
学术   2024-09-07 00:04   辽宁  

2024数字文物与智能设计工程国际会议(DHIDE 2024)



2024 International Conference on Digital Heritage and Intelligent Design Engineering

Hangzhou, China

13-15 December, 2024



About the DHIDE 2024

数字文物与智能设计工程国际会议(DHIDE 2024)将于2024年12月13日至15日在中国杭州举办。在世界生态设计组织(联合国咨商地位组织)指导下,会议由浙大城市学院主办,浙大城市学院艺术与考古学院和杭州电子科技大学人文艺术与数字媒体学院共同承办。作为世界生态设计学术会议的系列会议之一,DHIDE 2024将聚焦于数字技术在文物遗产系统性保护、跨领域融合创新和可持续设计工程领域的应用与发展。



International Conference on Digital Heritage and Intelligent Design Engineering (DHIDE 2024) will be held in Hangzhou, China, in December 2024, under the guidance of World Eco-Design Organization (UN Consultative Status NGO), hosted by Hangzhou City University, and organized by the School of Art & Archaeology, Hangzhou City University and School of Media and Design, Hangzhou Dianzi University. As one of the series of World Eco-Design Conference, DHIDE 2024 will focus on the application and development of digital technologies in the fields of systematic conservation of cultural heritage, cross-disciplinary integration and innovation, and sustainable design engineering.
The conference covers cross-border integration fields such as digital heritage conservation, digital cultural heritage, digital crafts and cultural and creative industries, digital cultural tourism, digital museum science education, etc. It aims to promote in-depth exchanges and cooperation among cultural heritage and archaeological experts, historians, engineering practitioners, computational engineers, designers and research scholars globally, and to contribute to the promotion of the digital conservation of cultural heritage and sustainable and innovative development. Contribute to the development of digital preservation and sustainable innovation of cultural heritage. We invite scholars, researchers, and practitioners from various fields to submit relevant research papers. Papers should revolve around digital heritage and intelligent design engineering, and their intersections, exploring new ideas, technologies, and applications. We encourage original research, case studies, and papers on technological applications. 



Topics of Paper


DHIDE 2024 is calling for contributions in the following fields, including but not limited to:

1. 促进文化遗产理解与认知的数字化新技术:包括但不限于3D扫描与建模、数字重建、数字典藏技术、数字存档方法、以及用于文化对象理解的计算和建模方法等。

New digital technologies for the understanding and knowledge of cultural heritage: Including but not limited to, 3D scanning and modelling, digital reconstruction, digital archiving techniques, digital archiving methods, and computational and modelling methods for the understanding of cultural objects.

2. 虚拟现实与增强现实在文化遗产中的应用:包括但不限于探讨VR/AR技术如何增强公众对文化遗产的体验和认知。

Applications of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality in Cultural Heritage:Exploring how VR/AR technology can enhance public experience and cognition of cultural heritage.

3. 数字化技术在文化遗产保护与研究中的应用:包括但不限于开发和应用数据化分析和成像方法或设备优化文化遗产考古流程、利用AI技术进行遗迹识别、文化遗产数据分析、自然语言处理等。

Applications of Digital Technology in Heritage Protection and Research:
Development and application of data analysis and imaging methods or devices to optimize archaeological processes, AI technology for relic identification, heritage data analysis, and natural language processing.

4. 数字文物的交互设计与用户体验:包括但不限于研究如何通过设计提升数字文物的交互性和用户体验,包括界面设计、交互逻辑、内容呈现等。

Interactive Design and User Experience of Digital Heritage: Research on improving interactivity and user experience of digital heritage through design, including interface design, interaction logic, and content presentation.

5. 传统工艺与数字化技术的融合创新:包括但不限于数字工艺创新方法、传统工艺的数字化融合发展新路径、传统工艺对可持续制造的启示等。

Integration and Innovation of Traditional Crafts and Digital Technology:Digital craft innovation methods, pathways for digital integration of traditional crafts, and insights into sustainable manufacturing from traditional crafts.

