
百科   2024-12-16 07:40   辽宁  

综合多家媒体报道得知,欧洲管理思想大师查尔斯·汉迪(Charles Handy)于当地时间周五在伦敦家中去世,享年92岁。
——领导力大师 沃伦·本尼斯

查尔斯·汉迪(Charles Handy)(1932-2024),1932年出生于爱尔兰的一个神职家庭,可以说是欧洲最伟大的管理思想大师。英国《金融时报》称他是欧洲屈指可数的“最像管理哲学家”的人,并把他评为仅次于彼得·德鲁克的管理大师。他英国完成大学教育后先后在东南亚和伦敦的壳牌公司工作,并升任高级管理职务。 后进入美国麻省理工学院斯隆管理学院学习,师从沃伦·被本尼斯等,开始对组织管理及其运作原理产生了兴趣。

查尔斯·汉迪获得13所英国大学名誉博士学位或名誉研究员,最近又接受都柏林三一学院此类荣誉,并于2000年被授予英帝国司令勋章(Commander of the Order of the British Empire,CBE)。


查尔斯·汉迪在伦敦的家中平静地去世,他的孩子凯特、斯科特和孙子们都在他的身边陪伴。汉迪是著名的管理思想家,也是伦敦商学院(LBS)的联合创始人。伦敦商学院是组织行为与管理领域的开拓者,对该领域的研究发展做出了开创性贡献。汉迪以提出包括“组合职业”(Portfolio Career)在内的众多新理念而闻名。


汉迪毕业于牛津大学奥里尔学院(Oriel College, Oxford),获得一等荣誉,主修古典文学、历史和哲学。他认为,人们必须回答哲学问题和经济问题。

伦敦商学院前院长安德鲁•利克曼爵士(Sir Andrew Likierman)教授表示,汉迪除了撰写管理学著作外,对伦敦商学院的发展也产生了巨大影响。



伦敦商学院现任院长谢尔盖•古里耶夫(Sergei Guriev)表示:“我们对伦敦商学院历史上最重要的教授之一的逝世表示哀悼。我们怀着感激之情记住他,以及他对学院和全球管理哲学的重大贡献。”

伦敦商学院的查尔斯·汉迪(Charles Handy)讲席教授一职于2014年设立,专注于组织行为学领域。它旨在推进这一领域的研究和教学,重点是了解组织如何运作和发展。

London Business School remembers beloved professor and colleague Charles Handy CBE

14 DECEMBER 2024

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Charles Handydied peacefully at his home in London, surrounded by his children Kate, Scott and his grandchildren. Mr Handy was a renowned management thinker and co-founder of London Business School (LBS), a trailblazer in the area of organisational behaviour and management, and a seminal contributor to its development as a field of study. He was well known for the ideas he advanced including the "portfolio career".

One of the first professors of LBS (1967-1995), Mr Handy was the first dean of theSchool’s Sloan programme, a one-year course of study designed for experienced executives. He became a full professor at LBS, specialising in managerial psychology, in 1972.

Graduating from Oriel College, Oxford, with first-class honours in Greats, an intellectual study of classics, history, and philosophy, Mr Handy believed that people have to answer philosophical as well as economic questions.

Professor Sir Andrew Likierman, a former Dean of LBS, said that in addition to his management writings, Mr Handy was a huge influence on the development of London Business School.

“As one of the first professors appointed to the School after its foundation in the mid-1960s, he was in charge of its fledgling MBA programme, at that time one of the first in the UK. As a contrast to the heavily quantitative emphasis of management education at that time, his emphasis was on the human side of management and leadership and this blend has stayed with the London Business School to this day. He also brought in the importance of interaction with practitioners as a balance of academics talking largely to other academics, again a balance which has remained an important feature of the School.

"His management writings were acknowledged to be pathbreaking and his accessible style and understanding of the way managers thought made his books read rather than bought. In this writing, he helped to establish a British influence to a field largely dominated by the United States. Finally, he was a valued colleague, ready with help and advice when consulted. He will be greatly missed by the many whose lives he touched and influenced.”

The present Dean of LBS,Sergei Guriev, said: "We mourn the passing of one of the most important professors in the history of London Business School. It is with gratitude that we remember him and his significant contributions both to the School and to management philosophy worldwide."

The Charles Handy Chair at LBS, established in 2014, is dedicated to the field of Organisational Behaviour. It aims to advance research and teaching in this area, focusing on understanding how organisations operate and evolve.
