论文概览 |《Urban Analytics and City Science》2023.09 Vol.50 Issue.7

文摘   2024-11-19 12:02   上海  

本次给大家整理的是《Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science》杂志2023年9月第50卷第7期的论文的题目和摘要,一共包括23篇SCI论文!



The boundary problem



A basic canon of the systems approach applicable to any field is the notion that a system is separable and distinct from its wider environment. In short, to formally study such a system, it must have a well-defined boundary beyond which it has no substantial impact on its wider context, while its wider context is usually composed of similar systems which have minimal impact on the system in question. The implication is that the environment defined by its boundary ‘excludes’ any significant actions or interactions essential for the functioning of the system itself. This is, in some respects, equivalent to the notion that we are defining a closed system which we can study in isolation from any extraneous or exogenous factors that might affect its operation. It is the definition used by Karl Popper (1959) to justify the use of the classical scientific method as fashioned in experimental science where the laboratory must be closed from the outside environment for robust theories to be tested and validated. In the case of cities, historically or at least from the middle of the last century, such boundaries are typically defined to minimise the overall interactions between the system and its environment. The implication is that insofar as there are many distinct systems, to minimise the interactions between one another, they are often arranged as a hierarchy. To minimise the exchange of energies between the system and all the systems within its environment, a good working definition of a system is that it contains the most significant interactions within the system itself (Simon, 1969). This question of course turns on what is regarded as ‘significant’.








Sustainability and urban climate: How Metaverse can influence urban planning?



Metaverse is a unique space in a virtual world that with many capabilities and features shows us a world in which we can experience life in all its dimensions. The presence of Metaverse in the global arena and the use of the facilities of this technology are effective in improving living conditions in developing cities. In this study, two sample projects that Metaverse can support are presented in India and Ghana. The remarkable thing is its innovative method that can solve many problems in the cities of the world. One of the most important challenges in the world today is saving cities from climate change and its adverse effects. Metaverse is one of the innovative methods to reduce the effects of greenhouse gas emissions in the cities of the world. The question is whether Metaverse can influence the urban planning of many cities in the world and change urban planning in the world internationally? And can Metaverse challenge the theoretical foundations in the city? The purpose of this study is to clarify the effects of the Metaverse on the city level. This study aims to introduce a new way to solve the problems of today and the future of world cities by examining Upland and its effects on urban sustainability and ways to prevent climate change. In this context, Metaverse technology has been used as a new solution to provide jobs, reduce poverty, increase public health, prevent climate change and, as a result, realize a better life for future generations. The results of this study, due to being cross-border and creating a global perspective on the Metaverse in urban planning, can create a new scientific perspective based on technological advances in urban studies.






Ehsan Dorostkar拥有里海大学城市规划专业的博士学位,也是城市规划工作组的主管。他的研究兴趣包括城市人流分析、城市和社会媒体分析。他的研究中,创新和创造力占据了重要地位。他是伊朗城市规划领域最顶尖的研究人员之一,并多次获得书籍和文章类的奖项。

Mahsa Najarsadeghi拥有德黑兰科学与技术研究大学城市规划专业的博士学位,她的研究兴趣是研究城市空间和人流,确定它们之间的关系,并调查社交媒体在城市中的作用。她的研究中创新占据了重要地位,她特别关注那些尚未被发现的研究课题。


Sustainability and urban climate: How Metaverse can influence urban planning?



