Cancer Letters是一本国际性期刊,涵盖广泛的基础和转化肿瘤学领域的全文文章和迷你评论。此外,特刊突出了癌症研究的热门领域。对于《癌症通讯》广泛读者的基本兴趣领域包括癌症的分子遗传学和细胞生物学、放射生物学、分子病理学、激素与癌症、病毒性肿瘤学、转移和化学预防。该期刊强调实验性治疗,特别是个性化癌症医学的靶向治疗,包括间歇化化疗。最新影响因子:9.7分
“神经母细胞瘤基因组学” - B086, 德国癌症研究中心(DKFZ)校友协会主席,Head Division “Tumor Genetics” ,DKFZ。
主要个人成就包括:• 在鱼类遗传模型中研究了癌症风险的遗传学(黑色素瘤、神经母细胞瘤)(Schwab (1987)《遗传学趋势》3, 38-42; Schwab (1986)《癌症研究进展》47, 63-97) • 首次建立和应用并行(阵列)分析进行mRNA表达谱分析(Schwab等(1983)《自然》303, 497-501) • 通过mRNA表达谱分析发现了MYCN基因及其在神经母细胞瘤中的扩增(Schwab等(1983)《自然》305:245-248),研究了MYCN蛋白的转化功能(Schwab等(1985)《自然》316, 160-162),并确定了扩增的MYCN基因定位于肿瘤细胞特定的以前不清楚的异常染色体结构(Schwab等(1984)《自然》308, 288-291);扩增的MYCN成为了人类癌症的首个致病分子标志物,现在在全球用于神经母细胞瘤的个性化治疗设计(Schwab等(2003)《柳叶刀肿瘤学》4:472-480)
@e6de6d: 审稿速度:3|投稿命中率:50 经验分享:除夕那天(1月24号)投出去,过了近五天送外审,2月20号收到邮件,给了一个月的时间大修,没有补实验,主要是回答了审稿人和主编的问题,还包含了几个关键问题,不过总体来说很友好。3月17号修回,4月初接收,速度还是很快的!主编和审稿人都很有效率!
@ trlnd302 2020-03-27 发表:: 审稿时间:约1个月 我的文章去年11月中旬投稿,几天后天显示:with editor, under review, 大约一个月后,显示:require reviews completed, 持续了3天,然后变成:Decision in process, 此状态持续一周,然后又变成 With editor状态,2天后收到Internal Editor和Editor-in-Chief发来的邮件,Thank you for submitting your article to Cancer Letters, which I have read with interest. it is less clear that they provide the kind of conceptual advance that would elicit strong interest?among our readership. This decision only reflects the scope of Cancer Letters. When it seems that a paper falls short of meeting our standard publication criteria, we try to avoid unnecessary delays and return the manuscript without review. 我觉得很奇怪,明明已经送外审了啊!我估计Associate editor认可,所以送审了(开始主编应该没有细看),但是外审回来后到了主编手上,主编不喜欢,进而迟迟不下结论,并装出没有送审的样子(Decision in process 回到with editor状态,然后很快拒稿),连外审意见都不愿意发,浪费了我一个半月时间,实在恶心!最后还要我转到那个3分的杂志。
@ trlnd302 审稿速度:1 经验分享:我的文章去年11月中旬投稿,几天后天显示:with editor, under review, 大约一个月后,显示:require reviews completed, 持续了3天,然后变成:Decision in process, 此状态持续一周,然后又变成 With editor状态,2天后收到Internal Editor和Editor-in-Chief发来的邮件,Thank you for submitting your article to Cancer Letters, which I have read with interest. it is less clear that they provide the kind of conceptual advance that would elicit strong interest among our readership. This decision only reflects the scope of Cancer Letters. When it seems that a paper falls short of meeting our standard publication criteria, we try to avoid unnecessary delays and return the manuscript without review. 我觉得很奇怪,明明已经送外审了啊!我估计Associate editor认可,所以送审了(开始主编应该没有细看),但是外审回来后到了主编手上,主编不喜欢,进而迟迟不下结论,并装出没有送审的样子(Decision in process 回到with editor状态,然后很快拒稿),连外审意见都不愿意发,浪费了我一个半月时间,实在恶心!最后还要我转到那个3分的杂志。
@ yangx_53927823 2019-09-27 01:37:00 发表: Cancer Letters这个破杂志投了2篇,都是外审后拒掉,出的意见莫名其妙,非常不友好。转投其它6分杂志直接命中。这杂志最恶心的地方是,2次都是拒掉后马上推荐改投他家的3分烂刊,吃相太难看!!这杂志永远拉黑!!
Thank you for your interest and submission. Unfortunately, after careful consideration, I regret to inform you that I am unable to accept your manuscript, as noted above, for publication in "Cancer Letters". I have appended the comments of the reviewers in order for you to understand the basis for my final decision.
However, I do think that your manuscript has merit and may be suitable for another journal, Translational Oncology. I would like to suggest that you take advantage of the service that will transfer your manuscript files and details to that journal directly, without requiring you to resubmit everything yourself. Should you accept this transfer, you will have the opportunity to revise your paper, taking into account and benefitting from the reviews you have already received from "Cancer Letters". Such revision should take place after you initiate the transfer process but before you finalise the new submission, at which point you should include a cover letter detailing all changes.