主讲人:张刘灯,贝勒医学院计算生物学博士生,主要研究方向为Cancer Immunology
Limitation of Previous Methods in Differentiational Research (10 mins) CytoTrace: Breakthrough in Discription of Differentiation by Cell Counts and Gene Counts Signature (GCS) (15 mins) Algorithums after CytoTrace: Improvement and Drawbacks (10 mins) CytoTrace 2 on Biorxiv: Recent Breakthroughs (10 mins) Future Directions (5 mins) Discussion with audiences
While differentiation is one of the most important and basic features of cells, our understanding of it is still limited. To this day, there is still a lack of a precise definition of “what is differentiation” as well as “what causes differentiation”.
However, there have been some attempts to solve this problem, and a group of scientists is competing to develop algorithms to find clues about differentiation by analyzing transcriptomics data.
By comparing these algorithms and discussing their advantages and limitations, I hope we can gain a deeper understanding of cell differentiation, and hopefully, one day, we can find the answer to this fundamental (and even philosophical!) question.
Deduce Cell Differentiation via Transcriptomics
主讲人:贝勒医学院计算生物学博士生,主要研究方向为Cancer Immunology 时间:2024年8月10日(周六) 21:00-22:00 地点:线上腾讯会议
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编辑 | 张刘灯
排版 | 张皓凯