public funds for profit-making activities, in addition to registering companies with state-owned funds without authorization and awarding contracts to firms that he controlled, through which he gained 73.25 million yuan in illicit profits, the notice said.Li, 61, resigned from the deputy mayor role in 2017 and fled China the following year. Chinese authorities issued a warrant for his arrest in December 2020, after launching an investigation into Li in July that year. Authorities have since frozen over 1.4 billion yuan of Li’s assets and seized 1,021 properties and 38 vehicles as well as other items, according to the notice.Mudanjiang People’s Procuratorate filed an application to the city’s intermediate court to confiscate Li’s illicit gains, which the court began processing in late September.公开履历显示,李传良今年61岁(1963年9月生),黑龙江鸡西人,20岁时从鸡西市财政局工财科科员起步,30年内在鸡西市财政系统逐步晋升至鸡西市财政局党组书记、局长,市国资办主任,2012年1月任鸡西副市长,2014年4月候任鹤岗副市长,一个月后转正,直至2016年12月。2017年3月,李传良辞去公职。
Initial investigations found Li had transferred some of his illegal gains abroad, Heilongjiang provincial graft busters said in a statement in 2020.One way was through Hong Kong. In July 2014, six people carrying suitcases loaded with a total of 5 million yuan of Li’s cash boarded planes flying from Jixi and Beijing to Shenzhen, a port city bordering Hong Kong, according to a court verdict published on China Judgements Online.刘某根据指示将李传良平时交给其保管的415万元现金装到五个拉杆箱后,安排李某、李长奇、尹某、谭某、潘某等五人于2014年7月9日从鸡西出发,乘飞机将装有415万元现金的拉杆箱携带转移至深圳,同时安排董玉琨于同日从北京出发,乘飞机将其在北京为李传良保管的85万元现金携带转移至深圳。上述六人在深圳会合后,由董玉琨将500万元现金重新装箱交接给孙成祥。
The majority of the money was deposited by several others using their own identification information and then wired to bank accounts Li had set up at a currency exchange shop in Hong Kong. An individual then withdrew the money in Hong Kong dollars and gave the cash to Li, the court document showed.The two main aides who helped Li store and conceal his ill-gotten gains in this case received sentencing of between three and half years and five years behind bars, according to the verdict released in 2022.法院认为,孙成祥明知是他人犯罪所得资金而予以转移,董玉琨明知是他人犯罪所得资金而予以保管、转移,其行为均已构成掩饰、隐瞒犯罪所得罪。2021年12月29日,孙成祥、董玉琨因犯掩饰、隐瞒犯罪所得罪,分别被判处有期徒刑五年、三年六个月。
China has stepped up its efforts in recent years to recover assets of criminals who have fled the country with illicit gains. Through methods including seeking cooperation with other countries in seizing the fugitives’ assets abroad, China recovered more than 19.6 billion yuan in illicit gains from 2014 to June 2020, according to data released by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.
Writing by Kelly Wang
Editing by Jonathan Breen
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