Metaverse is a unique space in a virtual world that with many capabilities and features shows us a world in which we can experience life in all its dimensions. The presence of Metaverse in the global arena and the use of the facilities of this technology are effective in improving living conditions in developing cities. In this study, two sample projects that Metaverse can support are presented in India and Ghana. The remarkable thing is its innovative method that can solve many problems in the cities of the world. One of the most important challenges in the world today is saving cities from climate change and its adverse effects. Metaverse is one of the innovative methods to reduce the effects of greenhouse gas emissions in the cities of the world. The question is whether Metaverse can influence the urban planning of many cities in the world and change urban planning in the world internationally? And can Metaverse challenge the theoretical foundations in the city? The purpose of this study is to clarify the effects of the Metaverse on the city level. This study aims to introduce a new way to solve the problems of today and the future of world cities by examining Upland and its effects on urban sustainability and ways to prevent climate change. In this context, Metaverse technology has been used as a new solution to provide jobs, reduce poverty, increase public health, prevent climate change and, as a result, realize a better life for future generations. The results of this study, due to being cross-border and creating a global perspective on the Metaverse in urban planning, can create a new scientific perspective based on technological advances in urban studies.






Ehsan Dorostkar拥有里海大学城市规划专业的博士学位,也是城市规划工作组的主管。他的研究兴趣包括城市人流分析、城市和社会媒体分析。他的研究中,创新和创造力占据了重要地位。他是伊朗城市规划领域最顶尖的研究人员之一,并多次获得书籍和文章类的奖项。

Mahsa Najarsadeghi拥有德黑兰科学与技术研究大学城市规划专业的博士学位,她的研究兴趣是研究城市空间和人流,确定它们之间的关系,并调查社交媒体在城市中的作用。她的研究中创新占据了重要地位,她特别关注那些尚未被发现的研究课题。


Analysing the consequences of progressive Urban Spatial cycles to evaluate urban land use policy



Urban expansion patterns have always evolved with various successive Urban Spatial Cycles (USCs). Both densification and dispersion strategies have shown limited success in optimizing local benefits such as affordable housing, access to amenities, a good environment, and low-cost transport in the cities of developing countries. However, in such countries, a systematic assessment of USCs and strategic utilization of the analyses, are not usually part of the land use policy-making process. The outcomes of the policy decisions are therefore less than optimal. This paper aims to explore the impact of progressive USCs on housing price, travel time, fuel consumption and environment. Based on geospatial data, this study examines the progress of USCs in Ahmedabad city. Landscape matrices and local perceptions are used to quantify the consequences of USCs using the Generalized Additive Model (GAM). Ahmedabad’s case study shows that the densification cycle is firmly active in the inner suburb and is closely associated with housing price inflation as well as the increase in travel time and fuel consumption. The cycles of fragmentation and sprawl in the outer suburban area are consistent with environmental degradation and travel frequency. Findings suggest that USCs-based policy assessment can be a useful tool to trade-off the cost and benefit of urban expansion.








Who can walk? An analysis of public amenity access in America’s ten largest cities



How uneven is the proximity to public amenities like libraries and schools among racial groups, or children and older people? This paper uses a catchment area approach to evaluate walkable proximity to four common public amenities (parks, libraries, schools, and transit stops), looking at four racial categories and a set of variables that one might reasonably expect proximity to be related to (e.g., population density). For each of the 10 largest US cities examined, location quotients for each amenity (libraries, parks, schools, and transit stops) were calculated at three distances (0.25 miles, 0.5 miles, and 1 mile). Across all amenities, the racial group whose LQ had the greatest increase when comparing net median change between distance bands (i.e., between .25 miles and 1 mile) was Black Americans. There were large differences between the location quotient means and medians in non-White racial groups for each amenity, indicating a large amount of skew. In most cities and with most amenities, the difference between mean and median was considerably smaller in White populations, indicating a more normal curve and fewer outliers. Proximity, in other words, seems to be more homogenous in White populations. The LQs were also significantly higher in White populations across cities. Further, in all cities except Los Angeles, Asian populations were generally the most under-represented group for each catchment area around each amenity. The fact that non-White residents predominantly had lower LQs and therefore lower access (with some exceptions, for example, in the case of schools) is a generalized and problematic finding that adds to the body of evidence documenting the spatial injustices that American cities continue to manifest.






