【独家 高质】
粉不是粉色 是粉嫩哦
小猫盯着激光笔跑了半小时,最后用眼神警告我:“再让我追这种抓不到的东西,我就抓你的脚。”The kitten chased the laser pointer for half an hour before giving me a warning look: “Make me chase something I can’t catch again, and your toes are next.”
我家猫咪每天睡十六个小时,醒来的时候总是用一种“为什么我还没成为世界统治者”的表情看着我。My cat sleeps sixteen hours a day and wakes up with a look that says, “Why am I not ruling the world yet?”
给小猫买了一个豪华猫爬架,它玩了五分钟,然后又跑去钻快递盒。I bought my kitten a fancy cat tree; it played with it for five minutes and then went back to the cardboard box.
每次我开薯片袋,猫咪都会瞬间出现,好像被薯片召唤术传送过来一样。Every time I open a bag of chips, my cat appears instantly, as if summoned by chip magic.
小猫跳到键盘上,删掉了我三天的工作,看来它是真的觉得“这是垃圾”。The kitten jumped on my keyboard and deleted three days of work—it seems it really thought, “This is trash.”
猫咪打喷嚏的时候超级可爱,但之后会给你一个“这事千万别外传”的眼神。When my cat sneezes, it’s adorable, but it gives me a look like, “Don’t you dare tell anyone.”
每次我跟猫咪说悄悄话,它都眯着眼睛点头,仿佛在说:“放心吧,这秘密死也不会说出去。”Every time I whisper to my cat, it squints and nods as if saying, “Don’t worry, your secret is safe with me.orld domination.
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