
科技   2024-10-24 18:53   四川  






Introduction to the Roaming Tour:

Here is the translation of the itinerary introduction for the upcoming "Roaming in the Wilderness" trip:[Roaming in the Wilderness] is an outdoor short-trip project initiated by us.This trip is a one-day round-trip, scheduled for October 19. The destination is Puhong Road, a classic hiking route in the outskirts of Chengdu.The entire hiking trail is surrounded by dense, lush vegetation. Ferns thrive, and trees form a canopy overhead, creating an atmosphere reminiscent of an enchanted forest.A small group will travel comfortably in a business van, escaping the noise of the city.A photographer will accompany the group throughout the journey, capturing photos so everyone can put down their phones and fully immerse themselves in nature.

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01)Trip Overview

· Trip Date: October 19, 2024· Destination: Dujiangyan· Driving Distance: Approximately 80 kilometers· Highest Altitude in the Hiking Area: 1,729 meters· Total Ascent: Approximately 600 meters· Total Route Length: About 10 kilometers (loop)· Route Information: The entire hiking trail is accompanied by dense, lush vegetation, abundant ferns, and towering trees that create a canopy, giving the feeling of walking through an enchanted forest.As always, the experience is more profound and moving than just observing.· Friendly Reminder: Please assess your physical condition before registering. Those who are fragile or physically weak are advised not to join.

Difficulty: ★★ (Moderate)

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7:30 太平园地铁站A口集合准时出发

7:30-9:30 沿成万高速抵达彭州白鹿镇白鹿顶徒步出发点。


11:30-12:00 择地休息,享用路餐

13:00-15:30 继续向路径终点出发,摄影师全程拍摄照片。

16:00-18:00 行程结束,返回成都




2)Itinerary Plan

Trip Date: October 19

7:30 AM: Gather at Exit A of Taipingyuan Metro Station and depart on time.7:30 AM - 9:30 AM: Travel via Rongchang Highway to Dujiangyan City, then along Puhong Road to reach the hiking starting point.9:30 AM - 10:00 AM: Gear check and organization. Enter the loop trail and officially begin the hike.

11:30 AM - 12:00 PM: Find a spot to rest and enjoy a packed lunch.1:00 PM - 3:30 PM: Continue toward the end of the route. A photographer will take photos throughout the journey.4:00 PM - 6:00 PM: End of the trip, return to Chengdu.

Note: The itinerary is for reference only and may be adjusted due to factors like weather, traffic, and participant conditions. Taoism Fangcunshan reserves the right for final itinerary explanations. Thank you for your understanding and flexibility.

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优惠价:178 RMB(转发本推文至朋友圈,截图发送至微信客服即可)

正常价:188 RMB

























(03) Registration Instructions

Normal price: 188 RMB

Registration Process:Scan the QR code at the top to add the WeChat contact.

Pay the event fee through the designated method.

Payment confirmation will indicate a successful registration.

A WeChat group will be created before the trip, where important details and notices will be shared.

Participant Limit:Group size: 13-30 participants. If fewer than 13 sign up, you will be notified 12 hours before the trip starts, and a full refund will be provided. However, we are not liable for any additional costs you may incur due to this change.

Age Limit:Participants must be between 14-55 years old. Minors aged 14 and above are allowed, but they must be accompanied by a guardian.

Fees Include:Transportation: Round-trip transportation costs for the entire trip.

Guide: Bilingual (English and Chinese) guide service.

Photography: Professional photographer for the entire journey.

Insurance: Outdoor trip insurance coverage.

First Aid Kit: Outdoor medical supplies.

Drinking Water: One bottle of mineral water per person.

Fees Do Not Include:Meals: Personal food and snacks needed during the hike.

Transfer Costs: Any potential transfer fees.Personal Expenses.

Registration Requirements:Health Condition: Participants must be in good health with no medical conditions that would make participation risky.

Legal Capacity: Participants must have full civil capacity and must provide accurate personal information during registration.