Emily Talen是芝加哥大学城市学教授,她负责城市学实验室的工作,这是研究人造环境的社会影响的一个重点部门。Talen博士毕业于加州大学圣塔芭芭拉分校,获得博士学位。


Fractured smart cities: Missing links in India’s smart city mission



The postscripts of smart cities have been written before its prelude. Inserting smart technologies in infrastructure to improve urban environments, smart cities emphasize data-driven approaches and evidence-based planning. While it asks for production of new vocabularies, new ways of thinking, and proposes new methodologies, smart cities have trivialized baseline surveys. The insignificance to baseline survey hides the existing and functioning cities and leads to appropriation of “smart in the box” technologies. The omission of baseline survey fails to revamp planning and governance techniques as well as management and delivery of urban services. India’s Smart City Mission runs through a similar fate. Despite changes in vision and approach towards urban improvement, Smart City Mission suffers from methodological apathy and produces fractured smart cities. In doing so, the paper explores how the idea of normative smart city shrouds urban complexities and heterogeneities and proposes solutions without comprehending the functional and existing cities. Drawing on cases of urban water and solid waste management in Smart City Dharamshala, this paper discusses how fissures in normative and functional smart cities are continually produced through broken, incomplete, and erroneous data that, ultimately, fails in creating robust and resilient cities.









Identifying relevant volunteered geographic information about adverse weather events in Trondheim using the CitizenSensing participatory system



The study set out to investigate how the experience of creating a map-based participatory system might help identify what is needed to support the production of relevant volunteered geographic information (VGI) about urban areas exposed to impacts of adverse weather events in Trondheim, Norway. This article details the systematic approach used to collect VGI, starting from the active engagement of end users during the design and development process of the CitizenSensing participatory system, through using the system in two VGI campaigns, up to the examination of the collected data. Although the VGI examination identified exposed areas in Trondheim, for instance, those that are likely to accumulate surface water from heavy rains or meltwater, the experience gained from the use of the CitizenSensing system helped to identify some critical points regarding the production of relevant VGI. Potential practical implications justify the need for VGI. For instance, in the case of Trondheim, relevant VGI may result in better planned municipal interventions regarding city infrastructure for pedestrians, cyclists and drivers, increased public awareness and access to local knowledge about areas exposed to inundation. The study also confirmed the need for adequate system components for VGI vetting and exploration in the post-collection stage to obtain a comprehensive insight into collected VGI.














Study on the hotspots of urban tourism spaces based on Instagram-Worthy locations data: Taking Beijing as an example



As the mobile Internet emerges, numerous Instagram-worthy locations gradually constitute new spaces of urban tourism. For instance, the Xiaohongshu application, a community with shared content, has increasingly become a platform for people to share well-known tourist attractions, providing a new perspective for the study of the popularity of tourism spaces. On the basis of data of ticking off Instagram-worthy locations from the Xiaohongshu application, the present study aims to identify tourism hotspots in Beijing, analyze their spatial characteristics, and explore their evolution features from two dimensions of time and space. In addition, the emotional images of tourism hotspots in Beijing are interpreted by semantic analysis with an internal mechanism that influences those locations explored. The results of the study show that (1) the overall spatial structure of tourism hotspots in Beijing is C-shaped, which expands from the core area to the periphery with the feature of a circle layer. (2) under the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic, the spatial distribution center of tourism hotspots in Beijing is gradually shifting to the Southeast with the tendency of expanding to the surrounding suburbs. (3) the reception and serviceability of the tourist attractions have a significant influence on the popularity of tourism hotspots. To date, less research has been focused on the data of ticking off emerging Instagram-worthy locations like the Xiaohongshu application, and there is a dearth of the study related to in-depth excavation of the internal influencing mechanism of their popularity. This paper, therefore, under the interaction of virtual and reality, provides new ideas and methods for studying the popularity of urban tourist attractions.






