外资交易台 | 900+ TMT买方的最新观点 (11月20日)

文摘   2024-11-20 17:30   中国香港  

某家外资行在香港的重磅 TMT会议(Global Tech Conference) 现在刚刚结束;

今天香港阴雨绵绵,仍有大约950名 LO/ 对冲基金 / 科技公司 / TMT 相关从业者参加;这个规模的会议,几乎代表了(或者是一个很好的proxy)现在TMT市场的共识

一些观点 / thoughts / chatters 整理如下;

  1. 一些的整体反馈;

  2. 按照细分市场的一些细节;


  1. 一些整体的反馈

A. 英伟达是避不开的话题


NVDA was naturally the key topic on everyone's mind. Big-picture, a nice beat seems widely anticipated tomorrow, with expectations for the guide starting at $38b and going up a bit from there. 



2)Blackwell芯片量产可能出现的小故障 - 考虑到其陡峭的产能曲线 - 这可能(虽然不是我们的基本预期)会将收入推迟到4月季度,



Key near-term watch- points here seem to be: 

1) the margin guide (with a few saying our 73.8% buyside bar is too high), 

2) the possibility of hiccups in the Blackwell ramp which - given the steep ramp - could (thought not our base case) push revenues to the April-Q, and 

3) breadcrumbs on F26 and beyond. Overall, though, folks seem more relaxed (with a few noting how unusually relaxed folks here in Asia are ahead of the print), a few underscoring that with such a steep ramp through 2025, any weakness probably gets bought...and besides, "what else can you own?" (i.e. peers ain’t that much cheaper). 

Longer-term, I'm increasingly hearing F26 revenue of >$200b+ and a path to $5 EPS. 

B. 市场的整体情绪



LO on SenNment: Lots of US investors traveling in HK this week. The senNment is marginally improving there, although staying fairly cauNous on China ader the US elecNon. They are focusing more on specific sector opportuniNes in China rather than broader market beta, especially for AI or China tech chain opportuniNes.


LO: It's my first Nme coming to Asia post-COVID. We do have some exposure in Asia (1/3 global fund), but have to benchmark to US equity, so it has been tough this year. Main focus is on TW big cap TSMC and MediaTek only.



HF on APAC: We are looking at Coupang, but the corporate governance situaNon in Korea is hard to get comfortable with and is worse and more complicated than Japan/India. We are construcNve on Japan (likes Gaming/Nintendo) and want to get more info and involved in the cross-share unwinds. How are they disseminaNng these? In India, the only sector I am more posiNve on is HC/Hospitals. There's a significant supply/demand mismatch, people are interested in more premium HC services and insurance. Also, relaNvely fine in a Trump risk POV. In China, just doing work on tech and autos.

Long Only对投资者情绪的看法

会议感觉像典型的对冲基金会议,每个人都专注于下一条新闻,即便充满了长线投资者。这种关注提高了对整体市场投资者信心的担忧。(180K: 划重点,大家的心情更加像是trade而非长线)

LO on Investor SenNment: MeeNngs have felt like typical hedge fund meeNngs, with everyone focused on the next news, even if its been full of LO. This focus raises concerns about investor confidence in the broader market.


听到Daniel Pinto关于美国估值的评论很有趣。我们倾向于同意 - 如果没有生产力和投资回报率的实质性改善,很难为估值辩护。(180K:至少选择先相信,而非类似对于中国本土市场的show me the money状态)

HF on Markets: InteresNng hearing Daniel Pinto’s commentary around US valuaNons. We tend to agree - it’s difficult to jusNfy without material improvement in producNvity and ROIC.


Regional TMT HF: Performance hasn’t been great this year especially led by drag in Korea where it’s been very difficult to properly hedge the exposure. We have been spending much more Nme on Taiwan and Japan consequently. MeeNng a bunch of TW/JP companies here 



Corporate on Investor SenNment: We've had a busy morning with well-informed investors, both long-only and hedge funds. Surprisingly, geopoliNcs featured liLle in discussions, possibly due to condiNoning.


Overall, investors here seem more focused on the US and Taiwan, and are adding US resources; 


but a number of folks also underscored an expectation that Chinese tech companies may get increasing support in the face of escalating trade frictions. Broadly folks are still focused on AI, with a view that nothing interesting is happening in cyclical tech sectors. 


Sentiment on Taiwan felt pretty good, Korea much less so (even with - or maybe because of - Samsung's capital return plans). 


Folks broadly still sounded nervous on memory, with even those structurally bullish on the sector feeling like there's no need to be overweight here. 

但在AI方面,Scaling law的担忧似乎不像过去一周在纽约那样成为焦点。一些人询问,是否预期中国对半导体制造设备(WFE)的出口禁令可能会成为这个至今仍被厌恶的行业的转折点

But on AI, scaling concerns didn't seem to be front-of-mind to the extent they've been in NY over the past week. A few folks asked whether perhaps an expected China export ban on WFE is the clearing event for that still-hated sector.


2. 按照细分市场的一些细节


关于sub sectors

关于中国 (包括科网巨头)




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