来市集住宅参观体验的人数约为每周15万人;每年参观人数约为800万人 Each week the building is visited by 150,000 people, which results in a 'net visitor' amount of eight million per year 在所有来访的体验者中,53%来自鹿特丹,47%来自荷兰其他城市或荷兰境外 33% of the visitors are from Rotterdam, 20% from the Rotterdam metro area (Rijnmond), with the remaining 47% from the rest of the Netherlands and abroad 在所有来访的体验者中,56%的收入水平处在平均线以上;33%则属于低收入人群。市集住宅能够吸引不同收入群体和阶层 56% of visitors earn an above average income, whilst 33% of visitors earn in the low income range. Market Hall attracts visitors from a wide range of economic groups 大部分参观者都是成对来访,参观团体的人数平均为1.84 Most visitors come in pairs; the average group size is 1,84 参观者中一半以上都是专程来参观打卡,其余则是为了休闲体验 Half of the visitors come to Market Hall as a destination visit; the rest are strolling for leisure 据统计,与其他鹿特丹市中心的目的地相比,参观者在市集住宅花费的平均时间为45分钟 An average visit to Market Hall takes 45 minutes or more. This is, again, comparable to that of visits to city centres 市集住宅每周平均营业额为 130 万欧元。年营业额约为 6300 万欧元。其中 29% 的营业额来自商店,18% 来自餐厅,53% 来自市场摊位。 The average weekly turnover of Market Hall is 1,3 million Euro. The annual turnover is approximately 63 million Euro. 29% of this turnover is reached at the stores, 18% at the restaurants, and 53% at market stalls.