
职场   2024-11-16 12:34   上海  



CMA CGM 近期发表声明,指出欧盟排放交易体系(EU ETS)即将迎来的一系列重大变革,将对公司的运营产生深远影响,并促使公司现行的欧盟ETS附加费有所上调。


CMA CGM 强调:“欧盟碳排放交易体系覆盖的排放百分比的大幅跃升,将直接作用于我们的成本结构,带来不可忽视的影响。”并进一步透露,至2026年,该体系的监管范围将全面覆盖我们的所有排放量,达到100%的比例。


“同时,需要特别说明的是,这一预测尚未将二氧化碳价格的潜在波动纳入考量,而价格的波动无疑会对最终的附加费金额产生进一步的影响。”CMA CGM 在声明中补充道。




CMA CGM 指出,欧盟碳排放交易体系不仅是欧盟应对气候变化挑战的重要基石,更是其实现经济高效减排政策的关键所在。

这一系列法规的变革,充分彰显了欧盟对于实现其气候目标、确保可持续未来的坚定承诺与不懈努力。CMA CGM 将积极响应欧盟的环保号召,通过技术创新和流程优化等手段,努力降低自身碳排放量,为全球环保事业贡献自己的力量。

CMA CGM said the significant upcoming changes to the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) regulation will impact its operations and raise its current EU ETS surcharges.

The global supply chain player — which offers land, air, and logistics solutions — said starting in 2025, the EU ETS regulation will evolve to account for 70% of our emissions, compared to the current 40% in 2024.

"This substantial increase in the percentage of emissions covered by the EU ETS will have a direct impact on our cost structure," CMA CGM said, adding that by 2026, the EU ETS regulation will account for 100% of our emissions.

"As a result of this regulatory change, we anticipate an increase of approximately 75% in our current EU ETS surcharge amounts."

"Please note that this estimate does not consider potential fluctuations in CO2 prices, which could further influence the final surcharge amounts," it added.

The EU ETS requires ocean carriers to monitor and report their CO2 emissions from voyages to and from EU ports.

Starting in 2024, a portion of these emissions will be subject to the cap-and-trade system, meaning carriers will need to buy or receive allowances to cover their emissions.

This regulation aims to incentivize the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in the maritime sector, encouraging investment in more efficient and environmentally friendly technologies and practices.

CMA CGM said the EU ETS is a cornerstone of the EU's policy to combat climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions cost-effectively.

The changes in the regulation reflect the EU's commitment to achieving its climate goals and ensuring a sustainable future.

