1. “接纳,意味着没必要去恐惧(未知);接纳,意味着不再浪费精力去(与生活)对抗;在终极意义上的接纳,则意味着我们可以聚焦于(当下)更富有建设性的行动。”
"Acceptance means there is no need to fear (the unknown); acceptance means no longer wasting energy in (fighting with) life; in the ultimate sense of acceptance, it means that we can focus on (the present) more constructive actions."
2. “当人不再被自己的不接纳与内耗一叶障目之后,生活就会处处是机会。”
"When people are no longer blinded by their own non-acceptance and internal friction, life will be full of opportunities everywhere."
3. “我们对于世界的认知是主观的,基于自身选择的。在草坪上躺上一下午可以是浪费时间也可以是休息放松,取决于你选择怎么想。”
"Our perception of the world is subjective and based on our own choices. Lying on the lawn for an afternoon can be either a waste of time or a relaxation, depending on how you think about it."
4. “追求谋定而后动绝非困于多谋而难决,这个世界上对的事情有很多,不算太错的事情更是数不胜数,如果强行一定要选出一个最优解,一次两次也许可以,在人生的漫漫长河里,终究是无法达到的。”
"Pursuing acting after careful planning is by no means being trapped in excessive planning and difficult decision-making. There are many right things in this world, and there are countless things that are not too wrong. If you forcibly have to choose an optimal solution, it may be possible once or twice, but in the long river of life, it is ultimately impossible to achieve."
5. “全然接纳,就是放下手中的绳子,不再试图移动那堵墙,把手解放出来去做一些其他有价值事情。”
"Radical acceptance is to put down the rope in your hand, stop trying to move that wall, and free your hand to do other valuable things."
1. “我宁愿选择乐观,哪怕那是错的,也不想选择悲观,即使那是对的。至少站在乐观的一边,对未来一定要乐观,悲观没有任何意义,只能给你带来更多的负能量。”
"I would rather be optimistic, even if it is wrong, than be pessimistic, even if it is right. At least be on the side of optimism. One must be optimistic about the future. Pessimism has no meaning and can only bring you more negative energy."
2. “不要怕得罪人。很多时候我们因为害怕得罪人而不敢表达自己真实的想法和立场,这反而会让我们陷入内耗。勇敢地表达,明确自己的原则和底线,是减少内耗的重要方式。”
"Don't be afraid of offending people. Many times, because we are afraid of offending others, we dare not express our true thoughts and positions, which will instead make us fall into internal friction. Courageously expressing and clarifying one's own principles and bottom lines is an important way to reduce internal friction."
3. “我有一个停止内耗屡试不爽的方法,就是不去分析对方的动机。别人的评价无关紧要,用心专注自身的成长,成大事前你先研究自己就好了。”
"I have a tried-and-true method for stopping internal friction, which is not to analyze the motives of others. Other people's evaluations don't matter. Focus on your own growth. Before achieving great things, just study yourself first."
4. “当你想要做成一件事情,只需要集齐所有的要素。不要被困难吓倒,每个事件都可以被几何量化拆解,只要是能被解决的,结合正确的方法和努力尝试就可以解决。”
"When you want to achieve something, you just need to gather all the elements. Don't be intimidated by difficulties. Every event can be decomposed and quantified geometrically. As long as it can be solved, it can be solved by combining the correct methods and efforts to try."
5. “如果你悲观,你就会痛苦,宇宙最终还是会走向热寂。生命的意义在于整个旅途本身,所以要保持积极,享受过程。”
"If you are pessimistic, you will suffer. The universe will eventually end in heat death anyway. The meaning of life lies in the journey itself. So stay positive and enjoy the process."
1. “每个人都应该被尊重对待,包括LGBTQ群体中的每一个人。”
Everybody should be treated with respect, including everyone in the LGBTQ community.
2. “在法律面前,男女平等,无论性取向如何都应公正对待。”
Before the law, men and women are equal and should be treated fairly regardless of sexual orientation.
3. “我认可LGBTQ群体为社会多元性做出的努力。”
I recognize the efforts of the LGBTQ community for social diversity.
4. “性别平等不是口号,对于LGBTQ群体的权益争取也应该在合理的框架下公平对待。”
Gender equality is not a slogan, and the fight for the rights of the LGBTQ community should also be treated fairly within a reasonable framework.
5. “一个包容的社会应该接纳LGBTQ群体以及他们所倡导的平等理念。”
An inclusive society should embrace the LGBTQ community and the equality concepts they advocate.
We have only two genders, based on biological facts, male and female. This is a traditional and natural concept.
7. “不要混淆性别,上帝创造了男人和女人,不是其他别的所谓性别。”
Don't confuse genders. God created men and women, not other so - called genders.
8. “我认为学校应该教导学生关于两种明确的性别,而不是那些模糊不清的多性别理论。”
I think schools should teach students about two distinct genders, not those ambiguous multi - gender theories.
9. “在我们的文化中,长久以来就是基于男女性别构建的,我不会承认那些不符合自然规律的第三性别之类说法。”
In our culture, it has long been based on male and female genders. I will not recognize the so - called third - gender concepts that do not conform to the laws of nature.
10. “体育比赛就应该是男人和男人比,女人和女人比,没有所谓的第三性别参与的空间,这是对体育公平的尊重。”
Sports competitions should be between men and men, women and women. There is no room for so - called third - gender participation. This is respect for sports fairness.
