FSAP | 喀麦隆蚱蜢粉末的营养和健康益处:对大鼠睡眠、毛发生长和饥饿的影响

健康   2024-11-11 17:33   北京  


人口学和经济学研究预测世界人口将显著增长,因此应采取应对措施,如增加牲畜产量,以满足基本蛋白质需求。大西洋鲱鱼Clupea harengus不但被广泛食用,而且常用作小型哺乳动物(如兔和大鼠)饲养中的蛋白质补充剂。露瓣钩额螽(Ruspolia nitidula)是一种可食用且需求量较大的昆虫,特别是在喀麦隆的西北部、西南部和西部地区。已证明该物种富含脂类、碳水化合物、氨基酸等。从经济和生态的角度来看,用这种蚱蜢的蛋白质替代鱼类蛋白质将增加蛋白质摄入量,并提供新的蛋白质摄入来源,且可能是哺乳动物(包括人类)营养更丰富的替代品。

姜镇大学的Ngnaniyyi Abdoul等评价露瓣钩额螽粉在大鼠中的营养益处。与从植物中获得的蛋白质相比,动物来源的蛋白质提供了多样性的必需氨基酸,但其生产在经济上和生态上是昂贵的。研究表明,食用昆虫(变温动物)的生产比哺乳动物(恒温动物)的生产更有优势,因为前者生长更快,生态足迹非常小。最近的饮食学、生物化学和营养学研究已经证实,食用可食用的蚱蜢对健康有广泛的益处。


1 3 种饲料对大鼠毛发形态影响的比较

结果表明,饲喂露瓣钩额螽粉的大鼠毛发外观改善高度显著(P0.001)。72 只饲喂露瓣钩额螽粉大鼠的720 根被检毛发中,681根为最佳毛发,占比94.58%;而喂饲鲱鱼无蛋白饲料的最佳毛发数分别为5.55%0.27%

1  3 种不同日粮对大鼠毛发外观的影响

2 3 种饲料对大鼠体质量影响的比较

饲喂露瓣钩额螽粉、鲱鱼粉的大鼠体质量与饲喂无蛋白质饲料的大鼠存在显著差异。露瓣钩额螽粉组和鲱鱼粉组的平均体质量分别为(180.10±12.34 g和(172.76±11.17g。此外,雄性动物的体质量增量大于雌性动物。雌性体质量增长在妊娠512 周达到峰值((200.10±14.79g),而雄性的体质量峰值为(203.10±20.58 g



2 3 种饲料对大鼠总睡眠时间(total sleep durationTSD的影响

与饲喂无蛋白质饲料组大鼠相比,饲喂露瓣钩额螽粉组大鼠TSD高度显著增加(P0.001),其次是鲱鱼粉。12 周后,鲱鱼粉组TSD显著增加。


4 3 种饲料对粪尿pH值的影响

2 种高蛋白饲料对尿液和粪便pH值的影响与仅饲喂无蛋白质饲料的大鼠相比,具有极显著差异(P0.01)。在整个实验期间,饲喂露瓣钩额螽粉的大鼠尿液和粪便pH值分别保持相对酸性和碱性。相比之下,饲喂鲱鱼粉的大鼠尿液呈碱性。在72 只饲喂露瓣钩额螽粉的大鼠中,尿液和粪便pH值几乎恒定。



5 3 种饲料对大鼠某些生殖参数的影响


2  3 种饲料对大鼠生育力影响的比较




Against a backdrop of insufficient food production for a rapidly growing world population, the search for alternative resources, particularly low-cost proteins with a negligible ecological footprint, is a vital issue. Biochemical studies have revealed coveted nutritional compositions in edible insects. Moreover, edible grasshoppers are often abundant for several months at a time in many parts of Cameroon. This study assessed the qualitative and quantitative contribution of the edible grasshopper (Ruspolia nitidula) meal in Cameroon to rat feed. The Clupea harengus fishmeal classically used was substituted by R. nitidulameal. Rats (n = 216, 108 males and 108 females) aged 10 weeks and weighing (165.15 ± 6.10) g were divided into 3 batches of 72 rats each. Rats in batches 1 and 2 were fed diets prepared from R. nitidula and C. harengus meal, respectively. Rats in batch 3 were fed a ration deficient in protein. The average body weight with R. nitidula meal was (180.10 ± 12.34) g and (172.76 ± 11.17) g with C. harengus meal. These values fell sharply with the protein deficient diet ((146.15 ± 8.65) g). What’s more, 94.58% of the hairs examined were in better condition for all animals fed R. nitidula meal, compared with 5.55% and 0.27% respectively for rats fed C. harengus meal and protein-free diets. In addition,R. nitidula meal boosted libido by + 4.77 intromissions per hour, boosted by + 1.26 ejaculations per hour compared to animals fed protein-free diets. Sleep was improved by 11.95, 5.99 and – 4.65 h/week on R. nitidulaC. harengus and protein-free diets respectively. No significant differences were observed between males and females. In addition to improving sexual desire and copulation frequency in rats, R. nitidula meal is a good candidate for improving hair aesthetics, sleep and fertility in rats suffering from hair loss, insomnia and infertility.