Lai Fan,(1990-),女,北京建筑大学博士研究生。研究领域为城市设计


Evaluating building color harmoniousness in a historic district intelligently: An algorithm-driven approach using street-view images



Building color and harmoniousness have been regarded as critical issues in planning historic districts. Harmoniousness of building façade colors (HBFC) is an indicator to evaluate the quality of the built environment, which can be perceived but is difficult to measure quantitatively. In addition, alleviating the impact of shadows in street-view images (SVIs) to assess building façade color is another research gap that is difficult to address. This paper proposes an efficient approach for evaluating HBFC on a large-scale using SVIs and a deep learning algorithm. Specifically, a shadow processing method was developed, and transfer learning was integrated into the harmoniousness evaluation process. The historical district of Guangzhou, China, was selected as a case study area. This study contributes to the development of human-centered planning and design by providing continuous measurements of “unmeasurable”quality across large-scale areas. Meanwhile, insights into building façade color and its harmoniousness can assist with accurate design guidance, which is important for historic districts.






Teng Zhong,南京师范大学地理学院地理信息科学系助理教授。毕业于香港大学,获博士学位,先后在香港大学和南京师范大学担任博士后研究员。主要研究方向为地理空间智能和大数据驱动下的智慧城市定量分析


A spatiotemporal disparity of transit and automobile access gap and its impact on transit use



This research empirically evaluates the access gap between transit and automobile to examine the extent of auto-access-orientation within and between the 50 American Metropolitan Areas. The Modal Access Gap (MAG) index is calculated over space and travel time to test three hypotheses: (1) MAG is a function of space and travel time, (2) MAG is CBD-centric, and (3) MAG is associated with transit use. Results indicate that (1) MAG merely possesses negative values ranging between −0.98 and −0.79, regardless of the travel-time thresholds or metropolitan areas, and the travel time lag between transit and automobile ranges from 35 minutes in New York to 51 minutes in Riverside for a 60-minute commute, (2) MAG decreases as one moves away from the central area, and (3) a 1% increase in MAG increases transit use by 1.37% on average.










Spatially disaggregated simulation of interactions between home prices and land-use change



Land-use regulations play a key role on both sides of the real estate market by regulating the supply of housing (e.g., through restrictions on unit density or building height) and by controlling the location and density of places of work, which are the primary drivers of the demand for housing. Developing geospatial models for this interaction between land use and home price on a spatially disaggregated level enables decisionmakers to evaluate the impact of their land-use decisions from the housing affordability perspective. However, existing standalone residential real estate pricing models are insensitive to changes in land use. In addition, the data preparation, calibration, and training of integrated land-use and transportation models is nontrivial too, and still impractical for most municipalities and planning agencies. This paper presents a simple-to-implement framework, SimP-R, for simulating changes in housing prices on a spatially disaggregated level in response to land-use change. It is composed of a residential real estate pricing model and an algorithm for computing a novel measure of supply-to-demand ratio. This paper then demonstrates the implementation of SimP-R in the city of San Francisco, with the entire Bay Area serving as the influence geography. Our findings showed our proposed measure of the supply-to-demand ratio is a strong predictor of and inversely related to housing prices. Simulation experimentation results highlighted SimP-R’s ability to capture the effect of local land-use changes on housing prices across the metropolitan area.










A hybrid modeling approach considering spatial heterogeneity and nonlinearity to discover the transition rules of urban cellular automata models



Urban sprawl is a typical geographic dynamic process with spatial heterogeneity and nonlinearity. However, current studies usually focus on only one of them to extract urban sprawl mechanisms and build cellular automata (CA) models. In the current work, the urban CA transition rules are derived by a geographically weighted artificial neural network (GWANN), which can discover the driving mechanism of urban sprawl by considering both spatial heterogeneity and nonlinearity. Taking the urban sprawl of Wuhan and Beijing during 2000–2020 as examples, the advantages of GWANN in deriving transition rules are investigated by comparing it with logistic regression (LR), geographically weighted logistic regression (GWLR), and artificial neural network (ANN). Furthermore, the simulation performance of CA models based on LR, GWLR, ANN, and GWANN is compared and analyzed from the aspects of global and regional simulation accuracy and the morphology of simulated urban patches. The results show that GWANN has better fitting and simulation performance, indicating the validity and necessity of coupling spatial heterogeneity and nonlinearity to establish transition rules. This study is a novel exploration that contributes to deriving CA transition rules through a hybrid modeling approach that couples statistical models with learning models.






