●bank on sb./sth.依靠,指望
英文释义: to rely on sb/sth;anticipate, expect
从英文释义中就可以总结出其同义表达,rely on, 此外还有depend on,或者形容词词组be dependent on。
The Economist 经济学人
Labour is banking on a big upswing in growth. It will struggle to get one.工党正寄望于经济增长的大幅回升。但这很难实现。
The Wall Street Journal 华尔街日报
He expected the loan to create 300 jobs in Rochester. Well, we feel very comfortable that we can bank on it.他预计这笔贷款将在罗切斯特创造300个就业岗位。嗯,我们很放心,我们可以指望它。
Bloomberg 彭博社
Investors are banking on continuity in the government’s infrastructure and manufacture-led drive to boost growth.投资者正寄望于政府的基础设施建设和制造业主导的刺激经济增长的举措能够持续下去。
●climb the ladder 攀登阶梯
英文释义:to become increasingly powerful or successful
climb the ladder尤指在职业或社会地位上逐步提升,取得成功。ladder可以表示(生活上进步或事业上晋升的)阶梯,途径,常用作单数。比如the career ladder事业阶梯,the social ladder社会阶梯。
The Economist 经济学人
In many developed countries it’s getting harder to climb the social ladder. In Britain, there is just a 9% chance of a child born in the bottom fifth of income distribution reaching the top fifth. 在许多发达国家,攀登社会阶梯变得越来越困难。在英国,出生在收入分配最低五分之一的孩子只有9%的机会达到收入分配的最高五分之一。
The Economist 经济学人
In Colombia, Latin America’s most unequal country, getting braces is a way to climb up the social ladder在拉丁美洲最不平等的国家哥伦比亚,戴牙套是攀登社会阶梯的一种方式
Sixth Tone 第六声
Meritocratic principles give people motivation to pursue their goals and faith in their ability to climb the social ladder.任人唯贤的原则给人们追求目标的动力,并让他们相信自己有能力攀登社会阶梯。
#拓展:meritocracy /ˌmerɪ'tɒkrəsɪ/ [n.] 精英管理(制度),贤能统治 (a social system that gives the greatest power and highest social positions to people with the most ability);meritocratic是其形容词,经常出现的表达有a meritocratic school system精英教育系统;meritocratic principles任人唯贤的原则。