灵枢·胀论 Miraculous Pivot · On Distension
黄帝曰:脉之应于寸口,如何而胀?The Yellow Emperor said: When the pulse is felt at the Cunkou (the radial artery at the wrist), how can one tell if there is distension?
岐伯曰:其脉大坚以涩者,胀也。Qibo said: If the pulse is large, firm, and unsmooth, it indicates distension.
黄帝曰:何以知脏腑之胀也。The Yellow Emperor said: How can one know which of the zang-fu organs is affected by distension?
岐伯曰:阴为脏,阳为腑。Qibo said: The yin pertains to the zang organs, and the yang pertains to the fu organs.
黄帝曰:夫气之令人胀也,在于血脉之中耶,脏腑之内乎?The Yellow Emperor said: When qi causes distension in a person, does it occur in the blood vessels or within the zang-fu organs?
岐伯曰:三者皆存焉,然非胀之舍也。Qibo said: It can exist in all three places (blood vessels, zang organs, and fu organs), but none of them is the actual location where distension resides.
黄帝曰:愿闻胀之舍。The Yellow Emperor said: I would like to hear about the actual location of distension.
岐伯曰:夫胀者,皆在于脏腑之外,排脏腑而郭胸胁,胀皮肤,故命曰胀。Qibo said: As for distension, it is all outside the zang-fu organs. It presses against the zang-fu organs, surrounds the chest and hypochondrium, and causes the skin to swell. Therefore, it is called distension.
黄帝曰:脏腑之在胸胁腹里之内也,若匣匮之藏禁器也,名有次舍,异名而同处,一域之中,其气各异,愿闻其故。(《医部全录》注曰:此处必缺岐伯所答之言。)The Yellow Emperor said: The zang-fu organs are located inside the chest, hypochondrium, and abdomen, just like precious objects stored in a box. Each has its own name, location, and although they have different names, they are in the same area. The qi within them is different. I would like to hear the reason for this. (Annotation in "Complete Records of the Medical Department": There must be a missing reply from Qibo here.)
黄帝曰:未解其意,再问。The Yellow Emperor said: I still don't understand this. I'll ask again.
岐伯曰:“夫胸腹,脏腑之郭也。膻中者,心主之宫城也。胃者,太仓也。Qibo said: "The chest and abdomen are like the outer enclosures of the zang-fu organs. The Danzhong is the imperial palace of the Heart Governor. The stomach is like the Grand Granary.
咽喉、小肠者,传送也。胃之五窍者,闾里门户也。廉泉、玉英者,津液之道也。The throat and small intestine are for transportation. The five orifices of the stomach are like the gates of the neighborhood. Lianquan and Yuying are the passages for body fluids.
故五脏六腑者,各有畔界,其病各有形状。Therefore, each of the five zang and six fu organs has its own boundaries, and their diseases have different manifestations.
营气循脉、卫气逆为脉胀;卫气并脉循分为肤胀。When the nutrient qi circulates along the meridians and the defensive qi moves in the opposite direction, it causes meridian distension. When the defensive qi combines with the meridians and circulates along the muscle regions, it causes skin distension.
三里而泻,近者一下,远者三下。无问虚实,工在疾泻。”Needle at Zusanli and perform draining. For a recent onset, one needling may be enough; for a long-standing condition, three needlings may be required. Regardless of whether it is a deficiency or excess condition, the key for the physician is to drain quickly."
黄帝曰:愿闻胀形。The Yellow Emperor said: I would like to hear about the manifestations of distension.
岐伯曰:“夫心胀者烦心短气,卧不安。肺胀者,虚满而喘咳。Qibo said: For heart distension, there are symptoms such as vexation in the heart, shortness of breath, and restlessness during sleep. For lung distension, there is a feeling of emptiness and fullness accompanied by wheezing and coughing.
肝胀者,胁下满而痛引小腹。脾胀者,善哕,四肢烦悗,体重不能胜衣,卧不安。For liver distension, there is fullness under the hypochondrium and pain that radiates to the lower abdomen. For spleen distension, there is frequent hiccupping, restlessness in the limbs, a feeling that the body weight is too much to bear the clothes, and restlessness during sleep.
肾胀者,腹满引背央央然,腰髀痛。For kidney distension, there is fullness in the abdomen that radiates to the back with a dull pain, and there is also pain in the waist and hips.
六腑胀,胃胀者,腹满,胃脘痛,鼻闻焦臭,妨于食,大便难;For the distension of the six fu organs: For stomach distension, there is fullness in the abdomen, pain in the stomach area, a burnt smell can be smelled through the nose, which affects eating, and difficulty in defecation.