Bin Zhang,副教授,现供职于中国地质大学(武汉)公共管理学院。他在武汉大学获得管理学博士学位。主要研究方向为土地利用模型、城市增长模拟和土地利用/覆盖变化。


Ethnic segregation on linguistic landscapes



This work presents a novel approach to studying ethnic segregation from the perspective of linguistic landscapes. Numerous street-level images accumulated over the last two decades have enabled the exploration of linguistic landscapes at a larger scale than ever before. Since the prevalence of a specific language in a public space implies the linguistic group inhabiting the area, its careful evaluation can reveal the degree of segregation between linguistically different ethnic groups. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach, we applied it to the linguistic landscape of Seoul, South Korea. Using a large set of street-level images collected from an online map platform, we measured the levels of segregation between Korean and Chinese signs from 2010 to 2018. The levels of segregation on the street-level images were different to a certain extent from those of residential segregation. While residential segregation gradually increased between 2010 and 2018, except for 2011, more fluctuations were observed in linguistic segregation. This finding is likely because a linguistic landscape is shaped mainly by advertising signs, banners, and billboards in commercial areas, and such commodified urban spaces change more dynamically to attract inhabitants and visitors. These results suggest that the proposed approach can offer an alternative way of understanding the complex socio-demographic phenomenon from a new perspective, as with other emerging data sources in the era of big data.






Seong-Yun Hong,韩国庆熙大学地理学副教授。他是“开发和实施用于城市分析的GeoAI模型”研究项目的首席研究员,本文是该项目的一部分。他的跨学科研究兴趣是通过结合地理学和社会学的理论和方法,利用计算方法探索城市地区的人口动态。


Would people prefer city-center living in the post-COVID era?: Experience, status, and attitudes to social disasters



The COVID-19 pandemic was a significant social disaster that radically affected the paradigm of current urbanization and city-center living. Responses to the disaster varied depending on related experiences, individual status, and attitudes. Thus, this research extends the previous literature by examining the effects of experiences related to the COVID-19 pandemic, socioeconomic status, and how perceptions and attitudes affect preferences for city-center living in the Seoul Metropolitan Area, South Korea. We use data from PSSRAC (Perception Survey of Seoul metropolitan area Residential Awareness during COVID-19) of 2021. A binary logistic regression method is used to examine significant characteristics that affected the residential preference change due to “Experience,” “Status,” and “Attitude” in the COVID-19 era. The findings showed that respondents’ experience, status, and attitude related to the pandemic could have a complex effect on predictions of preference, for central or suburban living tendencies in the post-COVID-19 era. In terms of “Experience,”people who had bad experiences during the pandemic, for example, poor economic conditions were associated with suburban area living trends. For “Status,” socially and economically vulnerable groups preferred suburban residence due to the steep rise in housing prices in the city center after the pandemic. Finally, for “Attitude,” ‘value of housing for investment” was positively associated with a preference for city-center living in the post-COVID-19 era; respondents with a higher priority for maintaining remote work tended not to change their current residence. This study may provide planners, housing developers, and policymakers with meaningful implications for addressing urban changes in the post-COVID-19 era. Additionally, it is expected that this research’s ESA analysis and results can be used as a valid reference for other global cities.









