学生党推荐的下饭好物,专家手中的“专属水杯”,披萨、冰淇淋、汉堡的好搭子……近日,“国民女神”老干妈再次站在聚光灯下——入选英国《卫报》的圣诞愿望清单。顶级厨师和美食作家会把什么列入他们的圣诞愿望清单?据《卫报》消息,老干妈打败一众对手,成为他们喜爱的19款礼物之一。What do top chefs and food writers include on their Christmas wish lists? According to The Guardian, Chinese LaoGanMa crispy chilli in oil has become one of their favorite gifts this year. 在报道中,畅销书《酒吧厨房》的作者、大厨Tom Kerridge说,他喜欢老干妈的脆皮辣椒油。老干妈不仅价格不贵,而且超级好吃,几乎百搭。Tom Kerridge, chef, restaurateur, and author of Pub Kitchen, shared that he loves LaoGanMa crispy chilli in oil. He mentioned that it’s not too expensive, is incredibly tasty, and pairs well with almost anything.与老干妈同台竞争的,还有专栏作家Meera Sodha提名的印度厨房女神像(Annapurna),以及《意大利面从A到Z》的作者Rachel Roddy钟爱的罗马式切刀(Roman puntarelle cutter)。Meera Sodha, Feast columnist and author of Dinner, said she would gift a small brass figurine of Annapurna, the Hindu goddess of cooks and the kitchen.Rachel Roddy, Feast columnist and author of An A-Z of Pasta, mentioned she would choose a Roman puntarelle cutter for courgettes, calling it the most satisfying tool after a box grater.为热爱烹饪的外国人或者美食家送什么礼物,大家有想法了吧!说回“国民女神”老干妈,这不是它第一次进入外媒视野。早在2021年,《卫报》在“改变生活的酱料”一文中称,老干妈的香脆辣椒油在中国非常受欢迎,在西方美食爱好者中也拥有一大批忠实的追随者。利物浦一餐厅的行政总厨评价老干妈的豆豉口味:“神级!”LaoGanMa crispy chilli in oil have gained a passionate following among Western food enthusiasts. The black bean version is now the connoisseur’s choice, with Sam Grainger, the executive chef at Belzan in Liverpool, calling it "God tier."2022年,没错,还是《卫报》,再次发文安利老干妈,并称之为“中国最火辣的女人”(China's hottest woman)。How are foreigners getting creative with this China’s beloved meal-enhancer?披萨蘸蘸
图源:YouTube@robbmarrocco有网友高举老干妈大旗:“我能接受老干妈甜品了!”“老干妈超棒的,搭配大米饭和流心蛋,你绝不会失望。”拧开瓶盖,鲜红的辣椒与黝黑的豆豉交织在一起。夹起一颗豆豉,轻轻放入嘴里,细细咀嚼,豆豉的软糯与辣椒的辛辣瞬间在舌尖绽放……日均生产300万瓶、远销160个国家和地区的老干妈,如今已不再是国内年轻人的首选,但这份味觉记忆仍在。With a daily production of 3 million bottles and sales to 160 countries and regions, LaoGanMa is no longer the top choice among young people in China. However, the taste memory it evokes still lingers.