2024年建设与房地产管理国际学术研讨会(二) | 工程管理公益讲坛(五十)通知

学术   科技   2024-11-21 15:40   湖北  


工程院院刊《工程管理前沿(英文)》和华中科技大学管理学院联合2024年建设与房地产管理国际学术研讨会,将于11月24日上午10:20-11:00在腾讯会议(ID:156 177 362,密码:1124),举办工程管理公益讲坛(五十)——2024 年建设与房地产管理国际学术研讨会(二)







腾讯会议ID156 177 362,密码:1124


· 10:20-10:40 

Automatic Open-Set Construction Quality and Safety Inspection Based on Multimodal Models

Xiaochun Luo,South China University of Technology
· 10:40-11:00 
Theoretical framework and development trend of emergency facilities location for major engineering projects
Jingxiao Zhang, Chang'an University


Xiaochun Luo is a professor and doctoral supervisor at the School of Civil Engineering and Transportation, South China University of Technology. Mainly engaged in research on intelligent construction and operation and maintenance, utilizing imaging, point clouds, various sensor data and engineering knowledge, combined with artificial intelligence technology, to research and develop data and knowledge driven real-world computing methods and technologies, achieving intelligent engineering management and facility operation and maintenance. Received the CIOB Innovation Achievement Excellence Award as the first author, won the Best Paper Award in the ASCE Journal of Civil Engineering Computing for one paper, and won the Gold Award at the 47th International Invention Exhibition in Geneva, Switzerland as the first author. During my work in Hong Kong, I obtained multiple research projects from the Hong Kong Innovation and Technology Department as a joint applicant, with a total funding of over HKD 34 million.

Professor Jingxiao Zhang currently works at the School of Economics and Management, Chang’an University. He has been a visiting scholar at the Department of Technology, Illinois State University, USA, and a visiting scholar and chair professor at the Department of Civil Engineering and Built Environment, Queensland University of Technology, Australia. He is currently a visiting scholar at London South Bank University and a research institute member at the Nathu Puri Institute for Engineering and Enterprise at London South Bank University.

Research objective: The frequent occurrence of natural disasters and public safety incidents poses significant challenges to emergency management of major engineering projects. The location of emergency facilities, as an important component of emergency management, currently lacks systematic analysis in this field, and the research hotspots and knowledge system are not yet clear. This study aims to analyze and construct a theoretical framework and development trend for emergency facilities location through a systematic review method, explore its application in major engineering projects, and provide reference for future research.
Research Method: This study adopts a systematic review analysis method to systematically sort out the relevant literature on emergency facilities location published between 2002 and 2023. Using the knowledge graph drawing tool Citespace, cluster analysis was conducted on literature to identify hot issues and application scenarios in emergency facilities location research through keyword co-occurrence. The corresponding knowledge system was sorted out and a theoretical framework for emergency facilities location in major engineering projects was established to explore its research and development trends throughout the entire lifecycle of major engineering projects (planning, design, construction, operation), providing new ideas for future research in this interdisciplinary field.
Research results: Based on the co-occurrence analysis, hot research issues can be classified into three application scenarios: logistics, rescue, and special needs facilities. The application of basic location, dynamic location, random location, and robust location in the field of emergency auxiliary facilities location is discussed. Finally, based on the characteristics of major engineering projects, this paper explores the specific scenarios and methods of emergency auxiliary facilities location research in the four levels of major engineering planning, design, construction, and operation, and constructs a research framework for emergency auxiliary facilities location in major engineering projects.
Research Conclusion: This study uses a systematic literature analysis method to explore the research hotspots and evolution of emergency facilities location literature through keyword co-occurrence, reflecting the current status of hot topic scenarios and methods in overall emergency location research. At the same time, based on the various construction stages of major engineering projects, the hot research ideas and methods for emergency auxiliary facilities location are embedded into the specific applications of planning, design, construction, and operation of major engineering projects. Combined with the complex system characteristics of each stage of the project, corresponding research ideas and plans for emergency facilities location are proposed, thus forming a theoretical framework for emergency facilities location of major engineering projects, providing theoretical support for further exploration and research in the field of major engineering for emergency auxiliary facilities location.


Lan Feng,  professor at Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology. He has published many research papers in Management World, China Industrial Economy, Management Review, Mathematical Statistics and Management, Humanities & Social Sciences Communications (Nature subjournal), Cities, Journal of Environmental Management, Land Use Policy and other important CSSCI and SSCI journals at home and abroad; he has chaired the surface project of National Natural Science Foundation of China, and the cooperative unit project of National Key R&D Program. Cities”, ‘Journal of Environmental Management’, ‘Land Use Policy’ and other important domestic and international journals such as CSSCI, SCI, SSCI, published a number of research papers; presided over the National Natural Science Foundation of China at the surface of the project, the National Key Research and Development Program of the cooperative unit project and other scientific research projects. He has won the first and second prizes of Shaanxi Provincial Teaching Achievement Award, the first and second prizes of Shaanxi Provincial Outstanding Achievements in Philosophy and Social Sciences, the second prize of Shaanxi Provincial Science and Technology Award, the first prize of Shaanxi Higher Education Institutions Science and Technology Award, and the first prize of Shaanxi Higher Education Institutions Outstanding Achievements in Humanities and Social Sciences Research, and so on.


2024年建设与房地产管理国际学术研讨会(ICCREM 2024)由哈尔滨工业大学、华南理工大学、香港理工大学、清华大学、广州大学、北京建筑大学、西安建筑科技大学、重庆大学、长安大学、瑞典于默奥大学、美国路易斯安那州立大学、加拿大阿尔伯塔大学、美国马凯特大学、英国诺丁汉特伦特大学联合主办,华南理工大学承办,美国土木工程师学会施工分会、中国建筑业协会建筑业高质量发展研究院、工程管理学报、工程管理前沿、中建国际投资(广东)有限公司、广州市建设工程保险风险管理协会、上海市建设工程监理咨询有限公司、华南理工大学出版社作为会议的支持单位。建设与房地产管理国际学术研讨会自2003年起每年召开一届,2003~2012年的会议论文集均被ISTP或ISSHP检索,2013~2023年的会议论文集均被EI检索。

Frontiers of Engineering Management
《Frontiers of Engineering Management》是由中国工程院主管,中国工程院、高等教育出版社、清华大学和华中科技大学联合主办,由高等教育出版社和Springer联合出版的全英文学术季刊。《Frontiers of Engineering Management》致力于促进工程管理理论发展、应用实践及人才培养。为工程管理学科科研与教学工作者、一线实践工作者提供高品质国际交流平台,以研究论文、案例研究综述论文、特别报告等多种形式发布与共享工程管理新知。期刊先后被ESCI、Scopus、CSCD、FMS、AMI等数据库或列表收录。据JCR报告,2023年影响因子9.1。

工程管理公益讲坛由中国工程院院刊《Frontiers of Engineering Management》编辑部主办,邀请工程管理领域知名专家、期刊编委、特约通讯专家和作者介绍本领域最新研究成果,以线上会议形式为主、不定期开展的学术交流活动。本讲坛是公益性活动,免费为广大从事工程管理和管理科学与工程学者搭建学术平台,旨在提高《Frontiers of Engineering Management》期刊影响力,促进工程管理领域学者学术交流,推动我国工程管理学科发展。





Frontiers of Engineering Management

Huiwen DONG (董惠文)
Jin XU (徐瑨)  

  Huijing HUANG(黄慧靖)


Frontiers of Engineering Management (FEM)is a research journal published in English in both print and online versions.