How to measure large-scale complex urban network structures using night-time light satellite databases. Application to European metropolitan regions



This article uses new methods and evidence from satellite data on night lighting to assess the urban network structure of 100 European metropolitan regions. Its aim was to develop indicators to test the hypothesis that complex urban networks are more efficient economically and less dependent on energy consumption owing to better information organization. It uses NPP-VIIRS NTL satellite data on night lighting (NTL) and employs a topographical representation of NTL intensities to detect urban centers. Based on the distribution of NTL intensities in urban centers represented as a Lorenz curve, it develops two new indicators of monocentricity and polycentricity to evaluate large-scale urban network structures. The results show that polycentric urban networks create more innovation, which allows them to be more economically efficient and less dependent on energy consumption. Further research should study in greater detail the relationships between urban network structures and their social, economic, and ecological performances.






Joan Marull,巴塞罗那大学生态学博士,巴塞罗那自治大学(UAB)生态学和区域及大都会研究所(IERMB)生态学和领土学系主任。他的主要研究领域是土地管理和从系统角度进行的城市规划。目前,他的研究集中在社会新陈代谢、生态经济学、景观生态学和领土效率的研究,以及卫星技术在土地利用变化、农业生态转型和气候变化分析中的应用。他的跨学科提案将社会生态过程的研究整合起来,以应对不同时间和空间尺度上的研究和政策问题。

Mercè Farré是巴塞罗那自治大学(UAB)数学系高级讲师,专攻统计和运筹学领域。她在巴塞罗那大学毕业并获得博士学位,第一阶段的研究是在随机过程领域开展的,特别是随机分析。他的兴趣很快转向了数学在生产过程、科学和社会现象建模中的应用,即数学向工业、技术和社会及公民利益领域的转移。他是数学应用和模型研究组(GRAMM,https://grupsderecerca.uab.cat/gramm/)的成员,并负责数学咨询服务处(MCS,http: //www.mcs-uab.com/perfil.html)的各种项目协议,该咨询处是该研究组的商业前沿。

Marta Andreu Espuna拥有巴塞罗那大学地理学学位(2012年),以及巴塞罗那自治大学地理信息技术硕士(2014年)和地质信息官方硕士(2018年)。她将职业方向集中在地理信息系统(GIS)在健康和城市规划中的应用,通过精心制作、利用和分析空间数据库。她作为健康规划咨询顾问参与过使用GIS的国际项目,自2016年7月起在巴塞罗那自治大学区域和都会研究所(IERMB)制图服务部门工作。

Adrià Prior毕业于巴塞罗那自治大学数学系。在资深作者指导下,他参与了联合工作中指标和模型的数据分析和数学讨论。2021年,他发表了一篇数学文章:“因素分析:因素模型解的存在性”。报告@SCM6(2021),第1-9页;DOI: 10.2436/20.2002.02.23.1。电子期刊报告@SCM专门面向学术生涯初期的研究人员。

Vittorio Galletto维托里奥·加莱托是巴塞罗那区域和都市研究所(Institut d’Estudis Regionals i Metropolitans de Barcelona-IERMB)区域和城市经济部门的主管。他在巴塞罗那自治大学(UAB)获得应用经济学博士学位。在加入IERMB之前,他在UAB的应用经济学系担任副教授和研究人员。他还曾在私营部门工作,在咨询公司为地方政府和其他机构开展地方发展项目。目前,他在IERMB的研究重点是包容性城市增长以及地方生产力和竞争力之间的关系。

琼·特鲁莱恩是巴塞罗那自治大学(UAB)应用经济学系的高级讲师。他的主要研究领域包括城市经济学和政策、地方经济发展、大都市战略、工业园区和包容性城市增长。他关于巴塞罗那大都市战略的主要著作包括关于知识城市巴塞罗那、巴塞罗那22@、三角洲计划和当前包容性城市增长战略的研究报告。他曾担任西班牙政府工业部秘书长(2004-2008年)、巴塞罗那区域和都市研究所所长(2009-2015年)、UAB应用经济学系主任以及巴塞罗那国际梅嫩德斯·佩拉约大学(Universitat Internacional Menéndez Pelayo)和巴塞罗那-中心艾斯特伦斯·吕奇(Ernest Lluch)主任。