JD 万斯:
1. “哈里斯问我如何证明对美国的国家忠诚?我在美国海军陆战队服役两年,我为这个国家去过伊拉克,我为这个国家创办了企业,我的竞选搭档,甚至为了这个国家挨了一枪!这,就是我对国家的忠诚!”
"Harris asked me how to prove my loyalty to the United States? I served in the United States Marine Corps for two years. I went to Iraq for this country. I founded a business for this country. My running mate even got shot for this country! This is my loyalty to the country!"
2. “未成年人未得到家长允许,不可以纹身,不可以喝酒,但却可以自己决定改变性别,还有什么比这更可怕的吗?”
"Minors cannot get tattoos or drink alcohol without their parents' permission, but they can decide to change their gender by themselves. Is there anything more terrifying than this?"
3. “在特朗普总统的领导下,我们永远不会停止为你们而战,为你们的梦想,为你们孩子的未来。”
"Under President Trump's leadership, we will never stop fighting for you, for your dreams, and for the future of your children."
4. “我们不能只看到中国在制造业的崛起,更要反思我们自身的制造业竞争力。美国可以借鉴中国的智能制造和工业互联网发展经验,推动本土制造业的数字化转型,提高生产效率和产品质量,同时加强知识产权保护,维护制造业的创新活力。”
"We cannot just see China's rise in manufacturing. We should also reflect on our own manufacturing competitiveness. The United States can learn from China's experience in intelligent manufacturing and the industrial Internet, promote the digital transformation of local manufacturing, improve production efficiency and product quality, and at the same time strengthen intellectual property protection to maintain the innovative vitality of manufacturing."
5. “心理学家称这种现象为‘习得性无助’,即一个人在年轻时像我一样,认为自己所做的选择对人生的结果毫无影响。”
"Psychologists call it ‘learned helplessness’ when a person believes, as I did during my youth, that the choices I made had no effect on the outcomes in my life."
6. “对于像我这样的人来说,那些我们经历过的恶魔一直就在身后不远处穷追不舍。”
"That for those of us lucky enough to live the American Dream, the demons of the life we left behind continue to chase us."
7. “白人工人阶级是美国最悲观的群体。拉美裔移民当中许多人面临着难以想象的贫穷,但白人工人阶级比他们还要悲观。美国黑人的物质生活前景仍然落后于白人种族,但白人工人阶级比他们还要悲观。”
"There is no group of Americans more pessimistic than working-class whites."
8. “我们看到的世界与我们宣扬的道理之间大相径庭,我们经常在嘴上说努力工作有多么重要,但却告诉自己找不到工作的原因是我们感觉到的不公。”
"We often talk about how important hard work is, but we tell ourselves that the reason we can't find a job is the injustice we feel. The world we see is very different from the principles we advocate."
9. “我想让人们知道那种对自己濒临放弃是一种什么样的感觉,以及为什么会有人放弃自己。我想让人们了解穷人的生活到底都发生了什么,以及精神和物质上的贫穷会对穷人家的孩子造成什么样的心理影响。”
"I want people to know what it feels like to nearly give up on yourself and why you might do it. I want people to understand what happens in the life of the poor and the psychological impact that spiritual and material poverty has on their children."
1. “挫折是不可避免的,但放弃是不可原谅的。我们都会被打倒,但正如我父亲所说,衡量我们品格的标准是我们重新站起来的速度有多快。记住,一次失败并不意味着我们被打败了。”
"Setbacks are unavoidable, but giving up is unforgivable. We all get knocked down, but the measure of our character as my dad would say, is how quickly we get back up. Remember, a defeat does not mean we are defeated."
2. “为了克服这些挑战,重塑(美国)灵魂,守卫美国的未来,我们需要的不仅仅是语言,我们需要民主中最难以捉摸的东西,那就是团结,团结!”
"To overcome these challenges, to restore the soul of America, and to safeguard the future of America, we need more than words. We need that most elusive of things in democracy, that is unity, unity!"
3. “历史、信仰和理性为我们指明道路。那是团结之路。我们可以把彼此视为邻居,而不是对手。我们可以有尊严地相互尊重。”
"History, faith and reason show the way. That is the way of unity. We can see each other not as adversaries but as neighbors. We can treat each other with dignity and respect."
4. “民主是宝贵的,民主是脆弱的。我们必须捍卫它、珍惜它、为它而奋斗。”
"Democracy is precious, and democracy is fragile. We must defend it, cherish it, and fight for it."
5. “美国的故事是一个关于希望而非恐惧、关于团结而非分裂、关于光明而非黑暗的故事,是一个关于正直和尊严、爱与治愈、伟大和善良的故事。”
"The story of America is a story of hope, not fear; of unity, not division; of light, not darkness; a story of decency and dignity, of love and healing, of greatness and goodness."
1. “我们就是我们一直在等待的人。我们就是我们寻求的改变。”
We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.
2. “伟大不是看你拥有多少,而是看你给予多少。”
Greatness is not measured by what you have, but by what you give.
3. “教育是打开机会之门的关键。”
Education is the key to unlocking opportunity.
4. “改变不会在一夜之间发生,也不会因为一个人而发生。但当每一个人都行动起来,共同努力,改变就会到来。”
Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.
5. “希望是我们心中顽强不屈的东西,它存在于我们的天性之中,尽管困难重重,但它不会被剥夺。”
Hope is that stubborn thing inside us that insists, despite all the evidence to the contrary, that something better awaits us so long as we have the courage to keep reaching, to keep working, to keep fighting.