Title: Novel Shaped Sweeping Jet for Improved Film Cooling and Anti-Deposition Performance
Authors: ZHOU Wenwu, WANG Kechen, ZHANG Tianluan, WEN Xin, PENG Di, LIU Yingzheng
Journal of Thermal Science, 2024, 33(6): 2089-2096.
Abstract: The present study proposed a shaped sweeping jet (SJ) that possesses the merits of both SJ and shaped hole, which demonstrates significantly improved cooling effectiveness and anti-deposition performance. Compared to a classical 777 shaped hole, the shaped SJ exhibits a maximum enhancement of 70% in cooling effectiveness and a maximum reduction of 28% in particle deposition height, respectively. Owing to the periodic oscillation of coolant jet and higher streamwise jet momentum, the shaped SJ can provide much wider coolant coverage and therefore sweep the adhesive particle away from the wall. This study is the first attempt to reconcile the performance of film cooling and particle anti-deposition simultaneously, which offers a promising design concept for future engine cooling.
ZHOU Wenwu, WANG Kechen, ZHANG Tianluan, WEN Xin, PENG Di, LIU Yingzheng, Novel Shaped Sweeping Jet for Improved Film Cooling and Anti-Deposition Performance, Journal of Thermal Science, 2024, 33(6): 2089-2096.