Agglomeration effects as spatially embedded social interactions: identifying urban scaling beyond metropolitan areas



Agglomeration is the tell-tale sign of cities and urbanization. Identifying and measuring agglomeration economies has been achieved by a variety of means and by various disciplines, including urban economics, quantitative geography, and regional science. Agglomeration is typically expressed as the non-linear dependence of many different urban quantities on city size, proxied by population. The identification and measurement of agglomeration effects is of course dependent on the choice of spatial units. Metropolitan areas (or their equivalent) have been the preferred spatial units for urban scaling modeling. The many issues surrounding the delineation of metropolitan areas have tended to obscure that urban scaling is principally about the measurable consequences of social and economic interactions embedded in physical space and facilitated by physical proximity and infrastructure. These generative processes obviously must exist in the spatial subcomponents of metropolitan areas. Using data for counties and urbanized areas in the United States, we show that the generative processes that give rise to scaling effects are not an artifact of metropolitan definitions and exist at smaller spatial scales.






黛博拉·斯特朗斯基(Deborah Strumsky)接受过区域科学训练,是瑞典延雪平大学商学院(Jönköping International Business School)延雪平大学创业与空间经济学中心的一名教员,她的主要研究重点在于发明和技术变革,对城市地区技术创新的形成特别感兴趣。

路易斯·贝特孔托(Luis Bettencourt)是芝加哥大学(USA)城市创新研究所的创始主任,生态学和进化方面的教授,社会学方面的副研究员。他的研究调查了复杂系统中的基本生物和社会组织及演变过程,重点研究城市环境。

何塞·洛波(José Lobo)是亚利桑那州立大学未来全球学院可持续性学校的一名教员,是一名对支撑城市和城市化进程的基本社会进程感兴趣的城市经济学家。


Tabulating and visualizing street-name data in the US and Europe



Street names constitute a rich source of data for quantitative analysis in social sciences. We gather and process street-name data from OpenStreetMap to create an accessible and readily analyzable street names database for the US and a large part of Europe. We also develop a web app to visualize the spatial distribution of street names and download the underlying data from users’ queries. These tools will continue to expand its geographic coverage by including additional countries.








丹尼尔·奥托-佩拉利亚斯是Pablo de Olavide大学(西班牙)经济学副教授。他在管理和商业行政以及法律方面持有大学学位,并在经济学和政治学方面进行了研究生学习。丹尼尔的研究主要集中在经济学、地理学和历史学领域。他的作品发表在《欧洲经济学的期刊》和《经济地理学期刊》等杂志上。


Local data at a national scale: Introducing a dataset of official municipal websites in the United States for text-based analytics



Municipal websites serve as central platforms for local governments to share information with the public. They offer authoritative, up-to-date, and free access for researchers to collect city-level data. However, until now, a comprehensive and accurate database of municipal web addresses did not exist. Here, we introduce a complete and manually verified dataset containing information on whether a municipality has an official website and, if so, what its web address is, of all 19,518 municipalities in the United States. With this dataset, researchers can easily conduct systematic searches on municipal official websites for self-defined keywords. The search results are well-suited for text-based analytics. This new data source benefits urban scholars who struggle to access high-quality local data for nationwide studies and contributes to narrowing the data gap.






Meng Cai,密歇根州立大学城市与区域规划专业的博士研究生。她在达姆施塔特工业大学交通规划与交通工程研究所担任副研究员。她的研究兴趣在于城市可持续性、变革技术和计算方法的交叉。


Future shrinking cities on the globe: A projection map for 2020–2100 based on global gridded population dataset



Shrinking cities have become increasingly prevalent worldwide due to various factors, which pose serious challenges to affected areas in terms of population decline, economic decline, and spatial deterioration. While existing research studies have focused on identifying shrinking cities, there is a need for global projections to mitigate uncertainties in their growth trajectories. Spatially explicit population grids offer a new approach to identifying potentially shrinking cities with sufficient spatial resolution. By utilizing a global gridded population dataset from 2020 to 2100 under the SSP2 (Middle of the Road) scenario, we produce a global projection map for future shrinking cities. Among the total 19,024 natural cities, 9682 cities (50.9%) will face population decline and 1751 cities (9.2%) may lose more than half population by 2100. Cities in East Asia and East Europe may face serious population decline.


