
文摘   2024-10-16 18:49   荷兰  

专题研究|戈登·施林普顿、K·M·吉利斯著,肖苏阳译 ,王佳禧校:希罗多德的材料引用

光启评论 | 白珊珊:后古典时代碑铭的荣誉文化——评《希腊化和罗马时期德尔斐的荣誉文化》


(Wednesday) at the usual time (6pm GMT, 7pm in the UK, etc.) the seminar resumes with Maria Pretzler's paper:  

Herodotus and the Peloponnesians: a revisionist approach 

The link for this session is https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85329916583?pwd=bY4aURGiRYPWR7iDf5BNizf4lWpHXb.1.  

Thucydides: an Athenian Historian Observes the Western Mediterranean.

Date: October 18 | 10am - 12:30pm (Portugal Time)

Zoom link: https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/7081660069?pwd=MGJpN1BISlNxTTJ3Y3lwb1NtcWx6dz09
Meeting ID: 708 166 0069
Password: 104124



Tiny Pests,Big Quests:(Dark)humor in Virgilian Earthly Monsters and Their Afterlives



会议号: 721 455 157  会议密码: 747990


主持人:冼若冰 (复旦大学历史学系教授)

The Classical Art Research Centre is pleased to announce that the video recordings of the presentations and discussions at our recent international workshop, 'Parthian Art and the Graeco-Roman World', are now available on the CARC website: https://www.carc.ox.ac.uk/carc/resources/Podcasts-videos


Hosted in Oxford and online on 3-4 October 2024 thanks to kind support from Richard Beleson, the event sought to address unresolved questions about the identity of Parthian art and its complex relationship with the classical tradition. See also further information on the Events page: https://www.carc.ox.ac.uk/carc/Events An open access conference publication is planned for early in 2026.



This is a reminder that the John and Penelope Biggs Department of Classics at Washington University in St. Louis will host an informational Zoom session about our graduate programs on Saturday, October 19 from 10:00am to 12:00 noon Central Time. Those interested can email classics@wustl.edu to register to get the link.


on Friday, 18 October at 4:15pm

"Revisiting the Sculpture from Sperlonga"
Speaker: Rebecca Levitan (KCL)

Meeting ID: 365 546 559 362
Passcode: qzRULR
