-sweet talklover's prattle-
"每次看到你,感觉整个世界都在发出电流,而你就是那个让我触电的开关。""Every time I see you, it feels like the whole world is sending electric currents, and you’re the switch that shocks me."
"你是我心里的秘密,但每当你微笑,我的眼神就藏不住想念,偷偷泄露了我的心思。""You’re my secret, but every time you smile, my gaze can’t hide my longing and betrays everything I feel."
"我不擅长扑火,可遇到你,我心甘情愿地燃烧,仿佛离开你就会错过一场炽热的生命。""I’m not one to chase fire, but with you, I’d willingly burn, as if leaving you means missing out on life’s fiercest passion."
"你的眼神是世界上最迷人的谜语,我宁愿迷失在其中,也不愿找到答案。""Your gaze is the most alluring riddle in the world, and I’d rather get lost in it than ever find the answer."
"在你身边,我的心就像一只淘气的小鹿,控制不住地乱撞,生怕一不小心就暴露了我的心思。""When I’m near you, my heart feels like a mischievous deer, wildly racing, afraid my feelings might slip out at any moment."
"如果思念是一场冒险,那我已经义无反顾地走到你的世界,哪怕有天会迷路也不怕。""If longing were an adventure, I’ve already walked into your world without looking back, unafraid of getting lost."
"我不知道未来有多远,但我知道,只要有你在,每一步都舍不得落后。""I don’t know how far the future stretches, but I know that as long as you’re there, I’ll never want to fall behind."
"你就是我灵魂里的温柔密码,一不小心就让我的心率失控,仿佛只有你能解开我内心的束缚。""You’re the soft password to my soul, making my heart race out of control, as if only you can unlock what’s bound within me."
"我不知道什么叫永远,但每次想起你,心里就好像住进了一个不会离开的微光。""I don’t know what forever means, but every time I think of you, it feels like a light settles inside me, never to leave."
"如果心跳是海浪,那你就是那片潮汐,总能轻易地掀起我心底的波涛汹涌。""If heartbeats were waves, then you’d be the tide that stirs the crashing ocean within me effortlessly."
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