The Second Forum of the Greater Bay Area (GBA) Finance and Launch of IMF World Economic Outlook will be held on October 29 in Shenzhen. The event is jointly organized by Institute of Advanced Social Sciences (Shenzhen) at Renmin University of China, IMF Resident Representative Office in China, and the National Institute of Financial Studies at Renmin University of China. The theme of the forum is “World Economic Outlook: Global Economic Turbulence and China’s Financial Development”. Experts and scholars from IMF and the Government-Industry-University-Research sectors in the Greater Bay Area (GBA) will participate in the event and discuss on the theme.
庄毓敏 中国人民大学财政金融学院院长、中国人民大学深圳金融高等研究院院长
09:00am-17:30pm, Tuesday, October 29, 2024
Organized by
Institute of Advanced Social Sciences (Shenzhen), Renmin University of China
IMF Resident Representative Office in China
The National Institute of Financial Studies, Renmin University of China
Co-Organized by
Shenzhen Finance Institute, Renmin University of China
Shenzhen Institute of Development and Strategy, Renmin University of China
International Monetary Institute (IMI), Renmin University of China
Chaired by
Prof. Zhuang Yumin, Dean, School of Finance, Renmin University of China; Dean of Shenzhen Finance Institute, Renmin University of China
09:00—09:05 主持人开场
主持人: 庄毓敏 中国人民大学财政金融院院长、中国人民大学深圳金融高等研究院院长
09:05—09:25 开场致辞
朱信凯 中国人民大学常务副校长
时卫干 中共深圳市委金融委员会办公室常务副主任、中共深圳市委金融工作委员会常务副书记、深圳市地方金融管理局局长
09:25—11:45 报告宣讲与主题演讲
主持人:张之骧 中国人民银行国际司原司长、中国驻IMF原执行董事
09:25—09:45 报告宣讲
Steven Barnett IMF驻华代表处首席代表
09:45—10:05 主题演讲I
王一鸣 国务院发展研究中心原副主任
10:05—10:25 主题演讲II
Galip Kemal Ozhan IMF研究部经济学家
10:25—10:45 主题演讲III
吴晓求 中国人民大学原副校长、国家金融研究院院长
10:45—11:05 主题演讲IV
Eric Huang IMF研究部经济学家
11:05—11:25 主题演讲V
李礼辉 中国银行原行长
11:25—11:45 主题演讲VI
王廷惠 广东省社会科学院院长
11:45—12:05 Q&A
14:30—14:40 主持人开场
主持人: 宋 科 中国人民大学深圳研究院常务副院长、深圳金融高等研究院执行院长
14:40—17:00 主题发言(以姓氏拼音为序)
洪 灏 思睿集团首席经济学家
李 琳 三菱日联金融集团亚洲研究主管
夏 乐 西班牙对外银行研究部亚太首席经济学家
肖斐斐 中信证券研究部执行总经理、首席银行业分析师
肖 耿 香港国际金融学会主席、香港中文大学(深圳)实践教授、政策与实践研究所所长
赵文利 建银国际证券首席策略师、董事总经理兼研究部主管
钟 红 中银香港首席经济学家
17:00—17:30 互动讨论
09:00 a.m. - 12:05 p.m., Tuesday, October 29, 2024
Bao’an District, Shenzhen, China
09:00—09:05 Host’s Opening Speak
Host: Prof. Zhuang Yumin, Dean of School of Finance, Renmin University of China; Dean of Shenzhen Finance Institute, Renmin University of China
09:05—09:25 Opening Remarks
Mr. Zhu Xinkai, Executive Vice President of Renmin University of China
Mr. Shi Weigan, Deputy Director of Office of the Finance Committee of the CPC Shenzhen Municipal Committee; Executive Deputy Secretary of Office of the Financial Affairs Committee of CPC Shenzhen Municipal Committee; Director of the Local Financial Regulatory Bureau of Shenzhen Municipality
09:25—11:45 Report Briefing and Presentation
Mr. Zhang Zhixiang, Former Director General of International Department, People’s Bank of China; Former IMF Executive Director for China
09:25—09:45 Report Briefing
Mr. Steven Barnett, Senior Resident Representative of IMF in China
09:45—10:05 Presentation I
Mr. Wang Yiming, Former Deputy Director of the Development Research Center of the State Council
10:05—10:25 Presentation II
Mr. Galip Kemal Ozhan, Economist, Research Department of IMF
10:25—10:45 Presentation III
Mr. Wu Xiaoqiu, Former Vice President of Renmin University of China; Dean of the National Academy of Financial Research, Renmin University of China
10:45—11:05 Presentation IV
Mr. Eric Huang, Economist, Research Department of IMF
11:05—11:25 Presentation V
Mr. Li Lihui, Former President of the Bank of China
11:25—11:45 Presentation VI
Ms. Wang Tinghui, Dean of the Guangdong Academy of Social Sciences
11:45—12:05 Q&A
14:30 p.m. - 17:30 p.m., Tuesday, October 29, 2024
Bao’an District, Shenzhen, China
14:30—14:40 Opening Remarks
Mr. Song Ke, Executive Vice President of Shenzhen Research Institute, Renmin University of China; Executive Dean of Shenzhen Finance Institute, Renmin University of China
14:40—17:00 Presentations
Mr. Hong Hao, Chief Economist at GROW Investment Group
Ms. Li Lin, Director of Asian Research, Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group
Mr. Xia Le, Chief Economist for Asia at BBVA
Ms. Xiao Feifei, Executive General Manager of CITIC Securities Research Department; Chief Banking Analyst of CITIC Securities Research Department
Mr. Xiao Geng, Professor of Practice of the University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen); Director of Institute of Policy and Practice, SFI; Chairman of the Hong Kong Institution for International Finance
Mr. Zhao Wenli, Chief Strategist at CCB International Securities; Managing Director at CCB International Securities; Head of Research at CCB International Securities
Ms. Zhong Hong, Chief Economist at Bank of China (Hong Kong)
17:00—17:30 Panel Discussion
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