庄子·德充符 3

文摘   2024-11-14 11:20   重庆  

鲁有兀者叔山无趾,踵见仲尼。In the state of Lu, there was a man named Shushan Wuzhi who had his feet cut off. He walked on his heels to visit Confucius.


仲尼曰:“子不谨,前既犯患若是矣。虽今来,何及矣!”Confucius said, "You were not careful. You have already suffered such misfortunes before. Although you come here now, it's too late!"


无趾曰:“吾唯不知务而轻用吾身,吾是以亡足。今吾来也,犹有尊足者存,吾是以务全之也。Wuzhi said, "I was only ignorant of what I should do and treated myself recklessly. That's why I lost my feet. Now that I've come here, there is still something more precious than my feet remaining. That's why I'm trying to preserve it.


夫天无不覆,地无不载,吾以夫子为天地,安知夫子之犹若是也!”The sky covers everything, and the earth bears everything. I regarded you as the sky and the earth. How could I have known that you are like this!"


孔子曰:“丘则陋矣!夫子胡不入乎?请讲以所闻。”无趾出。Confucius said, "I, Qiu, am really shallow. Sir, why don't you come in? Please tell me what you know." Then Wuzhi left.


孔子曰:“弟子勉之!夫无趾,兀者也,犹务学以复补前行之恶,而况全德之人乎!Confucius said to his disciples, "You should exert yourselves! Shushan Wuzhi is a man who has lost his feet, yet he still tries to study to make up for the wrongdoings he did before. How much more should those with complete virtues do!"


无趾语老聃曰:“孔丘之于至人,其未邪?彼何宾宾以学子为?Wuzhi said to Laozi, "Has Confucius not yet reached the state of the 'zhiren' (the perfect man)? Why does he always busy himself with learning like a scholar?


彼且蕲以諔诡幻怪之名闻,不知至人之以是为己桎梏邪?He even hopes to spread his strange and illusory reputation. He doesn't know that the 'zhiren' regards such things as shackles on himself!"


老聃曰:“胡不直使彼以死生为一条,以可不可为一贯者,解其桎梏,其可乎?Laozi said, "Why don't you directly make him see life and death as the same and regard what is acceptable and what is not as being of the same kind, so as to remove his shackles? Would that be okay?"


无趾曰:“天刑之,安可解!Wuzhi said, "He is punished by Heaven. How can it be removed!"