由于各种因素的影响,城市萎缩在世界范围内日益普遍,给受影响地区带来了人口减少、经济衰退和空间恶化等严峻挑战。虽然现有的研究侧重于确定萎缩的城市,但有必要进行全球预测,以减轻其增长轨迹的不确定性。空间显式人口网格提供了一种新的方法来识别具有足够空间分辨率的潜在萎缩城市。通过利用SSP2 (Middle of the Road)情景下2020 - 2100年的全球网格化人口数据集,我们制作了未来萎缩城市的全球投影图。到2100年,在19024个自然城市中,9682个(50.9%)城市面临人口减少,1751个(9.2%)城市人口将减少一半以上。东亚和东欧的城市可能面临严重的人口下降。




Ying Long,博士,现就职于清华大学建筑学院,任终身副教授。他的研究重点是城市科学,包括应用城市建模、城市大数据分析和可视化、数据增强设计和未来城市。他发表了近200篇论文,领导了20多个研究/规划项目。他资助的项目包括世界银行和世界卫生组织这样的国际组织,阿里巴巴和腾讯这样的互联网公司,北京和成都这样的地方政府,以及国家发改委和国家自然科学基金委这样的中央政府。龙博士也是北京城市实验室的创始人,这是一个开放的定量城市研究网络。


The changing dynamics of population exposure to extreme heat in the contiguous United States from 2001 to 2020



The increasing population exposure to heat extremes in recent decades represents a formidable challenge to urban sustainability. Yet, less is known about the spatial and temporal dynamics of extreme heat events accompanied by the changing climate and the associated human exposure. In this study, we create a series of cartograms to reveal the spatial and temporal changes of population exposure to extreme heat in the contiguous United States from 2001 to 2020. Findings demonstrate a notable spatial shift in exposure from northern to southern regions over the two-decade period, with the worrying trend of prolonged extreme heat in some counties with large populations. While the majority of the population experienced fewer than 18 days of extreme heat annually, the spatial shift was accompanied by increasing population exposure to prolonged extreme heat. Results underscore the urgent need for spatially targeted climate adaptation policies to effectively mitigate the adverse impacts of heat extremes.






Chaosu Li,现为香港科技大学(广州)城市治理与设计学院城市规划助理教授及香港科技大学公共政策学系附属助理教授。他对土地利用和环境规划以及气候变化的城市规划感兴趣。


Mapping U.S.-China technological “decoupling”: Beyond U.S.-China relations



As a global phenomenon of political and economic geography, a partial “decoupling” of U.S. and Chinese technology ecosystems is well under way. It should be noted that the biggest manifestation of this decoupling is the U.S. crackdown on Chinese technology companies. The U.S. government has placed over 1000 Chinese firms on the Entity List, Unverified List, Chinese Military firms Sanitations List, and NS-CMIC as a representative action to stifle the Chinese technology industry. The spatial patterns of the technological decoupling between China and the United States can be summed up by looking at the spatial distribution of blacklisted firms. Beyond China, the United States largely works to prevent China from forging indirect business links with U.S. high-tech companies through its allies (for example, the United Kingdom). Core cities like Beijing, Shanghai, and Shenzhen in China, which are also hubs for Chinese high-tech businesses, are the major targets of industrial suppression in the United States. The U.S.-China rivalry will continue to shape the global economic geography in the future.






Ze Zhang,苏州大学中国城市化研究中心、建筑学院杰出青年学者。他目前是浙江大学发展与治理国际研究中心的非常驻研究员。