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1. 内层速干衣裤(排汗内层)、外层冲锋衣裤(保护层)、斗篷雨衣

2. 防滑徒步鞋或登山靴

3. 双肩背包

4. 登山杖

5. 防晒装备(墨镜、帽子)

6. 饮水装备(水袋/水杯)

7. 个人常备药品

8. 高热量易携带的食品(路餐)

9. 垃圾袋

10. 愉快的心情

Equipment List:

1. Base Layer Clothing: Quick-dry clothes for sweat-wicking.2. Outer Layer: Windproof and waterproof jacket and pants.3. Rain Poncho: For unexpected rain.4. Non-slip Hiking Shoes or Boots: Ensure good grip for rough terrains. Optional: Water shoes if there are plans for wading.5. Backpack: A durable, comfortable double-shoulder backpack.6. Hiking Poles: For stability on uneven ground.7. Sun Protection Gear: Sunglasses, hat, sunscreen.8. Water Container: Hydration pack or water bottle.9. Personal First-Aid Kit: Any medications you commonly use.10. High-energy Snacks: Lightweight, nutritious snacks like energy bars.

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Ensure your shoes are suitable for mixed terrain—comfortable, non-slip, and waterproof.

Carry sufficient water (1 liter recommended).

Respect the environment and bring all waste back to the trailhead for proper disposal.

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1. 本声明的目的是为了活动发起人或组织者或领队(以下协议中简称:“Taoism”)和同行成员明确知晓户外活动所存在的风险,提高参加人员的抗风险和自律能力,免除活动的发起人和同行成员在活动中出现的相关赔偿及连带法律责任等,让户外活动更加安全、健康、快乐。

2. 活动中,对于违犯国家相关法规、恶意侵犯他人人身、财产权利或其它违法犯罪行为的事件,则不在本声明范围内,相应的法律责任由行为人自行承担。

3. 凡报名参加活动的人员,均为具有完全民事行为能力的人(未成年人需有法定监护人陪同参加,代替未成年人行驶完全民事行为能力),一旦签署本免责声明,均视为您已经仔细阅读和完全理解并同意接受本声明的全部条款。

4. 本声明一旦签署,您就放弃了向活动发起者和其他参加成员提起诉讼的权利;永远免除此次活动的发起者和同行成员的赔偿及连带法律责任。




1. 本次活动为非商业活动,非旅行社组团旅游,也非赢利性质的自助游活动;是属于个人设计的出行日期及路线,活动性质仅限共同爱好者自愿参加、共同参与、风险自担、责任自负;全程遵循“费用自理、责任自负、风险自担”的原则;发起者和其它参加活动人员一样,同样也是自愿参与者,对其他参与者没有绝对的管理和支配权力;对于活动中突发的一切足以影响到大家切身安全和利益的重大事项及遭遇的不可抗力尚需参与者共同商定;活动中发起者仅有义务对全队活动进行组织协调,参与者也有义务服从活动的整体安排。

2. 户外运动不同于常规的旅游活动,采取的线路也不是一般的常规旅游线路,有时气象条件也非常规,而是具有一定的探险性质;该项运动本身最大的特点在于其具有一定的风险性;活动安排的时间是估算时间,实际活动时间可能出现较大的差异;报名前,我已阅读活动内容和《户外活动免责声明》的全部条款,并经过合理判断,同意接受本活动计划和《户外活动免责声明》全部条款,同意自行承担本次活动的所有的风险和后果;包括交通工具及其他第三方设施带来的风险;如因前述风险给我本人人身和财产造成了伤害,我自愿放弃对同行所有人主张权利并自行承担相应的后果,存在他人的侵权行为,本人直接向行为人主张权利,请求其承担相应的法律责任。

3. 参加本次活动,包括但不限于徒步、登山、骑马、攀岩、攀冰、滑雪、滑冰、溯溪、瀑降(溪降)、游泳、郊游、途中乘车、住宿(含露营)、就餐、球类以及身体活动和装备的使用等都存在有潜在危险,由于意外事故和急性疾病等不可预测的因素可能会造成身体损伤、瘫痪、甚至死亡的风险,我也知道健身和休闲等活动也存在突发病、心脏病等和甚至死亡的风险;我自愿参加这些活动和使用活动的装备,如果因为在参加本活动中受到伤害或因自身疾病原因遭受不测,我同意自行承担和接受任何所有伤害的风险,甚至死亡的风险,并且,放弃追究和要求赔偿的权利,同时我永远免除此次活动发起者和同行成员的赔偿及连带法律责任。

