Artificial Intelligence and Transmedia Creation: Dance, Music and Film
In light of substantial advancements in artificial intelligence technology across domains such as knowledge acquisition, image generation, animation production, and 3D model generation, the conventional paradigms of artistic creation are undergoing a profound redefinition. This talk delves into the examination of AI's pivotal role within the realms of dance, music, and film production, with examples of MYStudio’s transmedia creative processes and pedagogy. These explorations introduce unprecedented possibilities to the discipline of art and design. This talk encompasses various topics including dance and musical notation, motion capture, collaborative choreography and composition, digital dance, algorithmic music, and moving image creation, etc. Furthermore, it underscores the potential inherent in combining diverse media forms - dance, music, and film - to construct intricate and immersive transmedia narrative experiences.
闵嘉剑,建筑师、新媒体艺术家、创意企业家。MYStudio主理人(https://mystudio.design/),客座任教于清华大学院、中央美术学院、中国美术学院与中国传媒大学,纽约新当代艺术博物馆NEW INC成员,耶鲁大学校友导师,首届HarvardXR峰会联合发起人,2024MIT人工智能电影黑客松学术顾问与评委,入选2023福布斯中国最具影响力华人精英Top100。致力于探索最前沿的跨媒介艺术表达与内容创新,推动海内外跨文化交流。作品类型横跨建筑、策展、新媒体、扩展现实、剧场、舞蹈、音乐、生成式人工智能。作品展出于威尼斯建筑双年展,奥地利林茨电子艺术节 Art Gallery等国际展览,荣获众多国际艺术奖项。曾任哈佛大学中国艺术实验室项目负责人,本硕毕业于清华大学与耶鲁大学建筑学院。
Jiajian Min is an architect, new media artist and creative entrepreneur. He is the Director of MYStudio (https://mystudio.design/), an experimental design group in Boston, integrating humanity, art, performance and technology. He is the XR Track Member at NEW INC, co-founder of HarvardXR Inaugural Conference, Yale Alumni Mentor. He teaches interdisciplinary Design Studios at Tsinghua University, China Academy of Art, Central Academy of Fine Arts and Communication University of China, and is selected as 2023 Forbes China 100 Most Influential Chinese. Jiajian is dedicated to cutting-edge multimedia art creation and international cultural communication. His works have been featured at Venice Biennale, Ars Electronica Art Gallery, and won international awards. He has worked as Project Lead at Harvard FAS CAMLab, and graduated from Tsinghua and Yale School of Architecture.
于博柔,新媒体艺术家、跨学科研究者、舞者。MYStudio主理人(https://mystudio.design/),MIT音乐与戏剧学院合作艺术家,客座任教于清华大学、中央美术学院、中国美术学院、上海交通大学,纽约新当代艺术博物馆NEW INC成员,意大利拉古纳艺术奖全球艺术大使,2023常春藤春晚多媒体总监,2024MIT人工智能电影黑客松评委,深圳市专家人才联合会新媒体公共艺术委员会专家委员,入选2023年度“全美华人30岁以下青年精英榜”。致力于探索文化遗产数字化与当代表达,身体与剧场的跨媒介研究与创作,前沿科学的艺术转译与传播。作品荣获Arte Laguna Prize,Hermes Creative Awards等国际奖项,展览于众多国际展览与电影节。曾任哈佛大学中国艺术实验室研究员与项目负责人,本硕毕业于清华大学与耶鲁大学建筑学院。
Anna Borou Yu is a new media artist, interdisciplinary researcher, and dancer. She is the Director of MYStudio (https://mystudio.design/), an experimental design group in Boston, integrating humanity, art, performance and technology. She is also Collaborative Artist at MIT Music and Theater Arts, XR Track Member at NEW INC, Ambassador of Arte Laguna Prize, and the Visiting Design Critic at Tsinghua University, China Academy of Art and Central Academy of Fine Arts. She is selected as AACYF Top 30 under 30 in 2023. Anna engages in contemporary interpretation of cultural heritage, embodied exhibition and cognitive performance in extended reality, and translation between media from artistic expression to science research. Her works have been featured at Arte Laguna Prize, Hermes Creative Awards, MIT AI Hackathon Best Film, etc. She has worked as Fellow and Project Lead at Harvard FAS CAMLab, and graduated from Tsinghua and Yale School of Architecture.
线下 (In-person):美国布朗大学会议厅 "List Art 110"
线上 (Online):腾讯(Tencent)会议直播
美东 2024.4.14 10:30-12:30 EST
美西 2024.4.14 07:30-09:30 PST
北京 2024.4.14 22:30-00:30 Beijing
Screen the following code to register
北美中国学生艺术学者联合总会 (ART CSSA)
布朗大学中国学生学者联合会 (Brown CSSA)
罗德岛艺术设计学院中国学生学者联合会 (RISD CSSA)
The End