外资交易台 | 大涨之后,我们身处何方?(10月1日)

文摘   2024-10-01 10:18   中国香港  





  1. 美股昨天的一个短评(包括中概股ADR);

  2. 香港市场 vs 一些交易台信息 (资金流观察);

  3. 几个基本面关键数据(和今年5月份相比



  1. 美股的一个短评(包括中概股ADR)



US equities faced large intraday whipsaw to close out the quarter, with attention again mostly centered on China, although strength waned as the holiday closures began for Golden Week.

大规模的对冲交易是今天美股市场的一个重要主题,QQQ(纳指ETF)三月450-460点位的看跌期权组合(今天QQQ收盘点位为488.07点)以约17万手的中性头寸被买入。由于此看跌期权价的位线再次上调,市场中性买入看跌期权,从而跟上 QQQ 现货反弹的步伐 (用来匹配对冲需求)。

Large hedging prints were a major theme in the market today with QQQ Mar 450-460 put spread bought ~170k neutral, as this put line is rolled up for a second time to keep up w the spot rally.

海外市场方面,中国及新兴市场的资金流动放缓与上周史诗级的资金流相比),反映出更加谨慎的倾向,主要是FXI/KWEB/ASHR/EEM(分别代表中国大型股ETF,中国互联网ETF,沪深300 ETF和新兴市场ETF)的上涨获利了结(EEM上周建立的12月50 (对应今天收盘点位是45.86)看涨期权有125,000份被平仓),同时对冲需求有所增加

Overseas, China / EM flows slowed (in the context of last week), and reflected more cautious tilt with mostly upside monetization in FXI/KWEB/ASHR/EEM (with the latter seeing an outsized 125k of the Dec 50 calls unwound, put on last week) as well as pickup in hedging demand.

个股层面也出现了类似的动态变化JD(京东)和TAL(新东方)上行头寸被平仓(upside unwound),同时通过PDD卖出波动率 (bias to sell vol via PDD weekly vol sales)(不过话说回来,这种PDD的交易模式我们已经观察到很长时间,无论是在放水刺激措施公告前还是后);

Similar dynamic shift was seen on the single stock level, with upside unwound (JD, TAL) and bias to sell vol via PDD weekly vol sales (recall this PDD footprint is something we have seen for some time both pre & post the stim measure announcements) 


BEKE/NIO Jan calls sold; plus initiating hedges with couple of BABA 1pt put spread buying


  2. 香港市场 vs 一些交易台信息 (资金流观察)

这里挑了高盛香港市场盘后总结(昨天收盘),还有高盛 资金流大神 Scott Rubner 的一些反馈(也是昨天收盘);

A. 香港市场

资金流动方面,市场再次活跃,接近过去四周平均成交量的3.1倍。买卖盘大致均衡,LO (long only) 的买盘显著(占我们市场活动的80%以上),而对冲基金则小幅净卖出

Flow wise the pad was active again, nearly 3.1x of 4w average. Skew was about even, with LO buying

notable (80%+ of our pad) while HF side was small net seller.


Cleary preference in Consumer Disc by LOs

in meaningful size, across e-comm / sportswear / delivery / textile vs small selling Macau / autos.

信息技术,包括太阳能,继续受到 LO 需求的推动,而硬件技术则存在双向资金流动。

Info Tech including solar continue to see LO demand vs two-way flow in hardware tech.


Relatively smaller buying in Healthcare Property, but sizable selling flow in Financials, especially in China banks / insurers offset some of the bids in other sectors. 


HFs were net sellers today in small size, Consumer Disc selling including ecomm / EVs / sportswear were notable vs bids in Comm Svcs (telcos / internet) and Financials (insurers).

顺便更新一下上周高盛 Prime Brokerage数据

在过去的一周,中国股票在我们记录中经历了最大周净买入,几乎完全由 Long buys 推动 (单一股票买入占净买入名义净买入的71%)。

Over the last week, Chinese equities saw the largest weekly net buying on our book’s record, driven almost entirely by long buys with single stock making up 71% of the notional net buying. 

除能源外,所有行业均为净买入。对中国股票的总/净配置分别为全球投资组合的5.3% / 8.1%,在过去5年中分别处于第16和第27百分位。两者在上周开始前,均处于5年低点

All sectors other than Energy were net bought. Gross / net allocation to Chinese equities are now at 5.3% / 8.1% of global book respectively, which is the 16th / 27th %tile vs past 5 years. They were both at 5-

year lows coming into last week.

B. Scott Rubner 交易流观察

对中国市场"害怕错失的情绪" (FOMO)正在增强。我在周末收到有史以来最多的关于中国的咨询。投资者现在正在认真做功课

China fear of missing out “FOMO” is increasing. I received the largest ever number of incoming questions on Chinathis weekend. Investors are doing work right now.

Scott 列了有关中国市场的10大观察;那些什么成交量爆表的我就不赘述了;已经明显到不需要透过高盛来观察;)我这里只挑重点

1. 之前有关 做空CN,做多日本的市场共识 (consensu trade) 正在逆转; 这是今天最大的主题交易。

Unwind the consensus trade of long Japan and short China was the biggest theme of today....



2. 散户开户数量激增;中国券商再次领涨市场  (尽管本土券商否认了"超过140万新账户排队开户"的传闻。);下图的这个数据是截至8月份的。我预计将会看到新账户开设数量激增

New Account Openings: China Brokers (GSXACHBR +10%) led themarket again - although onshore brokerage CSC Financial of “over1.4m new account opening queuing up.” This data is as of August. Iexpect to see a surge in new account openings.

3. 融资融券数量激增;上周中国A股融资买入大幅增加,表明散户参与度正在提升。下面这个图表是截至上周五的数据,我预计今天的数据会更高。

China A-share margin buying last week surged suggesting thatretail participation picking up. This chart is as of Friday's close, and Ianticipate this being
higher today.


3. 几个基本面关键数据(和今年5月份相比)

聊完资金流,最后简单看看基本面;挑了个 UBS昨天的总结。



1) 美国利率现在比5月低60个基点,据此推算,美国10年期利率每下降100个基点,MSCI中国和A股的市盈率分别将上升1.0倍和0.7倍;

2) 人民币汇率已升至7.0,较5月上涨3%;

3) 年化回购水平也高出0.2个百分点;

4) 盈利预测相比5月的下调而言保持较为稳定;

5) 监管给出了更加协调一致且沟通良好的政策响应;

6) 投资者反馈认为,股市政策似乎更加与投资者利益一致;

7) 考虑到盈利预测保持稳定,12个月远期市盈率仍低于5月达到的水平0.5倍




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