4. 本次活动可能对身体和精神方面都有一定考验,可能遇到包括在恶劣天气中进行活动,也可能远离救助和医疗服务地点,短时间(或24小时)内无法得到救援,也有可能遇到包括跌坠、落石、冰崩、雪崩、闪电、过河、失温、冻伤、咬伤、刺伤、犬咬、野兽袭击及各种意外伤害,甚至死亡;我清楚地知晓活动发起者无法全面预见该活动中所有的风险和不利,我知道以上所列的风险并不完全包含本次活动中的所有可能的风险;当我万一遇到上述等伤害后,所有救援和医疗等全部费用我同意只在当日户外保险已投保的保险范围额度内接受赔偿,不再另行向活动的发起者和其它参加者索赔;活动的发起者和其它参加者不承担所发生的一切费用和连带法律责任;同时,我永远免除此次活动的发起者和同行成员的赔偿和法律责任,并不仅限于以上所列的风险中。

5. 如果此活动往返是自驾或包车出行,同样存在较大危险,我清楚获知我已经被提供了自由选择的权利,我同意乘车或自驾;一旦发生交通事故和受到伤害,甚至死亡,我同意只在该车已投保的保险范围额度内接受赔偿,不再另行向该车主人(或司机)索赔;如我是车主(或司机)受到伤害,甚至死亡,我也同意只在该车已投保的保险范围额度内接受赔偿;发起者和其它成员不承担任何赔偿和法律责任;我永远免除此次活动发起者和同行成员的赔偿及连带法律责任。

6. 在此我谨宣布我自己身体健康,充分具备参与本次活动的体能要求和精神状况,没有那些会影响我参加本次活动或使用装备的不适、损伤、病痛、心脏病、高血压、突发病历或其它疾病;我理解我能够通过以下措施来减少我的风险:注意环境,注意我的身体和精神状况,注意所有与安全相关的衣物和装备的适用状况,只参加那些自己精神和身体能力之内的活动;我清楚知道,我的安全是我个人的责任和取决于我的警惕和良好的判断;我同意和保证,如果任何时候我认为是不安全的,那么我会立刻中断活动的进行。如我在活动中发生各种疾病或伤害,甚至死亡,我同意放弃追究和要求赔偿的权利,同时我永远免除此次活动发起者和同行成员的赔偿及法律连带责任。

7. 当由于出现各种意外事故、突发气候变化和急性疾病等不可预测因素造成身体损害时,发起者和同行成员有义务尽力救助,但如果造成了不可逆转的损害,我同意放弃追究和要求赔偿的权利,同时我永远免除此次活动发起者和同行成员的赔偿及连带法律责任;我完全理解,在同伴需要协助的时候,我将配合协助发起者及同行成员尽力协助我的同伴,但这只是在以下情况:在我的判断中,这是自己力所能及的范围内,并且不会给自己带来不合理的危险;我进一步理解到,我没有法律上的责任去协助别人,同时,发起者以及我的同伴或者其他成员也没有任何法律上的责任来协助或救助我。

8. 我在此特意和有意的声明:我已经年满18岁(未成年人需有法定监护人陪同参加并在本声明签字确认),我已阅读和理解以上声明和全部条款内容;我理解参加此次户外活动相关的风险;我同意承担由于选择和参加此次户外活动而随之来的全部责任;对于参加本次活动而引发或与之连带的任何和所有的法律要求(包括第三方的法律要求)和无论出现任何形式和性质的损害,无论这些法律要求是基于某方的疏忽或其它原因引起的,我永远免除此次活动发起者和同行成员、任何第三方户外运动网站、组织的赔偿及法律责任。

9. 我知晓报名前必须事先与自己的家属沟通,取得家属的理解和支持,知道并同意接受本声明全部条款后,才能报名参加本次活动,报名后视同其家属也已知情并同意;我知晓,一旦签署,本声明将生效,也知晓本声明同样有效于我的继承人、近亲属、执行人、管理人、个人代表和转让人。代为签名者视为已沟通并被授权,否则由代签人承担后果。



