Nestled among the Tianshan Mountains in China's Xinjiang, lies the Bayanbulak Grassland, the largest alpine grassland in China.在中国新疆天山中部的山脉之中隐藏着中国最大的高山草原巴音布鲁克草原。
It covers an area of more than 23,000 square kilometers.它的面积超过了23000平方公里。
Bayanbulak means "rich spring water" in Mongolian.巴音布鲁克在蒙古语中的意思是丰富的泉水。
The surrounding snowy peaks act like a huge reservoir, delivering abundant water resources to the grassland and forming a huge number of lakes and marshes.草原的四周被雪山环抱雪山犹如一个巨大的水库给草原带来丰沛的水源形成了大量的湖泊和沼泽湿地。
On the flat grassland, even a small force can alter the direction of a river.在平坦的草原上一个小小的外力就能改变河流的方向。
Kaidu River, which is composed of melt water from the Tianshan Mountains, has a total length of more than 500 kilometers and has more than 10,000 bends.由天山融水汇成的开都河全长500多公里拥有弯道一万多处。
Find the right view point, and as the sun sets, it's possible to see the reflection of nine suns all at the same time.太阳落山时只要找准最佳观赏点人们甚至能同时看到9个太阳的倒影。
The grassland interior is a paradise for animals.草原深处是动物们的天堂。
In March each year, juvenile swans set off from India, southern Africa and other distant parts of the world, to live and breed here.每年3月小天鹅从印度非洲南部等地启程来此栖息繁衍。
For the young swans, as they learn to fly, the Himalayas pose their first challenge.新出生的小天鹅们将在此开启生命中第一次迁徙的旅程喜马拉雅山将会是它们飞行途中的第一个挑战。(在公众号对话框回复以下关键字)
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