大肠胀者,肠鸣而痛濯濯,冬日重感于寒,则餐泄不化;For large intestine distension, there is gurgling in the intestine accompanied by pain, and if there is a severe cold attack in winter, there will be undigested food in the stools.
小肠胀者,少腹䐜胀,引腰而痛;膀胱胀者,少腹满而气癃;For small intestine distension, there is distension in the lower abdomen that radiates to the waist with pain. For bladder distension, there is fullness in the lower abdomen and difficult urination.
三焦胀者,气满于皮肤中,轻轻然而不坚;胆胀者,胁下痛胀,口中苦,善太息。For the distension of the Triple Energizer, there is fullness of qi in the skin, which is soft and not firm. For the distension of the Gallbladder, there is pain and distension under the hypochondrium, a bitter taste in the mouth, and a tendency to sigh frequently.
凡此诸胀者,其道在一,明知逆顺,针数不失,泻虚补实,神去其室,致邪失正,真不可定,粗之所败,谓之夭命;For all these types of distension, the principle is the same. Clearly understand the normal and abnormal conditions, perform the correct number of needlings, and avoid draining the deficiency and reinforcing the excess. Otherwise, the spirit will leave its abode, pathogenic factors will be introduced while the healthy qi is lost, and the true qi cannot be stabilized. This is what the unskilled physicians do wrong and will lead to a shortened lifespan.
补虚泻实,神归其室,久塞其空,谓之良工。”Reinforce the deficiency and drain the excess, so that the spirit returns to its abode, and block the pathogenic entry for a long time. This is what a skilled physician does.
黄帝曰:胀者焉生?何因而有?The Yellow Emperor said: How does distension occur? What causes it?
岐伯曰:“卫气之在身也,常然并脉,循分肉,行有逆顺,阴阳相随,乃得天和,五脏更始,四时循序,五谷乃化。Qibo said: "The defensive qi in the body usually moves along with the meridians, follows the muscle regions, and its movement has a normal direction. Yin and yang follow each other, and only then can it achieve harmony with nature. The five zang organs start their functions anew, follow the sequence of the four seasons, and then the five grains can be digested.
然后厥气在下,营卫留止,寒气逆上,真邪相攻,两气相搏,乃合为胀也。”Then, if there is reversed qi in the lower part of the body, the nutrient and defensive qis stop their circulation, cold qi moves upward in the opposite direction, the true qi and pathogenic factors attack each other, and when the two types of qi struggle against each other, they combine to form distension."
黄帝曰:善。何以解惑?The Yellow Emperor said: Good. How can one solve the doubts?
岐伯曰:合之于真,三合而得。Qibo said: Combine it with the true qi, and when the three are combined, one can get the answer.
帝曰:善。The Yellow Emperor said: Good.
黄帝问于岐伯曰:《胀论》言:“无问虚实,工在疾泻,近者一下,远者三下。”今有其三而不下者,其过焉在?The Yellow Emperor asked Qibo: In the "On Distension" chapter, it is said: "Regardless of whether it is a deficiency or excess condition, the key for the physician is to drain quickly. For a recent onset, one needling may be enough; for a long-standing condition, three needlings may be required." Now, if after three needlings, the condition does not improve, where is the mistake?
岐伯对曰:“此言陷于肉肓而中气穴者也。不中气穴,则气内闭。Qibo replied: "This means that the needle has penetrated into the deep muscular layer but missed the acupoints. If the acupoints are not hit, the qi inside will be blocked.
针不陷肓,则气不行,上越中肉,则卫气相乱,阴阳相逐。If the needle does not penetrate the muscular layer, the qi will not move. If the needle penetrates too far into the muscle, the defensive qi will be in disorder, and yin and yang will chase each other.
其于胀也,当泻不泻,气故不下,三而不下,必更其道,气下乃止,不下复始,可以万全,乌有殆者乎?In the case of distension, if draining should be done but is not done, the qi will not go down. If after three needlings the qi does not go down, one must change the needling method. Stop when the qi goes down. If it does not go down, start again. This way, it can be completely safe. How could there be any danger?
其于胀也,必审其胗,当泻则泻,当补则补,如鼓应桴,恶有不下者乎?”In the case of distension, one must carefully examine the condition, drain when it should be drained, and reinforce when it should be reinforced. It will be like hitting a drum with a drumstick, and how could there be any situation where the condition does not improve?"