I. Disclaimer

i. The purpose of this statement is for the activity organizer or tour guide (referred to as “Taoism" in the following statement) and travelers to clearly understand the risks of outdoor activities, to improve participants' abilities to resist risks and be self-disciplined, and to exempt the organizers and travelers involved in the activities from the relevant compensation and joint legal liability, making outdoor activities safer, healthier and happier.

ii. During the activity, events that violate relevant national laws and regulations, maliciously infringe on the personal and property rights of others or other illegal and criminal acts are not within the scope of this statement, and the corresponding legal liability shall be borne by the actors themselves.

iii. All participants are deemed to have full capacity for civil conduct, must be at least 18 years of age (minors must be accompanied by a legal guardian driving full capacity of civil conduct on behalf of minors). Once this disclaimer is signed, you are deemed to have carefully read and fully understood and agreed to all terms of this statement.

iv. Once this disclaimer is signed, you waive your right to file a lawsuit against the activity organizer and other participants; the organizer and other participants shall be exempted from relevant compensation and joint legal liabilities forever.

II. Risk Taking

I participate in this activity and sign this disclaimer out of personal will and I understand that the organizer is only a contact person of the activity, not a professional tour leader, guide or licensed first aider. I also understand that the organizer and other participants may not have participated in outdoor classes to gain the experience and skills needed to administer first aid, and I am fully aware that they cannot be responsible for my safety.

III. Contents of the Clauses on Exemption from Liability, Waiver of Rights and Compensations

i. This activity is not a commercial or profitable activity organized by travel agencies but it is a self-help activity designed by individuals which is only open to participants sharing common interests and abiding by the principle of self-expense, self-responsibility and risk undertaken by itself. The activity organizer is also a voluntary participant like other participants, and has no absolute management and control over others. All unexpected major events that can affect personal safety and interests and force majeure should be reached by consensus by all participants. The activity organizer is only obliged to organize and coordinate the activities, while the participants are also obliged to obey the overall arrangement.

ii. Outdoor activities are different from conventional tourism activities in the routes taken and sometimes the weather conditions, thus outdoor activities carry risks and uncertainties. The time arrangement for the activity is only an estimated time, which may vary greatly from the actual activity time. I have read the activity plan and all the terms of the "Disclaimer of Outdoor Activities" before signing up, and accepted the aforementioned based on reasonable judgement. I agree to bear all the risks and consequences of this activity by myself, including the risks brought by means of transportation and other third-party facilities. In case the aforementioned risks give rise to my personal injury and property damage, I voluntarily give up my claim to all the participants and bear the corresponding consequences on my own. In case there is an infringement from the third party, I shall directly claim my right against the actor and request him to bear the corresponding legal liability.

iii. There are potential risks in participating in this activity, including but not limited to hiking, mountaineering, horseback riding, rock climbing, ice climbing, skiing, skating, river tracing, canyoning, swimming, outing, traveling by vehicle, accommodation (including camping), dining, ball games, and other physical activities and the use of the equipment. I understand unpredictable factors such as accidents and acute illnesses can cause physical injury, paralysis and even death, and I also know that fitness and leisure activities also carry risks of sudden illness, heart disease, and even death. I voluntarily participate in these activities and use the equipment of these activities, and I agree to bear and accept the risk of any injury and even death if I suffer any injury or death, or suffer any unexpected loss due to my own illness. Meanwhile, I agree to waive the right to claim compensation, and I will forever exempt the organizer and other participants from compensation and joint legal liabilities.

iv. This activity might be physically and mentally challenging. It may take place under severe weather conditions, or be far from the rescue station or medical services. It is possible that rescue cannot be obtained within a short time (or 24 hours), and it is likely to cause accidental injuries or even death due to falls, falling rocks, ice slides, snow slides, lightning, river crossing, hypothermia, frostbite, bites, stab wounds, dog bites, animal attack and so forth. I clearly understand that the organizer cannot fully foresee all the risks and disadvantages of the activity and I know that the risks listed above do not fully cover all the possible risks of the activity. If I encounter the aforesaid injuries, I agree to accept the compensation only within the insurance coverage of the outdoor insurance for the day for all my rescue and medical expenses, and I will not make any additional claims to the organizer and other participants. The organizer and other participants shall not bear any expenses incurred and joint legal liabilities. At the same time, I will forever exempt the organizer and other participants from compensation and legal liability, which are not limited to the risks listed above.

