灵枢·决气 Miraculous Pivot · Discrimination of Qi
黄帝曰:余闻人有精、气、津、液、血、脉,余意以为一气耳,今乃辨为六名,余不知其所以然。The Yellow Emperor said: I have heard that people have essence, qi, body fluids, liquid, blood, and vessels. I originally thought they were just one kind of qi, but now they are differentiated into six names. I don't understand why this is so.
岐伯曰:两神相搏,合而成形,常先身生,是谓精。Qi Bo said: When the two primordial spirits interact and combine to form a physical body, and it usually exists before the body is formed, this is called essence.
何谓气?What is meant by qi?
岐伯曰:上焦开发,宣五谷味,熏肤、充身、泽毛,若雾露之溉,是谓气。Qi Bo said: The upper energizer disperses and spreads the flavors of the five grains, nourishes the skin, fills the body, and moistens the hair, just like the irrigation of mist and dew. This is called qi.
何谓津?What is meant by body fluids?
岐伯曰:腠理发泄,汗出溱溱,是谓津。Qi Bo said: When the striae of the skin are open and sweating profusely, this is called body fluids.
何谓液?What is meant by liquid?
岐伯曰:谷入气满,淖泽,注于骨,骨属屈伸,泄泽补益脑髓,皮肤润泽,是谓液。Qi Bo said: When the grains are digested and the qi is full, it becomes a turbid and moist substance, which is poured into the bones. When the joints of the bones bend and stretch, it discharges the moisture to supplement the brain marrow and moisten the skin. This is called liquid.
何谓血?What is meant by blood?
岐伯曰:中焦受气取汁,变化而赤,是谓血。Qi Bo said: The middle energizer receives qi and extracts the essence, which then transforms into a red substance. This is called blood.
何谓脉?What is meant by vessels?
岐伯曰:壅遏营气,令无所避,是谓脉。Qi Bo said: To contain and restrain the nutrient qi so that it has no way to escape. This is called vessels.
黄帝曰:六气者,有余不足,气之多少,脑髓之虚实,血脉之清浊,何以知之?The Yellow Emperor said: For these six kinds of qi, how can one know if there is excess or deficiency, the amount of qi, the deficiency or excess of the brain marrow, and the clarity or turbidity of the blood vessels?
岐伯曰:“精脱者,耳聋。气脱者,目不明。津脱者,腠理开,汗大泄。Qi Bo said: "In those who have essence depletion, there is deafness. In those who have qi depletion, there is blurred vision. In those who have body fluid depletion, the striae of the skin are open and sweating is excessive.
液脱者,骨属屈伸不利,色夭,脑髓消,胫酸,耳数鸣。In those who have liquid depletion, the joints of the bones have difficulty in bending and stretching, the complexion is sallow, the brain marrow is depleted, the shins are sore, and the ears ring frequently.
血脱者,色白,夭然不泽。(脉脱者,)其脉空虚。此其候也。”In those who have blood depletion, the complexion is pale and dull. (In those who have vessel depletion,) the vessels are empty. These are the manifestations."
黄帝曰:六气者,贵贱何如?The Yellow Emperor said: Among these six kinds of qi, which are more important and which are less important?
岐伯曰:六气者,各有部主也,其贵贱善恶,可为常主,然五谷与胃为大海也。Qi Bo said: Each of these six kinds of qi has its own governing part. Their importance, goodness, and badness can be regarded as the regular governing factors. However, the five grains and the stomach are like a vast sea.