
文摘   2024-11-04 18:57   北京  


题目:古典中国与希腊的机运与混沌 (Early Chinese and Greek Accounts of Chance and Randomness)


瑞丽(Lisa Raphals) 美国加州大学河滨校区中文、古典学与比较文学教授


吴飞 北京大学礼学研究中心主任


黄冠云 捷克科学院亚非研究所台湾中心研究员

颜荻 清华大学新雅书院助理教授

时间:2024年11月5日 10:00



瑞丽(Lisa Raphals),女,生于1951年10月,美国加州大学河滨校区中文、古典学与比较文学教授,古典研究项目与古代文明比较研究项目主席,曾任国际中国哲学学会会长,哈佛大学希腊研究中心成员,中西比较哲学家、汉学家。专长为中国古代哲学及宗教史,希腊哲学史,对中西古典学及其哲学义理、未来发展都有精深研究。瑞丽教授曾主持承办第23届国际中国哲学大会。代表作包括《知言:中国和希腊古代传统中的智慧》《会烛:古代中国的女性形象与美德》《古代中国与古希腊的占卜与预言》《自我的三合体:古代中国的身体、心灵与精神》《旧社会、新信仰:中国与罗马的宗教转化(公元一世纪至六世纪)》,主要的学术观点包括强调早期中国的哲学思想中具备的关于自我的三元模型,即身(身、体、形)、心与神,反驳了机械地套用身心二元论理解早期中国思想的错误理论,同时对比了中国与希腊有关“体”与“灵”的不同理解模式,推动了中西之间的文明交流互鉴。



英文简介:Chance was an important concept in both early China and Greece. But what, in a contemporary context is a largely value-neutral scientific concept, arose in ethical, philosophical and political contexts in these two cultures, and took very different forms in each. I examine four examples that demonstrate important differences in philosophical, ethical and political concepts, and also in social institutions. I argue that Chinese and Greek ideas of chance did not receive extensive scientific development, but they fundamentally informed their respective cultures. One emphasized randomness, both in the material context of Athenian allotment machines and in the philosophical context of the atomist theory that atoms randomly swerved. The other emphasized timeliness, embodied in the person of a sage and ideals of sagehood, both in the practical and embodied sense of timely action and in the philosophical and cosmological understanding that made a sage able to practice it.The very different ethical, social and political contexts that drew on understandings of chance and luck led to very different ideas of what chance was and how it operated in the social and natural world.

转发 | 燕园礼学

排版 | 刘枫林

审核 | 王彦晶

发布 | 刘枫林