v. Be it a self-driving or chartered trip, there are also potential risks. I clearly know that I have been provided with the right of free choice, and I agree to take the chartered bus or drive by myself. In case of injury or even death caused by traffic accident, I agree to accept compensation only within the insurance coverage of the vehicle, and no further claims will be made to the vehicle owner (or driver); if I am the vehicle owner (or driver) injured or even killed, I also agree to accept compensation only within the vehicle insurance coverage; I clearly understand the organizer and other participants do not bear any compensation and legal liability, and I will forever exempt the organizer and other participants from compensation and joint legal liabilities.

vi. I hereby declare that I am in good health, fully meet the physical and mental requirements for participating in this activity, and do not have any discomfort, injury, hurt, heart disease, high blood pressure, paroxysmal disease or other diseases that may affect my participation in this activity or the use of equipment. I understand that I can reduce the risk by being aware of the environment, being aware of my physical and mental conditions, being aware of the appropriateness of all safety-related clothing and gear, and only participating in activities that are within my mental and physical capabilities. l am well aware that my safety is my personal responsibility and depends on my vigilance and good judgment; I agree and guarantee that if at any time I deem it unsafe, I will immediately discontinue the activity. If I suffer from any illnesses or injuries, or even die during the activity, I agree to waive the right to pursue and claim compensation, and I will forever exempt the organizer and other participants from compensation and joint legal liabilities.

vii. When any physical damage is caused by unpredictable factors such as accidents, abrupt climate changes and acute illnesses, the organizer and other participants are obliged to try their best to help, however, all the members of this activity shall not bear any (spiritual or economic) responsibility if the irreversible damage is caused. I agree to forever exempt the organizer and other participants from compensation and joint legal liabilities. I fully understand that when my partner needs assistance, I will cooperate with the organizer and other participants to try my best to assist, but this is only under the following circumstances: in my judgment, it is within my capacity without bringing unreasonable risk to myself; I further understand that I have no legal duty to assist others, and that neither the organizer nor my partners or other participants have any legal duty to assist or rescue me.

viii. I hereby declare that I have reached the age of 18 (minors must be accompanied by a legal guardian driving full capacity of civil conduct and signing this disclaimer on behalf of minors). I have read and understood the above statement as well as all the terms and conditions. I understand the risks associated with participating in this outdoor activity and agree to take full responsibility for my choice and participation in this outdoor activity. For any and all legal requirements (including those of third parties) and damages of any form and nature, whether due to negligence of a party or otherwise, I will forever exempt the organizer, participants, and any third-party outdoor sports website or organizations from compensation and legal liability.

ix. I understand that I must communicate with my family members in advance and obtain their understanding and support before signing up for this activity. I understand that this disclaimer will take effect as soon as I sign and my family members shall be deemed to have been informed and agreed with all the terms of this disclaimer. I am fully aware that this disclaimer shall be also effective and binding upon my heirs, near relatives, executors, administrators, personal representatives and assignors. The signer shall be deemed to have been authorized, otherwise the signer shall bear the consequences.

IV. Scope of Application

All participants are deemed to have read, understood, and fully accepted all the terms of this disclaimer. This disclaimer will take effect from the moment of signing and terminate at the end of the activity when returning to the drop-off point.

领队 :一鑫| Eson








Eson traveled alone to Canada at the age of 17 for his studies. Initially feeling uneasy in the new environment, he started making friends through outdoor activities. This sparked a strong passion for various outdoor pursuits, such as hiking, paddleboarding, and kayaking. Nearly 10 years later, he works as an outdoor guide, reflecting his deep love for these activities.

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Fang Wen began his art photography project in 2018 and established an art photography community. He often shifts between being a photographer and an art curator. In 2024, he curated an international photography exhibition in both London and Chengdu. Later in the year, he will continue working on a mountain and nature-themed photography project and plans to hold an exhibition in Tokyo.

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