6. 数字博物馆与在线展览:包括但不限于数字展览的策划与实施、虚拟博物馆的建设与管理等。

Digital Museums and Online Exhibitions: Planning and  implementation of digital exhibitions, construction and management of virtual museums.

7. 新媒体艺术与数字创造:包括但不限于研究数字技术如何推动艺术创作,以及新媒体艺术在文化传承中的作用。

New Media Art and Digital Creation: How digital technology drives artistic creation and the role of new media art in cultural heritage transmission.

8. 人工智能在文化产品创新中的应用:包括但不限于文化元素生成式技术、文化产品智能化创新流程等。

Application of Artificial Intelligence in Cultural Product Innovation: Generative technologies for cultural elements, and intelligent innovation processes for cultural products.

9. 跨学科方法与合作在文化遗产保护中的角色:包括但不限于探讨不同学科间的合作如何促进文化遗产的保护与创新。

Role of Interdisciplinary Methods and Collaboration in Heritage Protection:How interdisciplinary collaboration promotes heritage protection and innovation.

10. 文化遗产与社会参与:包括但不限于研究如何通过数字技术增强公众对文化遗产的参与和认知,以及社区在文化遗产保护中的作用。

Cultural Heritage and Social Participation: Enhancing public participation and cognition of cultural heritage through digital technology, and the role of communities in heritage protection.

11. 文化遗产与生态可持续发展:包括但不限于文化遗产保护与生态可持续发展的相互关系、文化景观和生态系统的保护与管理、可持续旅游模式促进文化遗产的保护和传承、文化遗产保护与生态可持续发展方面的政策、法律和规划案例等。

Cultural Heritage and Ecological Sustainability Development: The relationship between cultural heritage protection and ecological sustainability, protection and management of cultural landscapes and ecosystems, sustainable tourism models promoting heritage protection and transmission, and policies, laws, and planning cases in heritage protection and ecological sustainability.



Paper Submission


论文提交:请通过在线提交系统提交论文(PDF格式):http://www.dhideconf.org/submit/,如文件大小超过10M,请直接发送至 submit@dhide.org。



论文评审:所有提交的论文将经过3-4名领域专家的评审,优秀论文将被选为口头报告和海报展示。所有被录用的论文将发表在会议论文集中,并将提交给Ei Compendex。


All submissions are to be: Written in English; Original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference; Anonymized and without any information identifying the authors in the main text.

Submission: Please submit your paper (PDF) through online submission system: http://www.dhideconf.org/submit/ or send paper to submit@dhide.org directly if the file size is large than 10M.

Formatting: Please use the Word Template to prepare your draft submission.

Length: The minimum length for submissions is 6 pages, an extra page charge should be paid if it is more than 10 pages, including references.

Review process: All submitted papers will undergo evaluation by 3-4 field experts, and outstanding papers will be selected for oral presentations and poster presentations. All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings and will be submitted for Ei Compendex.

Registration: Upon acceptance, at least one author of each accepted paper must be registered to attend the conference.



Important Dates

Submission Deadline: October 30, 2024
Notification of Acceptance: November 20, 2024
Authors' Registration: November 30, 2024
Conference Date: December 13-15, 2024

Guidance Unit

World Eco-Design Organization (UN Consultative Status NGO)

Host Organization

Hangzhou City University

Exectuive Organizer

School of Art & Archaeology, Hangzhou City University
School of Media and Design, Hangzhou Dianzi University


Tsinghua University, Zhejiang University, Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, Beijing Institute of Technology, Zhejiang University of Technology, Tongji University, China Academy of Art, Institute of Software Chinese Academy of Sciences, Zhejiang University of Science and Technology, University of Nottingham Ningbo China, Xiamen University, Hunan University, Donghua University, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, City University of Hong Kong, Southern University of Science and Technology, Qingdao University, Xihua University.

Contact Us

Email Address: submit@dhide.org


